Out and About--A Day In The Life

Jun 04, 2011 15:53

Who: Vladislaus Dracula and anyone
What: Vampire-sitting, gardening, deep thoughts and scheming
When: All day
Where: All over the Barge.
Warnings: possible violence, vampire bro-fisting, nibbly vampire on the make

It's a new night for the ex-Impaler.... )

treize khushrenada, petronilla de vilers, dracula, franklin mott, mozenrath, frances owens, luke cage, edward nygma, the marquis de sade, a day in the life, drake stone

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Comments 115

Breakfast--Dining Hall feels_no_love June 4 2011, 22:59:13 UTC
Dracula was waiting in the breakfast line for his blood when someone tried to cut in front of him. His response was a warning growl and an expression that split the lower half of his face into a mawful of needle teeth. The newcomer backed off immediately; eyeing them, he settled back down, content to leave it go as long as they did.


Re: Breakfast--Dining Hall damesuccubus June 5 2011, 00:02:25 UTC
Petronilla was feeling a little ill that morning, but she liked to parade around the dining hall looking pathetic to earn herself a little extra sympathy. She also enjoy scoping out the seating in the dining hall, as she wondered if there was any spot in particular that could be called "the best".

Sitting with a cup of hot water and nothing else, she saw her dear Count in line and watched as he ...snapped at that other person. Petronilla smiled and rose to her feet, stepping beside him and placing a calming hand on his arm.

"My dear Count, good morning."


Breakfast--Dining Hall feels_no_love June 5 2011, 00:13:56 UTC
He was still rumbling softly, but it changed in tone when he smelled her scent, turning for a moment into almost a purr before fading away entirely. "Ahhh. Lady Petronilla, what a pleasant surprise in the midst of...this."

Her effort did not go in vain; he relaxed slightly under her hand as he turned to her, and a faint smile curved his lips. But then he blinked slightly. "Are you well?"


Breakfast--Dining Hall damesuccubus June 5 2011, 03:35:56 UTC
He was a monster, she had seen it for herself just then - those teeth! But Petronilla found it all so very fascinating, not threatening at all. She continued to keep a gentle hold on his arm, smiling and nodding her head coolly to acknowledge whatever it was that had bothered him so.

Her hand touched her stomach, and that calm smile became somewhat "brave" in appearance. "I am a little ill this morning. An upset stomach."


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:02:42 UTC
Next came one of his two daily checks on Franklin, who was still in his coma. He was a little tense from his encounter in the dining hall, but not bad. He didn't actually expect the younger vampire to come out of his coma while he was around, but keeping an eye on him made Vlad feel a bit better. He felt remiss that a vampire had been abused on board; he knew it was probably some sort of echo from what he'd felt in the Flood, but trying to make up for it was a good first gesture for solidifying an alliance anyway.


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 4 2011, 23:30:38 UTC
Luke had been paying visits to Franklin as well, albeit at irregular times since he had no idea when he'd wake up. Apparently, some of these comas had even lasted months so he wasn't exactly hopeful that he'd come to anytime soon.

Unaware that someone else was visiting, this was the one day when those two paths just so happened to cross and Luke glanced up from where he'd been standing near the bed to find Vlad coming in.


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:36:55 UTC
Dracula tensed, his eyes flickering silver and distrust washing over his face. But instead of challenging the man, he inclined his head politely and started walking around to the other side of the bed. "Good day."


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 4 2011, 23:50:51 UTC

He cocked his head back in greeting as well. Vlad had a unique enough face that Luke recognized him from his response on the comm, but if he doesn't want to start trouble, then Luke's not about to do so either. Instead, he simply listened as the other vampire walked over to the opposite side of Franklin's bed.


