
Jul 18, 2009 15:42

Who: Hayley, Alpha, later Kirk, Integra; Bones McCoy, Chekov, Harvey
Where: Kitchen; infirmary
What: Alpha decides to teach Hayley a violent lesson.
Warnings: Violence.

The flood had her on edge )

pavel chekov, alpha, leonard mccoy, integra hellsing, captain james t. kirk, hayley stark, harvey dent/two-face

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Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 11:41:48 UTC
Her eyes wandered as he was setting the sling on her arm, but she looked at him again when he finished, trying to follow his instructions. With one arm in the sling and the other hurting with every movement, it made it difficult but she meandered her way up into a sitting position. Glancing down, she realized how pathetic she looked with the bandages all over. Shoving her left arm out toward him, she was trying to bring his attention to the bandage in her elbow already being red in some places. "Can you change this? I'll try not to waste it so quick next time."

After a short pause, when he looked ready to open his mouth again and she had had time to consider his words, she got suddenly irritable. "So how do you go about fixing wounds like rape, doc?"

It was an overeager, jaded, and extremely bitter reply that left her mouth before she could really control herself. Hayley hoped that McCoy would take it as a hypothetical and not start making assumptions of her own life, especially because they were true. Her eyes never left his, wanting to show no sign of the discomfort she felt at all the verbal slips she had made around him.

"I don't think I'm broken. I mean, not for why I'm here." she replied plainly, eyes dropping to watch as he changed the bandage on her arm. Hayley might have hugged the man if he hadn't been verbally probing and pestering her the whole time. "I don't think some naive, pure-hearted soul is going to change that. To 'reform' me? You'd have to convince me that what I did was wrong and that those bastards I helped to kill didn't get exactly what was coming to them. That one life shouldn't be ended for causing a handful of others to be destroyed? I don't believe it."

Hayley couldn't bear to look him in the eye anymore and instead looked past him, knowing he would be able to read that for exactly what it was: insecurity. Still, meeting his gaze with a lack of conviction would do the same. Much quieter, after a beat, she added, "I don't want him to lose his optimism or to lose faith in people.. And I definitely don't want to be the cause of it."


Infirmary; Chekov can come in now :] hyposprayed July 27 2009, 12:13:01 UTC
"Yeah yeah," McCoy answered, pulling the bandages off to rebind the wound. "You're going to have to come down here every once and while for the next few days too." He said, focusing on the bandages when Hayley spoke again, making him pause and glance up at her.

He watched her for a long moment after the comment before he returned to his work, brow raising as he finally spoke. "Time kid." he answered as he wrapped the wound. "Just like everything else."

He had no doubt that little slip wasn't just random but he knew well enough not to poke at an open wound. He was a doctor, not a psychiatrist, even if he had a little training on the matter. He finished the bandaging with a tug.

"No, life shouldn't be taken into someone else's hands. You have no more right to kill a murderer than he had to kill in the first place." He said in a tone that suggested it was something he believed very strongly. He shook his head as he stepped back to look her wounds over. "And as for your Warden, you'll see. That kid has had enough obstacles getting to where he is now." He said, pausing again at the girl's admission about not wanting the Russian to lose his faith. He couldn't help a snort. These kids.

"Look here kid, don't worry about Chekov. He's seen an entire planet die," there was a sharpness to his tone, though not directed at her. "He's not going to crack so easily."


Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 27 2009, 17:34:06 UTC
Learning how to avoid situations that end in him running through hallways would be a good skill, Chekov thought as he slowly jogged the last few doorways to where he was relatively sure the infirmary was. Or at the very least, better keeping up with his marathon training.

His breath came in little puffs after running up and down stairs from the room with Reid to his own for his item. How he'd forgotten it this one time was beyond him, but that wasn't the matter.

The matter was... What was it? Something with Hayley, that's all he'd gathered before excusing himself and... Running. Oh, right. It all came back to the running and something being wrong with two inmates, one being his. It was either Hayley hurt or Hayley having hurt someone, neither pleasant for his mind to sit on for long.

He opened the doorway to the infirmary quietly and cautiously, not wanting to disturb what might be going on inside, and shut it the same way, standing just to the right of it and looking around for that familiar face.


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 18:38:55 UTC
"Can I get your work schedule so I can see your smiling face every day?" The question was posed with an exaggerated sarcasm that somehow still conveyed that she genuinely wanted to know when he was working. Whether that was to find him or avoid him he wouldn't know until it happened. Then she let out a sigh.

"Time doesn't actually heal anything. Maybe if you combined time with something else? Maybe." She shook her head a little, slowly tucking her injured elbow to her side again. McCoy had obviously never been anything so severe, hadn't suffered it alone. Or maybe he had and she was just not such a great person. Whatever.

