I don't want to fall and say I lost it all

Nov 02, 2011 00:06

Who: Bones and Jim
Where: The CES and such.
When: After people have been freed from the CES.
What: Thank god you're alive, etc.
Warnings: Bitching?

Cause maybe there's a part of me that hit the wall, leaving pieces of me behind. )

leonard mccoy, captain james t. kirk

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Comments 113

captain_jtkirk November 2 2011, 04:15:09 UTC
Something had gone wrong but it was more of the flavor of a cyclone matched with a badly timed wildfire and by then, it just wasn't worth trying to find the stupid communicator. It wouldn't do him any good against this place and it was probably more dangerous to go back and start looking around for it.

Going inside had been a bad choice, that wrecked his nerves the entire time but there was only so long that he'd been able to stay outside without... well, dying of exposure. So when the door finally reappeared, it was the best thing that Kirk had ever seen, and in that moment, that included Enterprise.

He stumbled out of there, nearly exhausted from never sleeping, dirty, covered in tiny scrapes, and kinda burned in some places (there was a solid patch of hair burnt off his head) but he was alive. When he saw Bones, his shoulders slumped a little, in something like relief, and he started limping towards him.


doesnttrusttech November 2 2011, 04:28:33 UTC
McCoy froze, staring. He almost couldn't process what he was seeing, because honestly, even exhausted and battered and filthy, he looked a lot better than the doctor had assumed he would.


He was at his side in seconds, pitting a hand gently on his friend's back instead of immediately moving to drag one of his arm's around his shoulders, just in case Jim had broken a few ribs or hurt himself in a not immediately obvious way. "What the hell happened to you?" He wasn't just asking about the injuries, the lack of contact concerned the hell out of him too.


captain_jtkirk November 2 2011, 04:36:28 UTC
No broken ribs. Maybe a couple bruised ones but that was about it. He didn't even wince when McCoy touched him, so either he was actually glad to see him or he was too drained to care.

He shrugged a little. "... stuff. Lots of wind and fires and..." Jim gestured at the ground a little, because hell if he could explain the feeling that something was following him and going to break out at any moment. "I lost my communicator to a fire. I think."


doesnttrusttech November 2 2011, 04:44:24 UTC
Well, whatever, you emotionally stunted idiot, Bones was glad to see you in one piece.

"Come on, you need to get to the infirmary, when's the last time you had something to drink?" He put a supportive arm around Jim's back, trying to lead him away from the CES and back off the deck. It was kind of nice, being up here when the deck wasn't awful looking and without the feeling that they were going to get pulled over the edge. Maybe. Comparatively, anyway.


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