Last week:
Outdoors This week....
Random Verbs
Just list whatever comes to mind, common words are good.
이다 - to be
아니다 - to not be
되다 - to become
먹다 - to eat
마시다 - to drink
자다 - to sleep
만나다 - to meet
오다 - to come
바쁘다 - to be busy
모르다 - to not know
사다 - to buy
전화하다 - to make a phone call
만들다 - to make/to create
하다 - to do
가다 - to go
주다 - to give
갖다 - to have
배우다 - learn
찾다 - to find
좋아하다 - to like
보다 - to see/to watch
보이다 - to be seen
쓰다 - to write
타다 - to ride (to get in/on a car or bike)/to burn
입다 - to wear/put on (Only for shirts, shorts, trousers, and skirts)
매다 - to tie [a tie]
신다 - to wear/put on [shoes]
쓰다 - to wear [a hat]
끼다 - to wear [glasses]
벗다 - to take off
말하다 - to speak
가르치다 - to teach
받다 - to get/to receive
있다 - to be/exist/have
없다 - to not be/not exist/not have
읽다 - to read
듣다 - to listen
살다 - to live
놀다 - to enjoy
나가다 - to go out
끝내다 - to finish
공부하다 - to study
일하다 - to work
빌리다 - to borrow
빌려 주다 - to lend
보내다 - to send
대답하다 - to answer
이야기하다 - to talk/to chat (short form: 얘기하다)
사랑하다 - to love
싫어하다 - to dislike/to hate
계획하다 - to plan
시작하다 - to start/to begin
그만두다 - to stop/to abandon
축하하다 - to celebrate
운동하다 - to exercise
요리하다 - to cook
울다 - to cry
알다 - to know
청소하다 - to clean
필요하다 - to need
중요하다 - to be important
확인하다 - to check, verify
돌아가다/돌아오다 - to go/come back
맞다 - to fit/to be correct/to hit
보내다 - to send
궁금하다 - to wonder about, to be curious about
쉽다 - to be easy
어렵다 - to be hard
쉬다 - to rest
이용하다, 사용하다, 쓰다 - to use
놀다 - to play/hang out
앉다 - to sit
늦다 - to be late
원하다 - to want (a thing, ex: ____를 원해요)
싶다 - to want (to do something, requires another verb, ex: 사과 먹고 싶어요.)
출발하다/떠나다 - to depart, leave
도착하다 - to arrive
모으다 - to gather, collect, save
올라가다/올라오다 - to go/come up
내리다 - to go down (usually seen as 내려가다/려오다)
놓다 - to put on/to release
넣다 - to put in
자라다 - to grow up
태어나다/낳다 - to be born
덮다 - to close, cover (e.g. book)
닫다 - to close (e.g. door)
열다 - to open.
이해하다 - to understand
숨다 - to hide
쏘다 - to shoot
사냥하다 - to hunt
숨쉬다 - to breathe
부탁하다 - to ask a favor
새롭다 - to be new
힘빼다 - to relax the body
갖다 - to have, to possess (lit. to hold, to carry; also: 갖고 있다/가지고 있다)
갖고 가다/가지고 가다 - to take (literally "to hold and go")
갖고 오다/가지고 오다 - to bring (literally "to hold and come")
놓고 가다 - to leave [something] behind/to go without taking [something] (literally "to put down and go")
놓고 오다 - to come without [something] (literally "to put down and come")
찾다 - to find (Also means "to look for".)
놀다 - to enjoy play
즐기다 - to enjoy
끝내다 - to finish (meaning that YOU finished it. Eg: I finished my homework - 숙제를 끝냈어요)
끝나다 - to be finished (meaning that IT finished itself. Eg. Class finished - 수업이 끝났어요)
달리다 - to run
걷다 - to walk
기다리다 - to wait
건드리다 - to touch, to meddle(mess) with, to irritate