Torchwood/Dr Who fic Your Pretty Tailfeathers, Jack/Martha, Jack/Mickey, Jack/Ianto, PG

May 13, 2009 09:39

Title - Your Pretty Tailfeathers
Author - laurab1
Rating - PG
Pairings - Jack/Martha, Jack/Mickey, Jack/Ianto
Length - 350 words
Summary - Jack tries to persuade Martha & Mickey to come and work for him
Spoilers - to New Who 4.13 Journey’s End and Torchwood 2.13 Exit Wounds
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Would have been for the Martha challenge at tw100, but it grew XD

Your Pretty Tailfeathers
by Laura

“You know, I'm not sure about UNIT, these days. Maybe there's something else you could be doing...” he tells her, as they stride off, hand in hand.

He does have a point, Martha’s prepared to admit. But… “I can’t up and leave them, just like that, Jack.”

“Sure you can, Dr Martha Jones,” he says. Oh, and his eyes are glinting. “I can steal you from them, just like that, y’know. It would sure be a helluva lot easier for everyone concerned if you came of your own volition, though.”

As fast as it arrived, Jack’s glint leaves, just about. “Saves me the trouble of finding a new medic, if you just come and give me your pretty tailfeathers to stare at, again, my little nightingale.”

Martha just gapes at Jack, and smacks him on the arm, half smiling. “You and your one track mind, mister!” Still focused on sex, even with half his family dead.

“Yeah,” he replies, almost grinning.

“Hey, you two!” Martha then hears. Turning around, she sees Mickey.

“Oh...thought I got rid of you,” Jack pretends to complain, as Mickey catches them up. She reluctantly drops Jack's hand; in the middle, Mickey throws his arms around their shoulders.

“And it’d save me the trouble of hiring a new tech if you’d just come to Torchwood and give me your cute ears to stare at, Mickey Mouse,” Jack tells him, smiling.

“Watch it, Captain Cheesecake,” Mickey replies, with mock anger.

“I plan to, kid.” Jack’s voice is pitched low, as he completely blatantly stares at Mickey’s gluteus maximus.

None of this is anything new, but… “Have you even heard of sexual harassment, Jack?” Martha asks, rhetorically, but needing to say something.

His forehead furrows, as he pretends to think. “Think Ianto’s told me it’s kinda bad, more than once,” he says, but he’s grinning. “Got me laid by him, eventually, though, so, what the hell.” Jack shrugs, as they walk on.

“Nothing changes, with you, Jumping Jack Flash, does it?” Mickey says, with a long-suffering sigh.

“Hell, no, Mickey Smith,” Jack replies, with glee, so very unrepentant.



slash, jack, torchwood, drabbles & ficlets, martha, dr who, fic, het

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