SPN FIC: Little Wings of Joy 3/4

Feb 04, 2012 23:32

Title: Little Wings of Joy
Author: Last Winter Rose
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, with guest starring Bobby Singer and Balthazar.
Word Count: 17,109
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Spoilers: Mention of Season Six Arch Storyline but really if you watch the show and if you know the characters then you’re good to go.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural in any way, shape, or form. The only payment I got from this was the fun I had writing it.

Summary: In the middle of the 'Heaven Civil War' Gabriel starts acting weird and goes missing for a while without a word to Sam. When he finally shows back up it's in the arms of Castiel, barely able to stand on his own two feet.

OctoberIt had gotten late, the fall sun was setting over the Singer’s Salvage Yard and Sam sat on the edge of the bed watching as Gabriel got ready for bed. The archangel slowly moved about the room, his rounded belly making it hard for him to move sometimes. Right now Gabriel stood in the bathroom, wearing only a pair of pull strings sweatpants, brushing his teeth. Sam eyes roamed over his body, stopping on Gabriel’s middle and he couldn’t stop the smile from crossing his lips. It had been one thing those months ago when he had been informed that he was going to be a father but it was a whole different thing when Gabriel told him that they were having twins. At first he had been scared, unsure of what to say to the news, not sure if he was even meant to have this; someone that loved him back and someone that was about to start a family with him.

“What’s so funny?” Gabriel asked moving to stand in front of him.

“Nothing,” Sam answered, placing his hands on the angel’s hips and pulling him closer. He leaned forward kissing his lover’s belly, before turning his head and resting his cheek on it, his thumbs rubbing up and down.

Gabriel made a humming noise as one hand rested on Sam’s shoulder and the other ran through the hunter’s hair. “Do you feel anything?” Gabriel asked. It’s been almost six months but Gabriel hasn’t felt any movement from the kids that he carried, only the pulls on his Grace. Sam have been a little upset on the matter but just put it off that their kids must be following the angel half of them and were currently in eggs. Sam pulled back looking into golden honey eyes but only shook his head. Gabriel sighed, “Don’t worry Sammy, they can feel you even if you can’t feel them.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Sam said placing one more kiss on Gabriel stomach before standing and moving out of the way for Gabriel to lay down. Moving to the other side of the bed, Sam climbed in sliding up behind Gabriel wrapping his arms about his lover’s waist, lightly pulling him closer, his top hand resting on Gabriel’s stomach.

The months were flying by and Gabriel were starting to get worried, if this was an normal angel pregnancy, he should have had the eggs two months ago and given that he still haven’t felt any movement, they could only guessed that it was an angel pregnancy in the way of the eggs.

Sam did his best to keep his lover clam, he knew it probably wasn’t good for Gabriel to get too work up over it, no matter what kind of pregnancy it was. He stayed close, Gabriel’s stomach had gotten so big that the angel could barely move without help, most of the time he would help Gabriel down to the sofa in the living room for the day and then back up to the bedroom at night.

Today they sat on the couch together, Sam taking one corner his hand rubbing Gabriel’s shoulder while the angel lay out across it, his head resting in Sam’s lap. They were watching a marathon of Doctor Who on the television while Dean and Bobby had went to do some shopping. Bobby had been going on about having an actual Thanksgiving dinner since they were there and not off on some hunt.

“You okay?” he asked as Gabriel shifted about on the sofa.

“Yeah, just wish these little ones would hurry and come join us in this world.”

“I’m sure most female human wish that in their seventh month too,” Sam said through a chuckle.

“That’s it, next time, you’re carrying the baby.” Gabriel snapped, slowly sitting up placing one hand under his belly, the other on top.

“But you look so good like that.” Sam leaned forwards locking their lips together, he wanted to deepen it but he pulled back hearing the sound of the Impala pulling up in front of the house. He made to stand, to help bring everything but was stopped by Gabriel wrapping his arms around his chest and resting his head on Sam’s shoulder.

“Oh no, you don’t.”

Sam was going to protest but instead just wrapped his arm around Gabriel’s shoulder and went back to watching the show. He only turned his head when the front door opened; he nodded to Bobby who entered first, arms full with brown bags.

