Fic: This Isn't a Date

Sep 06, 2009 22:07

Title: This Isn’t a Date
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott
Prompt: History of Magic at sortinghatdrabs
Word Count: 295
Rating: PG-13

Author's Note: I got feedback from the community that someone was actually weirded out by this relationship. All I can say is "WOOT!" I haven't wigged anyone out since the great Harry/Hagrid fic of 2003.

Hermione stiffened her already straight posture. She was fairly certain there was a hand on her leg. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Listening to you tell me all about the amazing adventures that were the Goblin Wars of 1884. Oh, and 1886. And 1889. And 1901. Do they ever stop fighting?” Theodore Nott leaned his head closer to hers, his breath smelling of anise. It sent shivers through Hermione… and not the good kind, either.

“Let’s get one thing straight.” Try as she might, she couldn’t get the hand off her leg. He wasn’t clawing at her but he wouldn’t move. “I’m helping you with the History of Magic assignment but that doesn’t mean you can grope me.”

His smile softened his features, giving him a sort of angelic look that was scary on the face of a Slytherin. If anything, it scared her more. “I’m not groping you. Whatever gave you that idea?”

“You’re hand on my leg.”

“I can move it if that’s what you’d like me to do.” It was gone… and then it was back. Higher, if that was possible. “But I don’t think you want me to move it.”

Why can’t Ronald do things like this? she wondered idlely before pushing her chair back with a violent shove. “Enough. You obviously don’t care enough about the Goblin Wars to concentrate on the assignment.”

His smirk haunted her all evening. But it was his parting shot that really stuck with her. “And you do? Come on, Hermione. Tell me you aren’t here because you’re tired of your little Gryffindor friends. They can’t give you what I can.”

And when Ronald started laughing about Seamus’ fart later that evening, she had to wonder if there hadn’t been something to Theodore’s statement.

2009, slytherin, challenge, gryffindor

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