Torchwood - ficlet - Warrior Women, Jack/Gwen, NC-17 aka 18

May 14, 2009 10:39

Title - Warrior Women
Author - laurab1
Rating - NC-17 aka 18
Pairing - Jack/Gwen
Length - 275 words
Summary - just a bit of Jack/Gwen hothouse smut
Spoilers - general series
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Warrior Women
by Laura

Jack Harkness conned his way into Amazon country, once. Well, more than once. (And often after Pompeii). Hell, those beautiful Greek warrior women had good, strong hands, earned by being the expert archers they knew Artemis wanted them to be.

His gorgeous Welsh warrior woman earned her hands through being brilliant with guns. He would like to see what she could do with a bow and arrow, though.

In the hothouse, Jack kisses Gwen: wet, sloppy, messy, deep, distracted. Her good, strong hand massages his cock, and his fingers pinch and rub and her nipples and boobs. They’re both moaning loudly.

“That’s it, Gwen. C’mon now, honey, come for me,” Jack whispers, seductively.

“You're a bloody tease, you are, Jack Harkness,” Gwen tells him, before her orgasm finally hits her, hard.

“Oh, I’ll show you tease, Gwen Cooper,” he replies, with a very wicked smile.

The resulting aroma makes Jack quickly push a couple of fingers deep inside Gwen, even while her muscles are still moving. He makes her gasp, his fingers come out wet and he shoves them straight into his mouth. Keeping eye contact with Gwen, he sucks his fingers, slowly moving them in and out of his mouth, making it look exactly like something else.

“Tease,” Gwen thickly repeats, eyes dark and wide, before she comes, again, moaning.

The taste and smell of female arousal combine in their usual wonderful way, and Jack comes, groaning. “Gwen,” he says, when he regains the power of speech.

Well, just about.

"Jack." She smiles, takes his face in her hands, and just kisses him.

Only closed mouth, but always what he needs, in this moment.

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