
Jul 18, 2009 15:42

Who: Hayley, Alpha, later Kirk, Integra; Bones McCoy, Chekov, Harvey
Where: Kitchen; infirmary
What: Alpha decides to teach Hayley a violent lesson.
Warnings: Violence.

The flood had her on edge )

pavel chekov, alpha, leonard mccoy, integra hellsing, captain james t. kirk, hayley stark, harvey dent/two-face

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Comments 112

oneofusdid July 18 2009, 22:16:30 UTC
Alpha was inwardly rolling his eyes, but he hardly minded the rest of the people here thinking he was some kind of blithering idiot, so he allowed one of his other personalities to take over.

He'd always known the man was afraid of stairs, and he personally hadn't thought much of it when tentacles appeared under the raised cement platform in the center of his room. Steven, though? Well, he'd panicked, written that pathetic cry for help, and now they were fleeing down the hallway.

Alpha had to force himself to walk down the stairs, a voice in his head crying in protest, but he managed to get to Level 1.

"Kitchen," he whispered. "No stairs, just knives. No stairs, no more stairs."

He pushed the door open, and who should he see but that little girl who had helped Topher. What funny coincidences life sometimes threw at you.

"There were..." he glanced over his shoulder, pointing awkwardly. "Tentacles."


victimofnoone July 18 2009, 22:24:00 UTC
Hayley ignored him for a moment after he spoke, until she glanced around and realized he had been speaking to her. Then, looking dumbly at him, it took her another moment to rewind in her mind to what he might have said. Yes, she had heard that right. Even if she didn't, did it really matter? She wasn't in the mood to socialize.

"Beetles," she replied with nonchalance, expecting he might be speaking about the flood. Especially if he was seeking the same escape that she was.

Turning back, she clicked the coffee pot to life and felt a little less tension as the noise of the brewing pot began. Then she turned around to lean back on the counter again, looking at the rather innocent but bizarre person. He reminded her of someone she'd seen in a show once, but she couldn't recall who and something told her it wasn't that guy anyway. Whatever.

Not much of one for conversation, she simply crossed her arms lightly and forced an awkward kind of smile at him if he should continue wanting to talk.


oneofusdid July 18 2009, 22:29:17 UTC
"Oh, uh, beetles, that sounds..." He shot her a worried glance. Beetles were part of the food pyramid, after all, and he didn't want them getting hurt just because some chick was scared of them. "You didn't kill them, did you?"

Ah, knives. There they were. Without taking control back, Alpha nudged Kepler in the direction of the weapons. He made his way over slowly, touching and rearranging various things on his way.


victimofnoone July 18 2009, 22:33:11 UTC
Hayley gave him a weird, partially skeptical look. He was probably a hippy.. afraid of tentacles. Whatever. There was weirder on this boat for sure. "No, I left."

She was fairly oblivious to what he might be doing, not knowing who he was. Really, she didn't think she had any enemies at all on this boat. Hiding Topher from Alpha didn't even cross her mind and that was the closest she had to anyone that might be angry with her. Well, okay, a couple people might be annoyed. But no one she had to worry about.

Turning around, Hayley began opening a few different cupboards in an attempt to find a mug. She always forgot which one it was.


Infirmary; hyposprayed July 22 2009, 07:23:03 UTC
It had only been a few days but McCoy was fairly sure he knew the ins and outs of the ship's infirmary, enough at least to be comfortable in the sterile surroundings. He began working on something of medical files, at least for Kirk and Chekov who he had some idea on, and Pavi since it was his damned business now. He was fairly sure he had finally remembered every allergy his damn captain managed to contract when the pair's arrival caught his attention.

"What-" He began, looking up and falling silent a moment at the sight of Jim and the bloody girl in his arms. In a split second he was on his feet, heading over with a scowl.

"God damnit Jim, what happened?" He asked, taking in the girls injuries as he tugged at Jim's arm. "Over here, lie her down. You're not hurt too are you?"


Infirmary; captain_jtkirk July 22 2009, 07:35:09 UTC
"I think she was stabbed, Bones. Could you not tell by the gaping wound in her shoulder?" Kirk retorted without any real malice to his voice. Just the same old bickering tone that never seemed to creep very far away from their conversations. He moved to put her down where McCoy instructed him to before he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine, you nagging woman. Not even a scratch on me but you can give me a real physical later to be sure after you fix her."


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 22 2009, 08:08:13 UTC
Hayley struggled a little at the sight of the doctor, though there wasn't any real energy in her to do much more than moan and twist in Kirk's arms just a little. She realized now why her rescuer looked familiar; these were both her warden's "coworkers". Flinching away slightly from the cold of the table, at least compared to the warmth of a man's body a moment before, the girl finally laid flat as best she could.

