SPN FIC: Little Wings of Joy 4/4 Epilog

Feb 04, 2012 23:40

Title: Little Wings of Joy
Author: Last Winter Rose
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, with guest starring Bobby Singer and Balthazar.
Word Count: 17,109
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Spoilers: Mention of Season Six Arch Storyline but really if you watch the show and if you know the characters then you’re good to go.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural in any way, shape, or form. The only payment I got from this was the fun I had writing it.

Summary: In the middle of the 'Heaven Civil War' Gabriel starts acting weird and goes missing for a while without a word to Sam. When he finally shows back up it's in the arms of Castiel, barely able to stand on his own two feet.

February: One Year LaterSam and Gabriel entered the house to find Dean sitting on the floor in front of the television, his back up against the couch, he was holding Aurora in his left arm and Jonathan in his right one. Sam smiled at his brother watching some cartoon with talking animals.
Dean glanced over his shoulder at them as Gabriel shut the door, “Hey you two. Did you have a good night?”

“Sure did Dean-o,” Gabriel answered kneeling by the elder Winchester and taking Aurora from her uncle, “Where Cass?”

“Um, he was in the kitchen getting the kids bottles,” Dean said handing Jonathan over to Sam and lifted himself up onto the sofa.

Gabriel headed towards the other room while Sam sat down next to his brother, “Thanks for looking after the kids Dean,” Sam said.

“No problem Sammy, beside you and Gabriel haven’t had a night to yourself in a while, you needed a night off from the kids.” Dean leaned over tickling Jonathan under his chin.

Sam looked around the room, glancing through the door into the kitchen, “Where’s Bobby?”

Dean shrugged, “Don’t know, he was here for a little while after you guys left but then he left mumbling something about the library.”

Sam just shook his head, looking back towards the angels in the kitchen; Gabriel was heading back over to them. “Hey Dean, do you mind holding Aurora, Cassy and I need to talk.”

“Yeah, no problems,” Dean said taking her from Gabriel’s arms. Gabriel headed back to the other room while Sam watched as Dean starting baby talking to Aurora, letting her play with one of his fingers.

“See, I told you bro, he’s great with kids.”

Sam turned around, Gabriel and Castiel hadn’t been talking at all, they had moved into the doorway, enough that they could see Sam and Dean but the hunters hadn’t noticed them at first. Sam stared at Gabriel, studying his lover’s face trying to see what he was playing at but Gabriel wasn’t looking back at Sam, both angels were watching Dean playing with Aurora.

“I hope I’m good with kids, I mean, I did pretty much raise Sammy.” Dean said. Sam didn’t think that Dean knew he was being watched until he suddenly stopped playing with the little girl and looked up at the angels, “Why? What’s going on?”

Castiel’s cheeks went red as he looked anywhere but at Dean. Gabriel just patted the younger angel on the shoulder, smiling that trickster grin of his, “Well Dean-o, Castiel has something to tell you.”

The End

word count: 15000-20000, fandom: cw supernatural, character: castiel, rating: nc-17, character: gabriel, type: fan fiction, pairing: dean/castiel, pairing: sam/gabriel, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, word count: complete

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