Bikini Time

Mar 04, 2010 09:34

Who: Jubilee + open (multithreads are made of love)
When: Today
Where: CES (nice beach setting)
What: Jubilee is a girl, and loves her bikini
Warning: None, that I know of.

She was still worried... )

jace beleren, jubilee

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Comments 47

mind_sculptor March 4 2010, 20:27:08 UTC
When Jace had been in here earlier, he was pleased at the scenery, but hadn't been appropriately dressed for the heat. He was a little surprised to see someone lying down on the sand and wearing very little.

He had stripped out of his heavier clothing, but still wore his cloak over everything. It would keep him from getting a sunburn.

The woman looked familiar, and Jace wondered if she was one of the 'men' he had met over the past few days.


fireworkbubbles March 4 2010, 20:35:41 UTC
The shadow passed over her briefly, and Jubilee forced herself to wake up a bit. The warmth of the sun had been lulling her into dozing off. Probably not the best idea, considering that a few inmates did have access up here.

But not Creed. She couldn't help but feel a small bit of vindication about that. Served the psycho right. She just wished Kurt hadn't been the one caught.

She opened her eyes to slits and watched the man. "Hello Jace." Jubilee said in greeting, not moving from her towel.


mind_sculptor March 4 2010, 20:45:10 UTC
She was someone he knew. Jace paused for a moment. "Jubilee," Jace said. That seemed most likely, considering the conversation he'd had with her when she'd been a man.

Jace sat down on the sand and stared out over the water. He could feel the mana in it, probably untouched by other mages. "Are you enjoying the beach?"


fireworkbubbles March 4 2010, 20:47:18 UTC
She grinned. He recognised her. She stretched like a cat and rolled over onto her stomach, resting her head on her arms. "I always enjoy the beach." She shrugged. "Needs more hot dogs and people around, but hey, a girl can't be picky.


boeshane_boy March 5 2010, 03:07:59 UTC
CES, check. Gold bikini? Working on it. Jack made his way through the sand, deciding he definitely was not dressed for the occasion. He took off his coat and shoes, carrying them as he walked through sand until he found one Jubilation Lee. Seeing the headphones and the shades, he moved to block her light to get her attention.

"So, where are those fireworks?"


fireworkbubbles March 5 2010, 03:12:26 UTC
The fight - mocking, but still - earlier had left her comfortably relaxed. When the shadow fell over her, Jubilee didn't move. "Not even a hello, Captain?" Jubilee asked, opening her eyes to look up at him.

She shaded her eyes and sat up looking at him. "Do you always just jump right to the middle?" She teased. Her hand sparked. "Or would you rather just head straight for the end?"


boeshane_boy March 5 2010, 03:17:09 UTC
Jack crouched, and held out his hand with a sly, but very honest grin. "Hello, Captain Jack Harkness. Pleasure to meet in the flesh." But then her hands were just awfully interesting, and he arched his eyebrows. "You know, it depends on how the journey goes."


fireworkbubbles March 5 2010, 03:24:46 UTC
She laughed, and reabsorbed the pafs, and shook his hand. "Jubilation Lee, nicknamed Jubilee." She said with a grin.

She leaned back on her hands. "I doubt any of us can claim a boring journey." Jubilee teased. "Pop a squat, Captain, I promise not to blow anything up."


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