“Will you help your brother before he kill himself, damn idjit.” Bobby said heading to the kitchen.

Sam frowned at the elder hunter’s words but moved to see what Dean had gotten himself into, laughing at the sound of protest from Gabriel. He made it to the door in time to see Dean trying to get up the stairs with a box that was almost the side of himself,
“Dean, what on Earth?”

“Hey, help me with this will ya?”

Sam took a side of the box, holding it still while Dean shifted it and grabbed the other side; together they bought it inside, just getting it through the door before Dean set his side of the box down.

“What is that?” Gabriel asked, he had shifted on the couch, his back resting against the arm facing the door and he was staring over the back at them.

“This,” Dean said slapping the top of the box, “is for you two or at least I should really say those two," he added pointing towards Gabriel's stomach.

“What?” Sam asked eyeing the box. His mouth dropped open seeing the picture on the side; a crib, his brother had gotten them a crib and it was a crib designed for twins too. He didn’t know what to say, he just look between Gabriel, Dean and the box.

“It was nothing,” Dean said, “but you are helping me put it together.”

Sam nodded glancing at Gabriel who was smiling.

“Dean, where do you want me to set these?”

Sam looked around his brother to see Castiel coming up the stairs, both hands had four bags hanging from them and he couldn’t stop the laugh that left him at seeing the logo on one of them. “Did you really go to Baby-R-Us?”

“Hey, don’t look at me,” Dean said as Castiel enter the living room beside him. “It was Cass’s idea.”

“Unfortunately, since we do not know what the genders of your children are, we would unable to really get anything besides toys and a few blankets for the crib.” Castiel said moving to Gabriel’s side on the sofa and setting the bags on the ground.

“You didn’t have to do that bro,” Gabriel said although he started going through the bag that was closest to him.

Sam busted out laughing at the look on the archangel’s face though as he pulled out a stuffed bear with angel wings, looking at the younger angel in front of him.

“Dean insisted on getting it,” Castiel said, Gabriel just nodded putting the bear back in the bag.

“Come on Sam, help me gets this up to your guys' room.” Dean said picking up his side of the box again.

“Yeah, sure,” he took one more glance at Gabriel going through the bags with Castiel before taking his side up and started up the stairs with Dean.

December had just started, although people around town had started getting ready for Christmas long before Thanksgiving. Much to Sam’s surprise Bobby and Dean started getting into the spirit of the season without having to be told like they normally do, Dean had even got a tree for the living room. Gabriel though had been disappointed do to the fact that he was pretty much confine to the bed and couldn’t go look at lights in the neighborhood.

Sam was outside helping Dean hang some Christmas light that Bobby had found in the basement, they were just starting on the front when Sam had an odd feeling that something wasn’t right, it was such a small feeling that he almost brushed it off until he heard a scream coming from inside the house. He didn’t wait for Dean before running inside, up the stairs taking the steps two at a time, and into their bedroom.

Gabriel was sitting up in bed, bending in on himself, his arms wrapped around his stomach, his eyes closed in pain, and his brow winkle in agony.

“Gabriel?” Sam asked moving to his side, his hands going to the angel’s shoulders.

Gabriel’s head shot up, his eyes opening on Sam’s face and they were filled with pain and panic. “Sam, I…” his voice was cut off by another scream, his head dropping again, the scream fading to whimpers.

Sam lightly pushed on Gabriel’s shoulders trying to get him to lie back on the bed but Gabriel shook his head pushing back against Sam’s hands. “Gabriel please, it might help with the pain.”

“Sammy?” Sam turned to Dean standing in the doorway, confusion covering his face. “What’s going on?”

Sam glanced at Gabriel; the angel was trying to turn onto his side, a hand reaching out grabbing hold of Sam’s arm. “I think you better call Castiel,” Sam said taking hold of his lover’s hand, pulling it from his arm and weaving their fingers together. Tightening his hold as Gabriel let loose another scream, his body shaking with pain.

