Original Fic: Back & Just a Cup (writerverse)

Dec 11, 2011 23:48

For Challenge 04 at writerverse...

Title: Back
Word Count: 186
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): None
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): None
Summary: An adventure begins again as she puts her pen to paper.

She'd never meant to write down the words of her adventures. It had been an event that had changed her life but it was a private thing. Just between her and the animals who had watched from the forest. Everyone else involved had perished.

The memories became words which turned into a story. While it had cleansed her soul to write the words, there was a part of her that worried that it would have been better to keep it locked inside, eating at her until she was forced to hurt herself or others. As the page began to shimmer and the words warped, the bad feeling grew into a certainty that she had been wrong.

It wasn't until the pen turned into a raven that the fear took hold. For all that she had been through, she realized that she'd fallen into the same trap that had gotten her into this situation in the first place. Pulling the knife out of her leg sheath, she waited for the front room to finish filling with trees. In no time at all, she would be back in the forest.

Title: Just a Cup
Word Count: 184
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): None
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): None
Summary: Stella needs coffee or she's never going to get through finals.

"Have you seen my Physics book?"

I looked up from my laptop where all the letters had started to look like the same, thanks to days without sleep and a decided lack of caffeine. The school nurse had warned me about the amount of coffee I'd been drinking lately. Even though I wanted to graduate in the spring, it wouldn't matter if my heart exploded in the middle of the Student Union during lunch time.

Jennifer waved her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Stella. Have you seen it?"

"What?" I vaguely remembered her saying something but had lost the conversation thread when I saw the white paper cup in her hand. "Is that from JavaShop?"

"Focus. I need my book."

"And I need coffee. I'll write your next paper for you if you let me have a drink."

She shook her head as she backed out of the room slowly. "You might want to think about sleeping. You don't look good. Besides, you aren't supposed to be drinking any caffeine."

"Just one cup," I promised. "I can stop any time I want."

challenge, writerverse, original, 2011

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