
Jun 29, 2011 10:34

Who: Vanessa VanCleef and youuuu.
What: Day in the life.
When: After the flood.
Where: All over.
Warnings: TBA

note )

will parry, thursday next, luke cage, vanessa vancleef, day in the life

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Comments 60

Early morning - Breakfast lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 15:46:54 UTC
Vanessa doesn't often show up to meals when other people are around for several reasons: she doesn't really like to eat things that people she doesn't know have prepared, being unarmed around a crowd makes her a little edgy, and - she still can't shake it - the sight of such a variety and quantity of food set out for just one group of people still seems... wrong.

But it's well past time she started making connections she can deal with in person, so she slips into the room, half-filling a plate and carrying it to an empty table.


Midmorning - Garden and greenhouse lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 15:47:59 UTC
There was nothing useful there the last time she checked, but it's always possible things might have changed; with Narvin gone, it's time she started keeping a more regular eye on the plants there, anyway.

She moves carefully but quickly through the plants, occasionally bending to take a closer look at one or another of them. Working with plants in a full skirt without getting dirty isn't the easiest thing in the world, but she's had practice.


Noon - Outside the infirmary lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 15:48:38 UTC
The infirmary has any number of things Vanessa would love to get her hands on, but she knows full well that while the workers are there and alert she has no chance. Still, she lingers in the hallway briefly; anything she can learn about the layout might be useful in the future.


Re: Noon - Outside the infirmary becauseheswill June 29 2011, 18:30:42 UTC
Will has also been mostly keeping to himself, partially out of habit, but also because it's just clearly the safer option here. That doesn't mean he hasn't been out and about though, and today he's just wandering around with Kirjava, who's keeping pace next to him.

The infirmary's also interesting to him, but more because he's interested to see how they treat people and if he can be of any assistance, but he hasn't thought to ask anyone about it yet. When he sees Vanessa (who he knows by sight, but not by name or alias) outside, he stops.

"Hello." Keeping a low profile doesn't mean you can't be polite.


Re: Noon - Outside the infirmary lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 21:31:21 UTC
She recognizes him mostly because of the cat - it's hard to mistake. That said, all she really knows about him is that he's one of the wardens... Whether that's a good thing for her at the moment or not is not nearly so clear.

So she nods to him. "Hello. Do you work here?"


Re: Noon - Outside the infirmary becauseheswill June 29 2011, 22:02:22 UTC
"No. Do you?" It was an honest question, since they seemed to let just about anyone who proved they could be trusted staff the place if need be, and he was pretty sure she wasn't a warden. Or if she was, she was even less social than he was.


Early Afternoon - Library lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 15:49:22 UTC
There are so incredibly many more books in the library than she's used to that it's been a bit hard for her to really figure out where to start; she's done a lot more wandering through the shelves than actually reading, and today is no exception.


Re: Early Afternoon - Library jurisfictional June 29 2011, 16:40:45 UTC
It's pretty unsurprising that Thursday is in the library--it's where she's taken to spending most of her time these days. There's a lot of reading to catch up on--even the Great Library back home didn't have books from multiple worlds.

Currently she's on a hunt for a copy of Jane Eyre--she wants to see if the ending's the same here. Still, she's not so single-minded about her search that she doesn't pause to offer a smile and a wave to Vanessa as she works her way through the shelves.


Re: Early Afternoon - Library lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 16:56:02 UTC
Vanessa returns the smile, then continues on her own way for a moment before stopping and turning back towards Thursday. Enough with wasting time; she's getting nowhere looking on her own.

"Excuse me - do you know where I could find books about plants?"

A safe enough question on the surface, but one that might narrow her search down enough for an answer to be very useful.


Re: Early Afternoon - Library jurisfictional June 29 2011, 17:51:26 UTC
Thursday turns, shaking her head. "I'm afraid I don't know this place very well yet--but I think I may have seen some nonfiction over there." She gestures vaguely back whence she came. "I could help you look for them, if you like."


Late afternoon - Outside the gym lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 15:49:51 UTC
Vanessa's not what she'd call a fighter herself, and she's not about to practice what physical skills she does have in a public area, but knowing what other people are capable of is always important. She wanders by the gym slowly, by outward appearance seemingly more curious about the gym itself than intent on whatever any people in it might be doing.


Re: Late afternoon - Outside the gym notiaraincluded June 29 2011, 16:22:45 UTC
Ever since arriving and wanting to find some way to be useful, Luke has more or less made himself the unofficial steward of the gym and spends most of his time here helping out anyone who needs it, along with working out himself.

At the moment, he's just finishing a set of curls, the bar he is using bending due to the weight on either side...which appears to be several hundred pounds each. Setting the bar down, he glances over as he's wiping his forehead and gives a slight wave.

"What's up?"


Re: Late afternoon - Outside the gym lifeafterhope June 29 2011, 16:40:04 UTC
Vanessa stares at the amount of weight Luke's lifting with unfeigned, unhidden surprise; it takes her a moment to react to the wave, but then she returns it hesitantly.

"Ah, nothing, really. I was only passing by." She pauses briefly, eyes flicking from Luke to the weights and back. "...How heavy is that?"


Re: Late afternoon - Outside the gym notiaraincluded June 29 2011, 16:53:04 UTC
"Oh, this? Five hundred...not counting the bar." After studying her face and realizing he doesn't recognize her, Luke starts walking over to where she's standing.

"Don't think we've met before. Name's Luke Cage."


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