Hospital Central

Dec 29, 2006 21:35

The problem with running an all-rec LJ is that I run out of adjectives. There are only so many times and ways I can use 'extraordinary' and 'incredible' without it feeling like I've written the same review over and over. So, I'm trying to think of a way to talk about this rec without resorting to words like 'incredible' and 'extraordinary' and it's just not possible.

Jungle Fever by Anik LaChev is Hospital Central, Mac/Esther, NC-17, AU. I avoided reading this fic for a long time simply because of its title. Anik LaChev is (apparently) European and isn't aware of the heavy racial baggage that comes along with the term 'jungle fever' for us Americans, but I finally gave her the benefit of the doubt and gave in and read it. This is, after all, the woman who wrote (is still writing) Campus, a simply astounding piece of fiction that transcends the genre and the characters on which it's based (Janeway/Seven, uber). First up you should know that you don't have to be familiar with the spanish 'drama' Hospital Central At. All. I'm not. This fic easily stands on its own. Second thing you should know, I'd be very surprised if Campus (when it's finished) and this fic/novella aren't published. LaChev is that strong a writer. And Jungle Fever is a fantastic 'swashbuckling' romance set in Africa that has everything you'd want in an adventure/romance. Maca is a gorgeous, fiercely independent, and jaded pediatrician and Esther a beautiful nurse working with Doctors Without Borders in the Congo and Anik masterfully sets the scene and the story. One of the strongest things about this piece is something I'm VERY picky about and that's the way the author describes the experience of falling and being in love with The One. As someone who has done this (and still is many years later), I can say that LaChev absolutely nailed it for me. yes, everyone's experience is different, but this is about as close to actually distilling that overwhelming, world-ending feeling in words as you can get.
I will say that Part One is definitely the strongest part of this piece. I would get nitpicky about Part Deux, but I think my issues with this are writerly/editor issues that won't get in the way of anyone's enjoyment of this fic. Basically, it's me wanting the story told differently. There are a few plot contrivances and character twists that seem a little off to me and the ending feels a bit rushed after the slow pacing of the second part, but I can't say enough how extraordinary this piece is. Srsly, I imagine it will be published sometime soon.

maca/esther, hospital central

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