Luckily for them, Dean didn’t even finish calling out for the younger angel before Castiel and Balthazar was standing in the room, a gust of wind whipping through the room. Balthazar moved to the other side of the bed as Castiel moved to kneel next to Gabriel in front of Sam. Sam watched as Castiel reached around his own hand still holding Gabriel’s resting a hand on the archangel’s stomach. A slight glow started under Castiel’s fingers as Balthazar leaned over rubbing his hand over Gabriel’s forehead, whispering something in what Sam could only guess was Enochian.

Gabriel kept his eyes closed, his breaths coming in pants, his hand tighten on Sam’s again but he didn’t scream, this time he bit down on his lower lip and Sam was afraid he was going to draw blood.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked although he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

“Looks like these little ones are ready to join us,” Balthazar answered.

“What?” Sam was shocked, he couldn’t wait for this to happen just a few days ago but now that it was finally time, he was nerves, he was speechless. He didn’t know what to do, how to help, he could only look on, giving support to his angel by holding his hand.

“Sam…” Gabriel’s voice was hoarse, his breathing coming fast and uneven.

Sam was going to say something when the glow from under Castiel’s fingers stopped, he glanced to Balthazar before standing, moving to the end of the bed; Balthazar moving to join him. Sam looked over his shoulder but they had their backs to them and were whispering. Sam didn’t like the look of this, he turned to the doorway seeing that Dean had finally entered the room but he still stayed a few steps away from the bed. Sam looked to his brother, putting all of his concern into his look and hope that Dean got the picture. Dean nodded moving to the two angels, Sam heard his voice joining theirs but he still couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“Sammy…” Gabriel got out before he bit his lip again keeping another scream in. Gabriel turned to his side trying to roll into a ball, his hold on Sam’s hand tighten to the point of almost breaking Sam’s fingers and he knew that Gabriel could too if he wasn’t careful.

Sam leaned over running his free hand down the side of Gabriel’s face; he was covered in sweat and though his eyes were close there were tears running from them. “Shh, it’s okay Gabriel, everything's going to be okay.”

Sam hadn’t realized the other three moving until he felt Dean’s hands on his shoulders, “Come on Sammy, we have to go.” Dean said giving a slight tug not fully pulling him from the bed.

“What? Why?” Sam looked to his brother with wide eyes, doctor normally don’t ask people to leave the room unless there was something wrong, sure they weren’t in a hospital but still.

Castiel stood behind Dean, blue eyes filled with concern as well but they were aimed at him not Gabriel.

“Listen Samuel,” Balthazar said, he had moved back to the other side of the bed. “I know you want to stay with Gabriel but you have to go.”

Sam couldn’t believe this, “No, I’m staying right here.” How could they ask him to leave, these were his kids and he wanted to be there for Gabriel, to help him through whatever happened.

Balthazar sighed eyeing Dean, Sam felt his brother giving another tug on his shoulders. “Sammy,” Dean whispered in his ear, “It’s hard to explain but believe me, if what Cass and Balthazar say is true, you'll be of more help outside.”

At this Sam actually turned on Dean, shrugging his brother’s hands off of him. “I. Am. Not. Leaving. Him. Dean.”

Dean shook his head sighing, “I’m sorry Sammy.”

He didn’t have time to acted, Castiel move so fast reaching around Dean that Sam didn’t realized the two fingers touching his forehead until he was already pressing out into his brother’s arms. The sound of Gabriel screaming the last thing he heard as the darkness took him.

Sam stirred, reality coming slowly back to him and he found himself in the room that Dean and Castiel shared, his brother was sitting in a chair next to the bed his face hiding in his hands.


Dean’s head shot up looking at Sam, “Sammy.”

He was confuse for a second or two and then it all came rushing back, he tried to jump from the bed to the door but Dean was on him in a second holding him down.

“Let me go!” He shouted.

“Sammy, calm down, you have to stay here.”

“Let me go Dean!”

He could hear voices coming from the room down the hall along with Gabriel’s cries and he wanted to be there, to go back to holding Gabriel’s hand, he wanted to help but Dean held him down. As he fought with his brother he could see the sun setting through the window and silently cursed Castiel for knocking him out for so long.

“Sam, come on dude, calm down.”


