Out and About--A Day In The Life

Jun 04, 2011 15:53

Who: Vladislaus Dracula and anyone
What: Vampire-sitting, gardening, deep thoughts and scheming
When: All day
Where: All over the Barge.
Warnings: possible violence, vampire bro-fisting, nibbly vampire on the make

It's a new night for the ex-Impaler.... )

treize khushrenada, petronilla de vilers, dracula, franklin mott, mozenrath, frances owens, luke cage, edward nygma, the marquis de sade, a day in the life, drake stone

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Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:02:42 UTC
Next came one of his two daily checks on Franklin, who was still in his coma. He was a little tense from his encounter in the dining hall, but not bad. He didn't actually expect the younger vampire to come out of his coma while he was around, but keeping an eye on him made Vlad feel a bit better. He felt remiss that a vampire had been abused on board; he knew it was probably some sort of echo from what he'd felt in the Flood, but trying to make up for it was a good first gesture for solidifying an alliance anyway.


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 4 2011, 23:30:38 UTC
Luke had been paying visits to Franklin as well, albeit at irregular times since he had no idea when he'd wake up. Apparently, some of these comas had even lasted months so he wasn't exactly hopeful that he'd come to anytime soon.

Unaware that someone else was visiting, this was the one day when those two paths just so happened to cross and Luke glanced up from where he'd been standing near the bed to find Vlad coming in.


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:36:55 UTC
Dracula tensed, his eyes flickering silver and distrust washing over his face. But instead of challenging the man, he inclined his head politely and started walking around to the other side of the bed. "Good day."


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 4 2011, 23:50:51 UTC

He cocked his head back in greeting as well. Vlad had a unique enough face that Luke recognized him from his response on the comm, but if he doesn't want to start trouble, then Luke's not about to do so either. Instead, he simply listened as the other vampire walked over to the opposite side of Franklin's bed.


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 4 2011, 23:57:44 UTC
Vlad got the impression of two strange wolves circling each other. He considered the man, remembering an equally cautious and strained conversation with Spike recently, and nodded to himself. "I check on him regularly, as does Tony. I do not know the whole story of what happened, and I know this. Thus I have focused on seeing to his needs." It was as diplomatic as he could manage now that he had had time to cool off.


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 5 2011, 00:07:54 UTC
Luke gives a nod. "I'm sure he'd appreciate that." Actually, he has no clue how Franklin would feel about it. Much of his connections are still a mystery to Luke.

"I try to stop by at least once a day."


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 5 2011, 00:45:28 UTC
"He will probably have mixed feelings about that, but...as I said, I have but pieces of argument, not full facts. I feel obligated to my kinsman...

"...yet I have no particular desire to make excessive debate of this matter either." His tone was careful, but there was a slight edge on it. He really did not trust the mortal's treatment of Franklin, but that didn't mean it was all a disaster.


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 5 2011, 01:01:28 UTC
Well, at least he was acknowledging not having the full story rather than simply taking what he had and running with it as many other Inmates seemed all too eager to do. That alone put him in slightly better standing from Luke's perspective.

"Kinsman...so you're a vampire too?" He hasn't actually been formally introduced, just a face seen now and then over the network.


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 5 2011, 01:10:39 UTC
A slight bow. "I am Dracula. At home I am Voivode of my people and..." He hesitated. To admit this next was to admit, at least to himself, that he had failed in a duty. Regret again, haunting him like a ghost. "...responsible for their welfare. This man is not even from my world, but he is a vampire--he faces the same issues and temptations, and problems interacting with the living. I merely wish to see to his basic welfare and rights."


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary vfranklinmott June 5 2011, 01:38:02 UTC
Franklin groans in his sleep and rolls on his side. He would be content to go on sleeping, except now he's hungry. Another groan, this one more of the 'I don't want to wake up, but I know I have to' sort. In his sleep he frowns, hearing the voices above him. He opens his eyes, looking rather disgruntled and confused. He has a headache, he's not sure why, and these two only worsen the feeling.

He sits up, with a hand at his forehead. Migraines are extremely rare, but they do happen, and its not making his return to consciousness feel any better.

"Bloody hell…" The vampire groans in pain, and cringes. He looks from Luke to Dracula, not recognizing either for a second. "Where am I?"


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 5 2011, 02:00:45 UTC
"Welcome back to the world of the conscious, Frankie. You're in the Infirmary. How you feelin?"

Well, so much for not expecting him to wake up anytime soon. Still, he's pleased to see him back awake again.


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 5 2011, 02:05:24 UTC
He looked down at Franklin and immediately stepped away to ask a blood pack from one of the infirmary staff.

Returning, he gave the other vampire a tight smile. "Hello Franklin. It is Saturday the Fourth."


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary vfranklinmott June 5 2011, 02:20:07 UTC
"Like my head is about to burst open." Franklin replied. Only because of his pain was he able to remain calm, and not outright spout abuse claims about Luke. For now, he was civil... only because it hurt him too much to be otherwise. "Do people usually dream in these comas? Don't tell me I'm the first."

He glanced to Dracula when he returned. "I see. Been out almost a week, then." Pause. "How did I get in here?"


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary notiaraincluded June 5 2011, 02:24:39 UTC
"I've no idea whether people dream or not. I'll have to ask around and see."

Luke gives a nod to Vlad. "Him and Tony brought you here after you conked out for all to see."


Before Lunch--Infirmary feels_no_love June 5 2011, 02:33:23 UTC
He retrieved the bag of blood from staff and brought it back for Franklin. "Here. I have someone I can ask about the dream issue myself from a few people."


Re: Before Lunch--Infirmary vfranklinmott June 5 2011, 02:38:57 UTC
"I don't remember them, really. It's all a blur-" His nostrils flared when the blood bag neared, and his fangs descended. Had it been anyone else, he would've snatched it right up. But, Dracula was an elder of many generations before him. That demanded a certain amount of etiquette. Politely with a care he doesn't really feel, he retrieves the bag and sank his fangs into the top. He took a care to be as clean as he could. Talbot would've been proud.


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