Birds of Prey & I<3 fanfic writers

Dec 27, 2006 00:10

I wanted to write a rec for this incredible BoP (TVverse) I just read, but there's so much other fantastic femslash going on (yuletide and Secret Slasha -- see femslash_today for masterlists) that it felt like it wasn't enough. In fact, that's a problem I have all the time -- it never feels like I'm reccing enough.

The reason I started this LJ was as a way to thank all of the wonderful writers who spent so much time and energy writing beautiful fic for me (and everyone else) to read. So I can't say thank you enough times. I know how difficult it is to write even the shortest drabble -- staying in voice, on character, not to mention the grammatical and cliche landmines to be avoided. Then there's the whole problem of canon. Srsly, this is some dangerous territory you writers navigate for us every time you write. So, yeah, thank you all for writing EVERYTHING you write. Even the het and boyslash. *g*

back to the rec:
via bop_femslash
Bad Grammar by phryneateleusis aka Phryne is novel-length BoP (TVverse) Barbara/Helena, NC-17 on ralst's P&P. This is not a fic for those who want a fluff or a quick read. This is a long, beautifully written, deeply engaging and moving character study that alternates between Helena and Barbara's POV over years. Despite the tight first person POV, this fic manages to be action-packed, giving us a behind-the-scenes look at some big events from canon and some straight from the writer's brilliant imagination. Seriously, there are very few writers in and out of fandom that can keep me on the edge of my seat (I've read pretty much every conceivable twist, people), but phryne managed it again and again. And underneath it all is a gripping and thoroughly believable love story. A while ago theholyinnocent asked for fics that replaced canon in the mind of the readers and this has to be one of those for me. These two women are absolutely real and the obstacles that stand in the way of their relationship aren't contrived, but feel like the organic expression of their own twisted and battered psyches. Phryne's Helena is a true predator, barely tamed by her unspoken love for Barbara who is damaged so far beyond the physical yet still manages to be a superhero. This is truly an incredible piece of writing that manages to keep its impeccable characterization and voice, not to mention my attention, over hundreds of pages. Brilliant!

barbara/helena, birds of prey

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