"We are talking about the same Russian, aren't we? He's--" Hayley glanced over when she heard the door open, excitement apparent in her face. Then it was Chekov, not Harvey. The full thrill deluded into a small, but genuine smile. Then a scowl when she looked at McCoy, worried he might start reading into things.


Infirmary; hyposprayed July 27 2009, 18:49:05 UTC
McCoy rolled his eyes. "I don't hear a please with that request." He answered, picking up his tricorder again. "I'm here mostly, if your day needs that extra cheer just contact me through that forum." He continued, tone laced with sarcasm at the 'cheer' bit. He ran the tricorder over her for a few moments before pulling away.

"I never said anything about healing it completely." He said as he regarded the machine. "Any idiot knows some things don't go away."

He may have continued the thought, or answered her inquiry about 'the same Russian' they were talking about, but Hayley's falter made him look away from his reading and towards the source of her small smile. He returned the girl's scowl with a raised brow before turning back to his tricorder.

"Looks like everything went cleanly enough. Care to join us Mr. Chekov?" McCoy asked, looking up and placing his tricorder away and he offered the Russian a raised brow as well.


Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 27 2009, 19:13:52 UTC
A smile was returned, if maybe a bit more awkwardly as Chekov's eyes simultaneously widened a smidgen at all the bandages sorted out over Hayley's body. Just because he saw these things a lot doesn't mean he ever had to get used to them.

With a few steps on tired legs he was standing where he deemed close enough to ask. "Vhat happened?" He gestured towards the closest injury to him, her shoulder, almost wanting to touch it before realizing what a bad idea that was and lowering both hands to hold on to the PADD still grasped in front of him. "I am sorry if I am interrupting something, but I tried to hurry."

Another small, kind of gratefully nervous smile went to McCoy, feeling the need to explain what probably didn't need explaining anyways. "I forgot the notification device while staying with a friend, the Keptin's request took me by surprise."


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 19:29:45 UTC
"Don't give me that look," she muttered to McCoy, now with a sort of exasperated half-smile, half-scowl on her face to try to handle both McCoy and Chekov at once. It was somehow reassuring that her warden was here with red cheeks, obviously having run a good way. Maybe it could work, this whole warden thing. Although she still wasn't fond of the fact that he had read her file, she couldn't think of anyone else outside of Harvey that she would have rather had read it.

"Notification device?" Hayley asked with furrowed brows, entirely oblivious that wardens had items to notify them. The idea of what the 'notification device' might be had her a little worried.

"It's fine. Leo here took mediocre care of my wounds. It should take me days to bleed out now." One obnoxiously exaggerated smirk toward McCoy later, she dropped to a more nonchalant tone and expression. "Got any pain pills, doc?"


Infirmary; hyposprayed July 27 2009, 19:41:17 UTC
"You came at a good time Mr. Chekov, we just finished up. Your girl here managed to piss off one of the other inmates. That stab wound on her shoulder's going to need close watch and the rest of the wounds have an easy chance of infection aboard this germ infested bucket of bolts but with care she'll be fine. Up and running that tongue of hers 'til your ears bleed in no time." McCoy told him, crossing his arms as he spoke. "Make sure she comes by for regular check ins too- I don't want to have to chase you down." He said, directing the last bit to Hayley with a warning look.

Hayley got an irate look for that nickname. "And they say kids these days aren't gracious." He answered, resisting the urge to roll his eyes as he continued. "I'll see what I can find for the pain. I don't trust this supply for a second, half of the meds are highly addictive and the other half need only a milligram off the dosage to kill you." He answered, heading to the supply closet to see what archaic medicine he could whip up that wouldn't kill or hook her.


Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 27 2009, 20:16:03 UTC
The last of his flustered energy was let out as Chekov realized he'd probably made the same mistake he did with mentioning her file and quickly backtracked, not wanting to go back to when Hayley was angry at him. "Ah, it is nothing. Just something I brought from home." He held up the dark-screened pad and shrugged, hoping she wouldn't ask about it any more.

"If I had known it was Doctor McCoy on duty, I might not have run so much. Much less worrying than some." His grin was back, worry alleviated by the fact that indeed, there was no visible bleeding and she seemed fine. Fine enough to bicker, which probably wasn't saying much but still counted. "Still worrying, but... That is only if you don't follow advice."

As he watched the doctor leave he turned more towards Hayley and sighed just a little bit. "I am glad you are okay, and that I have gotten a chance to see you."


Infirmary; victimofnoone July 27 2009, 21:00:54 UTC
"He was unhinged!" Hayley semi-shouted in defense of herself as McCoy headed toward the back room. For once, she hadn't done anything wrong. At her warden's casual dismissal of his item, she was inclined to let it go. The girl would probably ask Harvey about it later, but for now she was blissfully unaware.

