Jan 26, 2009 21:49
Annyeong everyone - I've started teaching myself Korean as of a few weeks ago, and the largest downfall of teaching myself is not being able to have a teacher to check mistakes.
So I was wondering if someone could tell me what the best way to say the following sentences are:
"Jieon has a small nose."
Would it be better to say "지언씨 는 코가 작아요" or "지언씨 작은 코가 있어요."?
And I'm really really sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but I'm not sure where to use 이에요 and 있어요 because I seem to be using them interchangably, so I'm not 100% sure if they have specific uses when describing something. Say for example I want to say something is beautiful - would it be "아름다운 이에요" or "아름다운 있어요"? And do I need to put '이' after the word "아름다운" there?
Sorry, a lot of questions! Haha. But I'm really trying to get round my sentence structures. Thanks in advance!