Sam went silent as a noise that sounded nowhere near a human voice went through the house. Dean and him quickly covered their ears as the pitch got higher, ducking their heads as the window shattered throwing glass everywhere. The sound went on for what seemed like eternity and then, it just stop.

Keeping his hands over his ears in case it started again, Sam made a jump for the door before Dean could come back to his senses and stop him. He just made it into the hallway when he started hearing Dean yelling his name, he didn’t stop though, he had a feeling he knew what that sound had been and he was hoping that it didn’t mean anything bad had happened. Reaching the door to the room that Gabriel and he share, he didn’t stop to wait before pushing his way in but the door didn’t open easily, blocked by a nightstand that had falling in front of it and the sight that greeted him was not what he was expecting.
Beside the nightstand now being by the door instead of the bed, the small table that he used to research was upside down, the bookcase that sat in the corner was on its side and the window in here was broken as well, glass breaking under Sam shoes as he walked to the bed.

Sam moved slowly, he was afraid of what he would find, Castiel and Balthazar both leaned over the bed neither of them noticing him yet but the thing that clasp at his heart was that there was sound coming from the bed itself. There was no heavy breathing; no screams, nothing and it made the pit in Sam’s stomach do a very unnerving dance.

He stopped behind Castiel, afraid to break the silence.

“Come and meet your little ones Samuel,” Balthazar said not looking up from the bed.

Castiel turned looking at him as he stepped to the side making room for Sam. Sam stared at the two angels, taking slow steps to the bedside, his heart almost stop with joy at what he found there. Gabriel was lying on his side, curled up around what looked like two giant printed Easter eggs. They were both mainly white; one looking like honey had been drizzled over it mixing into the shell, the other one’s color though he couldn’t tell if it was brown or green and then he realized that the shells held the colors of his and Gabriel’s eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to wake Gabriel; he looked between his lover and the eggs that he had wrapped himself around. “Is he alright?” he asked the other two.

Castiel placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder, “He’s fine Sam, they all are, there’s nothing wrong.”

Sam looked up into the blue eyes of his friend, “The sound, I thought that was…” he couldn’t finish, he didn’t want to think about it anymore.

The angel smiled nodding his head, “That was why you had to leave the room Sam, in order for Gabriel to have the eggs, he had to let some of his Grace out and although you are his mate and the father of his children, we were unsure of whether or not you would have been able to look upon it.”

“And the sound?” Sam asked

“That was Gabriel’s true voice,” Balthazar answered, “we didn’t think that he would lose control on his voice as well as his Grace though, that was a surprise to us too.”

“But everything is alright now,” Castiel said removing his hand from Sam’s shoulder. “You can touch them if you like.”

“Can I?” Sam wasn’t sure; the eggs looked so fragile he was afraid of pushing too hard on the shell and breaking them.

“Of course you can, I think the little ones would like to meet you.” Sam stared at Balthazar, confusion he was sure, was written all over his face. Balthazar laughed, “Just because they’re in eggs doesn’t mean that they can’t see you,” he said.

“They sense you Sam,” Castiel said, “they know and see you by your soul.”

Sam was still a little confuse about the whole thing but he took their words, his hand reached out mere inches from the honey color one when he heard glass breaking under footsteps.

All three turned to Dean running into the door, looking about ready to grab Sam and dragged him out of there again but as he entered the room, Castiel held his hand up to Dean, letting him that everything was alright.

Sam turned back to Gabriel and the eggs, his hand moving forward until his fingers lightly brushed over the shell of the egg. The breath that he didn’t realized he was holding slipped from his mouth as he rested the palm of his hand on the shell. A warmth washed through him, making the hairs on his arms stand up but what really surprised him was the glow that started growing from the egg from under his hand until the whole egg was like a giant nightlight. He almost pulled his hand away but the looks on Castiel and Balthazar’s faces took him not to without actually saying anything.

“Wow,” Dean had moved closer behind them looking over Sam’s shoulder and Sam couldn’t help but smile at the look on his brother’s face. “Um..how long are they…” Dean didn’t finish his question but Sam knew what he was asking.

