The JV girls basketball team lost by nearly 40 points

Dec 13, 2011 21:38

But that is not what this is about. I just needed to put that fact somewhere and decided to use it as the subject line.

I'm in editing mode which means I'm cranky and things on my Friends Page are making me want to tear my hair out and gouge out my eyes. I know it's just because I'm having to come up with better word choices and decent explanations but I'm becoming irritated enough that I should probably NOT visit there.

But then I get bored (because said word choices and explanations are not very friendly) and go back and find myself cranky all over again.

I don't have enough practice with editing because I alternate between self-pity and disgust. WIth myself. With the story. Never with my editor, although I imagine that she's sitting on her couch with her laptop in her lap, laughing manically at my errors and vowing never to read another word until I learn how to write. Aster is not doing anything like that, though, but it's what I imagine.

Is anyone watching Flashpoint? Has anyone watched the first three seasons? I need to ask a few questions about a possible fic idea and I have a very vague idea of the past plot (I'm current with this new season and am working through Season 1 but have only seen a few of the other episodes).

What I really want to be doing is writing SGA Post-Apocalyptic Bingo fic and gift-giving stories but this is due IN TWO DAYS and I HAVE TO GET THIS ONE or I WILL BE CRANKY FOREVER. It's true. It could happen.
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