Fic: Out of the Loop (Kingsley/Dorcas)

Feb 13, 2010 18:53

TITLE: Out of the Loop
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Kingsley/Dorcas
PROMPT: without a smile at rarepair_shorts and 63. despair at 100_tales
SUMMARY: Dorcas discovers that her world is starting to fall down around her and there is no one to protect her, not even Kingsley.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

The Other Stories in the Forever Was in Your Eyes (Kingsley/Dorcas) canon:
True Visions
Forget the Night Out
I Never Imagined
Name Me
In The Middle of the Night
What's Meant to Be

The door slammed shut with enough power that several of the pictures fell off the wall, a hue and cry coming from the occupants inside the paintings that Dorcas ignored. She had been so angry that she hadn’t been able to Apparate away from the meeting today. If it hadn’t been for the Knight Bus, she would have been forced to pound the pavement for miles.

“You missed dinner.” A seemingly calm Kingsley leaned in the doorway, a leather bound book under his arm as if he’d been lounging in front of the fire and she’d come in to interrupt his quiet time.

She wasn’t sure if she was irritated at the sight of him looking so rested and at ease or happy to see that he was here even after the words she yelled at him earlier. Biting back the words she so desperately wanted to shout at him to continue the tense argument, she did nothing but shrug her shoulders.

“Fine.” He turned away from her with nothing more than his own shrug but something inside her broke. The words and emotions would no longer be denied.

“You shut me out today. How dare you? I’m as much a part of the Order as you or anyone else that was at that meeting. What gives you the right to tell me what I can or cannot hear? This?” She held up her left hand. The only reason the ring was still there was because she’d forgotten all about it until this moment. “If that’s the case, consider it solely yours once again.”

“It had nothing to do with our relationship,” Kingsley stated calmly over his shoulder. “It was decided, and not by me, that you weren’t to be a part of that particular discussion.”

Something was wrong with that statement but Dorcas couldn’t think what it might be. At past meetings of the Order of the Phoenix, she’d been likely to claim she was being ignored but this was the first time she’d ever been excluded.

“What could I possibly do to get myself thrown out?”

“Not thrown out. I never said anything about you being thrown out. Look at the bigger picture here, Meadows.”

Dorcas sank to the ground as her knees gave out. It might have looked as if she was weary from her trek home but it was really about the tone of Kingsley’s voice. She had only ever heard him use that tone of voice when he was being the diplomat for Dumbledore. When someone got out of hand, he brought them back to reality with this measured cadence.

And he’d called her Meadows. Not Mouse. The ring on her left hand felt like it weighed a thousand kilograms as she felt the weight of his censure.

“What would that big picture be?” she finally answered when she could find her voice again.

When he finally turned around, Dorcas noticed that the hands holding the books were white-knuckled and trembling. She wanted to feel for him but she found she couldn’t. Not until he answered her. “There is word amoung our spies that they’ve found a way to understand some of our strategies. The lesser plans but, nonetheless, plans that should have been secret.”

“Who gave away this information?”

His eyes were bleak. “You. Everything they’ve come to know lately is in direct correlation with one of your visions. That’s why you had to leave today. The less you know, the less likely you’ll have a vision about it.”

But she’d ceased to hear him. The Dark Lord knows how your life will end, she realized with sudden certainty. And he is glorying in his role in your demise.

graph fic, rarepair_shorts, 2010, kingsley/dorcas

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