IS: october notes 1

Nov 11, 2010 03:52

Some things i have to leave out because they're charts and stuff and it looks confusing to not... have them in charts.

Oct notes 1

stefan er bróðir Gisla - stefan is gisla’s brother
ice: it is me (nf)
eng: it is i

ég gengur á skólann - I walk to school
ég fer á bíll á skólann - I go by car to school
ég fer á hjóla/hjólandi - I go by bicycle/bicycling
ég hjóla í skólann - I bike to school

hár og grannur ALDREI grannur og hár

þig sem gengst ekki einu sinn við að hafa sent
You who didn’t even confess to having sent this message
þig sem - you who
gengst…. Við - confess
gangast við - to confess
ekki einu sinn - not even

In english, weak verbs are the verbs with -ed endings (call, called) in past tense and strong verbs are the ones with all other endings (take, took).
Call, called (past tense), have called (past participle)
Kalla, kallaði, kallað

Kunna vel við sig - how do you like it yourself
Hvernig kanntu við nonna - do you like nonni
Ég kann vel…

Verb groups:
V1: -, r, r
V2. I, ir, ir
V3 + the three strong groups:
ur (rð/ð/t)^4 færð, ferð, lest,
ur (r/-)^4 fær, fer, les

kæast/a (-aði) = 1.veik, ein ending
j - innskot í flokki V3 - að telja, við teljum


Example sentences
Er þetta klar - is this clear
Hún er klar - she is clever
Þetta er sami flokkurinn
Um miðjum okt. - around mid oct.

Sounds not in english: r, ö, au
Similar but not exactly the same: ú, h, ö (ö sounds closest to the I in girl)
Sounds in english but difficult to make correctly: ll, kv

pH = peningur [pHeninkrr]?
p = bara [para]
tH = d (dagur)
t = t (tala)
kjH = g (gestur)
k = g (gata)

b is written [p]
d as [t]
g as [kj] and [k]

mt = unvoiced m (samt sounds like saft?)

unvoiced -
fara, þú, sem, hjón, sagt, hafa, samt, vant, banki, banka
voiced - rödduð - is the vibration of your vocal chords. Think of blowing on two pieces of paper put together, the papers vibrating against each other is closed vocal chords. If you can sing on a sound, or whisper a sound, it means the sound is voiced.
vera, daði, saga, sama, banga

Mál - language
Að rækta - to cultivate
Garðrækt - gardening
Ræk - cultivate
Átak - effort
Málræktarátak - the cultivation of language
Ábreiða - banket, cover
Hermikráka - mockingbird
Kráka - copy
Að adda - to add
Adda snara vina - to add friends
Snara - lasso
Brandgul - “fire yellow”. Old word for orange
Það er naumast - indeed
Þú ert næmur - you are indeed sensitive
Taka upp á - to execute/do something funny/interesting
Yfirborðsleg(ur) - superficial
Fráblásini - aspirated
Hrár - raw
Áður - before
Þekkja aftur - to recognize
Rifja upp - to recollect
Einka - private
Eitur - poison

General notes
There used to be words with je but now they’re all spelled with é. Hére used to be hjere. But je and é sound the same.

icelandic, notes and lessons

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