Scowling again as the doctor disappeared, she turned her attention to Pavel. McCoy grated on her nerves in a way that made her fond of him, which only irritated her further. And his constant defending of her warden was.. well, interesting, actually, but she liked to pretend it was frustrating for the sake of consistency.

"I'm fine," Hayley replied to her warden in a slightly hushed tone to ensure the doctor didn't hear unless he was intentionally eavesdropping. She was still upset with Pavel for reading her file and it had crossed her mind that, had they been camping, none of this would have happened. But suffering that kind of trauma made her more clingy and desperate for affection than she'd realized until this moment, when she wanted nothing more than to hug the Russian. Unfortunately, her wounds made it nearly impossible to hug someone else and she wasn't about to ask for one. Instead, she just frowned a bit.

"..Thanks for coming. I, uh.. I'd like to stay with Harvey for a few days, if that's okay? I haven't asked him yet or anything, but I think he'll say yes. I just.." She trailed off and bit her lip for a moment, still not comfortable with opening up. Less so because he knew about her past. "I want a taser. And your file? I don't need it. If you dropped it at my room, I'll get it back to you. I don't want it."


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Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 29 2009, 05:22:48 UTC
"Of course I do not mind! You need to rest, so..." Chekov hurriedly nodded before trailing off to look a bit confused. "Taser? That is sort of like a phaser, ye-"

The sudden cut off of his words could be related to the sudden entrance of a man he could only presume was Harvey. He may have jumped a bit at the loudness of it, but quickly took a few steps back to allow room for the man to talk to Hayley, smiling a bit.

At least he wasn't the only one who ran in hallways.


Infirmary; - Bones can hop back in any time <3 victimofnoone July 29 2009, 10:06:13 UTC
Hayley jumped as the infirmary door slammed open, heart racing. Her mind idly considered the idea of post-traumatic before dismissing it with a silent scoff. Immediately her face lit up at the sight of Harvey and she reached out the arm whose elbow was bandaged, the other restrained by the sling, to encourage him to come forward. She wasn't going to step off the table until the doctor told her she could, not up for more arguments with the over-qualified man.

"I'm really glad you came." She spoke to Harvey, offering a genuine smile. "I'll be all right. Just need some pain meds and a lot of follow-up visits. But like, I really don't want to be alone right now.."

Hayley trailed off, hoping he would get the hint. Glancing over at her warden, she took a moment to respond to him. While she didn't really care if she came across as rude, she didn't want the Russian to leave just yet. "I think so. I need something.. We can talk about it later, okay? Maybe over dinner or something. Like, with Harvey?"

Turning back to her friend, she bit her lip as she was thinking. The girl was much more emotional than she let on. It was something easy to ignore with McCoy and James making fun of each other, but someone she cared about caring about her like this brought it rushing back. It was difficult for her to keep it together, to stop herself from crying right now. She tried to focus, to save the tears for when they were alone if at all.


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Infirmary; thetroublewithv July 31 2009, 07:06:38 UTC
Maybe the whole half-faced thing confused Chekov for a moment (or maybe more than a moment, but he wasn't counting) but he'd seen stranger things in space. Some aliens are much more disorienting than people liked to let on. So he shifted from foot to foot and nodded at the suggestion with a smile. "Of course, I would enjoy this as well. I... Can any of us cook?" He looked puzzlingly at Hayley for a moment before giving his trademark enthusiastic grin.

"Ensign Pavel Andreievich Chekov, pleasure to meet you!" He faltered for a second, wondering what would be polite to do, but shook it off again. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The question was meant to be broadcast generally through the Infirmary, in hopes of doing something to let Hayley and Harvey talk without actually leaving the entire ward yet.


Infirmary; hyposprayed August 1 2009, 12:02:08 UTC
"Here." When McCoy returned it was with a small bottle in hand, placing a pill into Hayley's palm. "One every six hours - one." This wasn't going to become a god damned candy store, was what his raised brow said. "That should help." He put the bottle on a nearby surface for her, looking over to Harvey for the first time with a small intake of breath.

Hell- it was one of those moments (well, more like every moment) he wished they had the advanced tools of the Enterprise. He could at least do something for the burnt man then, even though he wasn't entirely sure how much it could even help. He crossed his arms and let the matter drop in his mind, for the moment at least.

"Leonard McCoy." He greeted Harvey before turning his head to Chekov's question. "Yeah kid, let me show you where the clean bandages are incase she needs them." He said, picking up on the idea of giving Harvey and Hayley a moment to speak, and since he wanted a quick word with the ensign as well.


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