
Apr 11, 2010 23:44

Who: Belthazor, Jace Belren, maybe Resistance fighters later?
When: After reporting in to Alastair, but before Belthazor meets up with Sylar and Durden for the Barge raid.
Where: Market district
What: Wayward inmates, stabbity stab stabs, some more violence, then rescues! Fun stuff.

Interesting cut text goes here. )

belthazor, jace beleren, captain james t. kirk

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mind_sculptor April 12 2010, 04:00:58 UTC
The barge was so disorganized, and Jace knew nothing about mechanisms like those that ran the ship. He needed to find his inmate. There would be no telling what he would do running loose like this without his real memories.

His magic was cut off, distance. Jace had been able to establish a connection to the river near where the barge crashed, but unable to draw any mana from the unhealthy water. It had been nothing to do with the water, he was sure, because he couldn't seem to access any of his other abilities either.

Without magic, without his mental abilities, Jace was vulnerable. All he had was the knife. It should be more effective against his inmate than anything else he could have used. He tried to get as close as he could before making himself known. "Belthazor..."


captain_jtkirk April 16 2010, 01:37:07 UTC
Jim snorted a little bit in response to that threat, holding his arm behind his back for a split second, just to reassure himself that the knife was still there. It was a habit that Nyota had installed in him and it had saved his ass a few times.

"I don't think there's any need for that. We all can just walk away, right? No hard feelings."


athames April 17 2010, 04:39:26 UTC
"I'm not the one in trouble," he snapped at Jace, then rolled his eyes at Jim. "Nope, can't say I'm in a walking sort of mood today." Then, to his lesser goons: "Deal with them. Now." So enjoy that, Jim and Jace - about four or five goons bum-rushing you. Merry Christmas!

Belthazor, for his part, took a moment to glare in Jace's direction. There was very little he'd like to do more than repay him, slice for slice, but he could already feel slightly woozy from blood loss. He growled, then turned tail beat a strategic retreat.


mind_sculptor April 18 2010, 20:49:10 UTC
There went his inmate. At least he was running away from the fight and now Jace wouldn't have to worry about hurting or being hurt by him anymore.

He didn't know if the guy that had showed up could fight or not, but he didn't seem like the type that was all talk. With some help, Jace could probably deal with Belthazor's enforcers.

"Hope you know what you're doing," Jace managed to say, sparing a moment to gently touch at his swelling jaw before the goons were upon them.


so so sorry for the delay :c captain_jtkirk April 20 2010, 00:12:21 UTC
"I've been here a few times," Jim commented simply, sliding the knife out of the back of his jeans and holding it at his side. Just waiting for the moment when the goons were on them and then he moved with the grace of someone who had practiced but wasn't the greatest at defending himself with a knife. But it was effective, so. He couldn't complain.


mind_sculptor April 20 2010, 00:52:53 UTC
If he had even a slight amount of his power subduing these opponents would have been simple, and less painful for everyone involved.

Jace struggled when facing more than one opponent in a melee fight, simply trying to defend himself rather than strike, and this was no different. He simply wasn't seeing any openings.


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