Her legs had suffered a few cuts from where the glass had gotten to them. Both her back and front cheek were beginning to bruise. A shallow cut adorned the opposite cheek, with a long cut in her left elbow and a deep stab in her right shoulder. She realized, with a small whimper, that she could barely move her right shoulder at all.

"I'm fine," she muttered. They were the only words that came to mind, as much as she knew them to be a blatant lie. Her vision was still shifting in and out of focus, the bright light above her making her even more light-headed despite that she was now laying down.


Infirmary; hyposprayed July 22 2009, 08:13:26 UTC
"You say that like I won't." McCoy said as he rummaged through the necessary supplied, casting a glance at Kirk over his shoulder. "And you'd be wrong. You'll be getting that physical- oh, fine are you?" his attention turned back to the girl with an irate look. "Well it's a good damned thing we have your expert opinion on the matter- go get me that gauze Jim." He ordered, gesturing to the cabinets as he began to work on the stabbed shoulder.

"What's your name kid?" He asked as he stopped the bleeding, eyes going over the rest of her injuries with the frown.


Kitchen cigarillosnguns July 22 2009, 18:58:13 UTC
Integra had her gun drawn as she went to the kitchen. She was expecting the worst, but rather than rush in with careless haste, she rounded the corner slowly.



Kitchen oneofusdid July 23 2009, 02:41:15 UTC
Alpha wasn't sure what had hit him. He'd turned in time to see some blonde man shooting something, but now he was on the floor. On the floor. How ridiculous.

When he heard a woman's voice, he pushed himself to his feet and sneered in her general direction while he tried to get his bearings back.

"You wanna tell me who you are, exactly?" Bobby snarled. Alpha inwardly rolled his eyes, knowing that the woman had to be his warden, but he let Bobby do what he wanted for the moment.


Kitchen cigarillosnguns July 23 2009, 03:10:40 UTC
"Integra Hellsing," she replied evenly.

Integra surveyed him; it was not how she would have liked to meet, but she was no stranger to being thrown into such situations. And while she no longer had her gun raised, she was still ready for whatever might happen.

"You've been quite busy," she said, looking around the kitchen.


Kitchen oneofusdid July 23 2009, 03:18:35 UTC
"Busy?" This time Alpha did roll his eyes quite openly, rolling his head back with them. "Actually I've been bored out of my mind, but thank you for the concern."

He glanced at the bloody knife he was still holding before wiping it off on a nearby dishtowel.


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 11:41:48 UTC
Her eyes wandered as he was setting the sling on her arm, but she looked at him again when he finished, trying to follow his instructions. With one arm in the sling and the other hurting with every movement, it made it difficult but she meandered her way up into a sitting position. Glancing down, she realized how pathetic she looked with the bandages all over. Shoving her left arm out toward him, she was trying to bring his attention to the bandage in her elbow already being red in some places. "Can you change this? I'll try not to waste it so quick next time ( ... )


Infirmary; Chekov can come in now :] hyposprayed July 27 2009, 12:13:01 UTC
"Yeah yeah," McCoy answered, pulling the bandages off to rebind the wound. "You're going to have to come down here every once and while for the next few days too." He said, focusing on the bandages when Hayley spoke again, making him pause and glance up at her ( ... )


Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 27 2009, 17:34:06 UTC
Learning how to avoid situations that end in him running through hallways would be a good skill, Chekov thought as he slowly jogged the last few doorways to where he was relatively sure the infirmary was. Or at the very least, better keeping up with his marathon training.

His breath came in little puffs after running up and down stairs from the room with Reid to his own for his item. How he'd forgotten it this one time was beyond him, but that wasn't the matter.

The matter was... What was it? Something with Hayley, that's all he'd gathered before excusing himself and... Running. Oh, right. It all came back to the running and something being wrong with two inmates, one being his. It was either Hayley hurt or Hayley having hurt someone, neither pleasant for his mind to sit on for long.

He opened the doorway to the infirmary quietly and cautiously, not wanting to disturb what might be going on inside, and shut it the same way, standing just to the right of it and looking around for that familiar face.


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 18:38:55 UTC
"Can I get your work schedule so I can see your smiling face every day?" The question was posed with an exaggerated sarcasm that somehow still conveyed that she genuinely wanted to know when he was working. Whether that was to find him or avoid him he wouldn't know until it happened. Then she let out a sigh.

"Time doesn't actually heal anything. Maybe if you combined time with something else? Maybe." She shook her head a little, slowly tucking her injured elbow to her side again. McCoy had obviously never been anything so severe, hadn't suffered it alone. Or maybe he had and she was just not such a great person. Whatever.

"We are talking about the same Russian, aren't we? He's--" Hayley glanced over when she heard the door open, excitement apparent in her face. Then it was Chekov, not Harvey. The full thrill deluded into a small, but genuine smile. Then a scowl when she looked at McCoy, worried he might start reading into things.


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