After Lunch--Garden feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:15:03 UTC
Dracula had asked to spend some extra time in the garden today. His purpose was threefold; one was to take some extra time to calm himself, two was because he was expecting at least one friend to come by, and three--to try out these strange new trousers he was now wearing for garden labor. They were made of rough-woven cotton, black of course, and he had grown used to them from the Breach. Terribly comfortable, especially for bending and stretching. Yes...Dracula was wearing jeans.


congratulating June 5 2011, 02:12:19 UTC
"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Treize felt that he did not have to say as much since he was sure that the man was used to it just as he was. He walked through the garden before stopping to stare at all that it had. After what had happened, after losing his mind, he too wanted some time to clear and calm everything inside of him. Yet, it seemed like everything had calmed as soon as the flood was over. But the cause--?

"It is nice to always share something of this kind with someone." His head bowed lightly. "I am Treize Khushrenada, and you are?" He always felt that it was nice to introduce himself first -- regardless if they knew him -- whenever he met another face-to-face. Manners and courtesy were quite important to him, after all.


feels_no_love June 5 2011, 02:44:34 UTC
"Sight, scent...a garden is a feast for several senses at once. It is one of the reasons I asked for this assignment." Dracula straightened, stepping carefully over the rows with the grace of a youth, though he looked perhaps forty.

He bowed back shallowly, very formal. "I am Vladislaus Dracula. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Come, I can show you around if it is your wish."


congratulating June 5 2011, 02:56:56 UTC
"We spoke once before." Treize recognized the voice and tipped his head in turn. "You were the one that said you were a vampire, yes?"

He bowed his head lightly in turn. "I would like to be shown around, yes." His smile widened that much more -- nice to see such return in manners. "Did you help make any of this, Vladislaus? Not just tending, but creating it, as well?"


Late Afternoon--Library feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:19:48 UTC
More books! It was Saturday after all, and this time he was definitely in the mood to feed his intellectual hunger. He wandered around, trying to decide what section to look in first.


Re: Late Afternoon--Library mightymorbid June 5 2011, 06:42:02 UTC
Mozenrath was in the library looking for something recreational for once. Not that he was big on fiction? But he was kind of hoping to find people he'd met on the Barge within these pages. Might make for some good blackmail material, anyway. Presently, he was contemplating taking either Heart of Darkness or Blood Meridian.


Late Afternoon--Library feels_no_love June 5 2011, 07:37:31 UTC
Dracula inclined his head to the young man. He remembered him vaguely as having been arrogant and rude, but having had the signs of an interesting intelligence. Noticing the books, he recognized one of the titles. It had attracted his attention a few weeks ago because it involved blood. He had read it, only to discover he was immersed in a novel about the same sort of ugly realities he had lived through during the Breach. "That tale is relevant to some of our recent experiences," he pointed out of Blood Meridian.


Re: Late Afternoon--Library mightymorbid June 5 2011, 16:47:31 UTC
"Hm?" Mozenrath lifted his head to look at him and was a little surprised and shocked at himself for not feeling him coming. He was usually more careful than that. He then looked back down at the book. "Oh, yes. I've read another by this author already. Strange thing to say but he writes rather beautiful violence."


Evening--deck outside the CES feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:22:41 UTC
He had never been inside the Environmental System before. Curious, he hung around by the Wardens' section, watching people go in and out, trying to catch a sight or scent of what was going on within.


Re: Evening--deck outside the CES get_thebook June 5 2011, 06:43:13 UTC
"Has your Warden never taken you in?"

And then Frances is just there, parasol leaned back on her shoulder.


Evening--deck outside the CES feels_no_love June 5 2011, 07:42:57 UTC
Dracula was not used to being startled. He was the one who slipped up on others, not the other way around. Had he been capable of fear he might have reacted with violence, but as it was he turned quickly, hair askew and eyes just a bit wide.

Blink blink.

He recovered, and inclined his head. "Madame.

"Ehm...no, not yet. There has not been time. I was merely curious."


Evening--deck outside the CES get_thebook June 5 2011, 16:51:23 UTC
Frances regards his surprise with a patient eye; she so rarely managed to sneak up on people, so there's a bit of a playful smile there. "The sun should be down already, so it would not be unsafe for you." Presumably. Most likely. "The sun in there isn't real anyway, so who knows? I'm on a walk myself, and I would not mind the company."


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