Fic: In the Middle of the Night (Kingsley/Dorcas)

Sep 06, 2009 21:26

I could have sworn that I posted this when I finished it but I don't see it so...

TITLE: In the Middle of the Night
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Dorcas Meadows
PROMPT: 3. All I Ask of You at rarepair_shorts
WARNINGS: Some language and mild sexual suggestion
Author's Note: This is set in the early morning hours after Name Me.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

The Other Stories in the Forever Was in Your Eyes (Kingsley/Dorcas) canon:
True Visions
Forget the Night Out
I Never Imagined
Name Me
In the Middle of the Night

There were too many blankets on her. Dorcas began to wake up slowly as her mind tried to figure out why she’d piled her bed with so many coverings when she normally slept with just a single sheet. When the dreams came, her body overheated as it tried to compensate for the intrusion.

This time, as she fought, it only got worse. There was something across her chest, holding her down so that she could barely breath from the panic that creapt through her blood stream.

“Bloody hell, Mouse,” Kingsley hissed in the darkness. “You didn’t have to claw me up. If you wanted me to move, you just had to ask.”

She woke up completely then, remembering where she was and who she was with. “No blankets,” she gasped out as she tried to calm her reeling nerves and control the panic. Within seconds she was free but her heart rate was still racing.

Kingsley turned on the lights and brought her a glass of water. She took it, leaning against him as she drank it all. They sat in silence, his hands running up and down her back as she concentrated all her energy in relaxing because he would ask the question soon, forcing her to remember just what exactly happened.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

“A vision,” she whispered. “I get them sometimes as dreams. I didn’t think… I would have said something last night if I thought they would interfere. Must have been all the alcohol.”

Now that she wasn’t panicking, her body began to cool down. It had been so hot before that now she felt as if the water had turned her insides to ice. Instead of holding back from Kingsley’s embrace, she snuggled as close a possible.

“This wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend our first morning together. I assault you and you bring me water.”

She felt him shrug, his smooth muscles all working in tandom under her hands. It could prove to be addicting to be able to touch him this way. Kingsley, dressed, was a nice picture but Kingsley, undressed, was a much better playground.

“What did you see?” he pressed when she would have preferred that he leave that part of this experience out of the conversation.

“What does it matter? It doesn’t mean anything.”

He pulled back from her, leaving her to shiver alone when she wanted his warmth the most. “It means something even if you don’t think it does.” Just when she thought he was going to leave her alone, his hands came up to frame her face. “Even if it’s a forgotten mitten, it’s important.”

It touched her that he remembered the first story she’d ever told him. “It’s hard to remembered specifics. The panic didn’t help my memory. I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask of you.”

With a deep breath, she laid back on the bed. Being in this new place felt strange. Not a weird strange but a different strange. She hoped that was what had brought on sucha weird vision instead of the stimulus of their evening together. If this was going to happen every time they were together like this, she was going to have to learn a new way of coping because she wasn’t giving him up. It was bad enough that she would be getting sick soon.

“A dark room with very little shadow so more or less completely dark. There was a cry and a sudden green light and then silence. See? Nothing helpful?”

He stood up and walked around the bed, rearranging the bed so that she didn’t have as many covers as he did. When it was done to his liking, he turned out all the lights but the one out in the hall. It was much like how she kept her own room so that she could sleep but would still be able to find her way around, usually to the loo when she needed to get up.

When she was snuggled against him once again, he murmured, “Are you going to tell me who it was?”

“I didn’t see.”

“But you recognize the sound the person made.”

Dorcas tried to stifle the exasperated cry. He was amazing at knowing when she wasn’t telling him everything. “It was a child. Not a child I know. The room might have been a conservatory because of the windows. There’s nothing I can do about this, Kingsley. I didn’t see enough. A room. A child. A light. I’m useless.”

“Let me decide how useless the information you give me truly is. You never know when you might give me the push in the right direction.”

She laid a hand on the smooth skin of his arse. “How about this direction?”

graph fic, 2009, rarepair_shorts, first order, kingsley/dorcas

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