Sam looked to Castiel and then Balthazar, both angels was looking at the other, finally Castiel turned to Sam, “We’re not sure.
Like I told you before, in a normal angel pregnancy, the angel would carry the fledgling for four months and it remains in the egg another five.”

“But Gabriel already carried these two for eight months,” Balthazar jumped in. “So it’s hard to say whether they will still in them for five or less, they could hatch out of those eggs tomorrow for all we know.”

“And what about with twins?” Dean asked.
“Twins are rare among angels, Balthazar and I only know of two times an angel had twins.”

Sam just nodded looking back to the egg that his hand rested on, his eyes shifted though when a soft glow started from the other one.

“Looks like that one wants to meet you too,” Castiel said.

Sam shifted on the bed reaching out to the other egg, the glow getting brighter as he placed his hand on it. The warmth from that one washed through him joining with the warmth from the other one in the pit of his stomach, and Sam didn’t’ fight the smile that broke across his lip at the feeling. It only felt like a few seconds but when he looked back up there was no one else in the room, the others had left leaving him and Gabriel alone with their children. Keeping his hands on the eggs, he looked around the place wondering if he would be able to clear it up before Bobby got back from the hunt that he was on at the moment.


Sam turned back to find half closed golden honey eyes looking at him, a faint smile on Gabriel’s lips. “Hey there,” Sam whispered leaning forwards, moving one of his hands to Gabriel’s forehead pushing bangs out of the way. “How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been expelled from my vessel one too many times,” Gabriel answered shifted around on the bed, careful not to move the eggs too much. “What’s the matter Sammy?”

Sam was upset and he silently cursed himself for showing it, he lowered his eyes. “I wasn’t here, to help you.”

Gabriel seemed confuse at first and then his eyes widen, “Oh Sammy, there was no way…”

“I know, Castiel told me why I had to leave but I should have been here by your side to help you through it.”

Gabriel smiled, “Hey, you were here with me Sammy. You may not have been here in the room but your soul was here with me, helping me through everything and you will be here when our kids decides to join us.”

Sam wanted to argue but he knew that Gabriel wouldn’t listens to anything he tried to say. Instead Sam sighed, stood and moved around the bed climbing in behind Gabriel like he has done so many times before. This time though Sam reached up and only Gabriel’s head, smiling when he felt Gabriel’s fingers waving together with his. His other hand moved over the angel’s waist resting on one of the eggs, the warmth going through his body joined by a warmth going through his other arm. He glanced over Gabriel’s shoulder and smiled seeing Gabriel’s other hand resting on the other egg.

He lay down, tightening his hold on Gabriel’s hand and watched as his love fell back asleep.

It was a month since Gabriel had the eggs and although he was slowly going back to being his normal energetic self again, he spent most of his time in the bedroom wrapped around the two eggs, keeping them safe from everything. It took Sam a while to get the angel to let Dean and Bobby anywhere into the room to help clear the place up, even when Castiel and Balthazar came by Gabriel always watch their every move. Gabriel was slowly getting back to be able to use his powers without getting sick or weak but he was still getting hungry and Sam always found him asleep most of the time.

Sam asked the other angels about it but they just said that Gabriel's Grace was weakened during labor and it was just taking time to heal itself, they insisted that there was nothing to worry about.

"So how's Gabriel doing?" Dean asked as they worked on the Impala in front of the house.

Sam looked up from where he was sitting on the ice chest fill with beers, "He seemed okay, I think if anything he's worried about when the eggs are going to hatch, since he carried them longer than normal."

"Well, Castiel said that they're okay, he can sense the present of the kids inside of them so I'm sure you guys have nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Sam watched as Dean leaned back under the hood. "I just…"


Sam jumped up from the chest turning to the house and looking up to the window of their room, Gabriel was leaning out waving his hand. "GET IN HERE NOW!"

Sam started running, almost breaking the front door as he ran through it and up the stairs. Entering the room he found Gabriel standing in the middle of the room, staring at the bed, he didn't even turned when Sam came in. "Gabe, what is it? What's wrong?"
Gabriel didn't say anything, he just pointed to the bed where the eggs were resting and Sam lost all words and thoughts. The eggs were shaking, one of them even had a crack running down the side. Gabriel moved to the bed placing himself next to the eggs and running his hands over the honey colored one, the shell that breaking.

"That's it, come on, you can do it," he whispered to the being inside of it. Looking up to Sam, he smiled before nodding to the other
egg. Sam looked to see a small crack starting on the hazel colored one. He moved sitting on the other side of the eggs, copying
Gabriel and getting a smile from the angel. "That's it, let them know you're here."

Sam was about to say something when Dean came running into the room, "Sammy?"

He was stopped where he was by Castiel coming from out of nowhere right in front of him, "Dean, stay here. They have to do this on their own."

Sam's attention was drawn back by a sound coming from the honey egg. A round piece of the shell was getting pushed up away from the rest; Sam was in awe by what he was seeing, a little arm was reaching through the shell, a tiny fist punching its way free. Sam watch as Gabriel reached out removing the loose piece from the little hand, "That's it, come on" Gabriel said.

Sam could have watched Gabriel the whole time, helping one of their kids out of the egg but he soon found himself too busy with helping their other child out of its own egg, copying Gabriel as he wasn't really sure on what to do. Sam hadn't even noticed that Castiel was moving around the room before he was standing beside the two of them with two blankets handing one to Gabriel before helping Sam wrap the small baby that he was holding in it.

"Congratulate you two, you have a healthy baby boy," Castiel said rubbing his hand over the forehead of the baby that Gabriel was holding, "and, a healthy baby girl." He looked to the one that Sam held, rubbing his other hand over her forehead.

Sam smiled looking between Gabriel, their two new born, and the remains of the shells on the bed. "I can't believe…"

"Believe it Sammy," Gabriel said smiling back at him, "you're a father."

There was so much going on that none of them had heard the front door opening and the footsteps coming up the stairs. "Where is everyone? This place is as quiet as a…" Bobby moved into view next to Dean. "Well, I'll be damned."

Dean turned to the elder hunter, "Hey Bobby, guess what, you're a grandpa." Sam laughed at the glared that Bobby shot at his brother but Dean didn't seem to take notices of it, taking a step into the bedroom. "So, what are you guys going to name them?"

Sam looked to Gabriel, the smile fading from his mouth, "We never decided."

"I've always like the name Aurora," Gabriel said looking at their daughter and while looking at their son, "and Jonathan."

"Aurora and Jonathan?" Sam asked.

"If you have another idea…"

"No, no, I like them," Sam said, smiling at their kids, "Aurora and Jonathan."

Castiel moved forward placing a hand on each of the kids foreheads a faint light shining under his palms, "Aurora and Jonathan, welcome to the family." The light faded away as Castiel stood moving away from the two new parents, "We will leave two alone with your children. If you need anything, we will be downstairs." Castiel said leading Dean and Bobby out of the room, turning back at the doorway.

"Thank you brother," Gabriel said.

Castiel nodded and was gone, moving down the hallway towards the stairs. Sam watched the exchange between the angels before his eyes moved to the little girl that he was holding, her little hand grabbing hold of one of his finger. He smiled seeing two hazel eyes just like his staring back at him.

“Hello Aurora,” he said wiggling the finger that she was holding getting a little laugh from his daughter. Feeling a set of eyes on him he glanced up finding Gabriel watching him, that trickster grin on his lips. “What?” Sam asked.

“Oh nothing,” Gabriel said bouncing the little boy in his arms, their son’s eyes was closed at the moment but Sam was guessing that he had golden honey ones just like Gabriel.

“Okay, you’re hiding something?” Sam said seeing Gabriel smiling at him again, quickly looking away when Sam stared back.
“It’s nothing, I’ll just picturing what kind of father you’ll be.”

Sam smiled looking at Aurora, “Hopefully a good one.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, beside you have Dean to help you and he almost raised you by himself.”

“Yeah, guess you’re right,” Sam said, he knew that Gabriel was still hiding something but he didn’t push it, Gabriel would tell him when he was ready to tell him.


word count: 15000-20000, fandom: cw supernatural, character: castiel, rating: nc-17, character: gabriel, type: fan fiction, pairing: dean/castiel, pairing: sam/gabriel, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, word count: complete

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