A Day to Relax and Labor Not

Sep 07, 2009 08:46

Except that I offered to work. That is, of course, after four hours at the coffee shop. It was only worth my while to come up with Mom who had to work at her normal time so that meant arriving in Hailey at 7:15. I don't have to work until 11. And then there's the matter of what to do with the hour between when I get off and Mom is still at work. Another hour of coffee shop time! Kind of expensive but the internet is better here.

It's beginning to irritate me that I have three days off from work and probably won't get much writing done during them. While I have a list of things I COULD work on (as I always do) during that time, I can't imagine ever being able to get Pixie out. I am bringing books, of course. Okay, two. Three. Only three. It's only three days of driving (but one in an airport) and I plan on pulling my fair share so I will forgo my normal "a book for each day plus one" rule.


But they're starting the coolest Fic Fest at whedonland that I could totally rock at if it wasn't for the fact that I only have two days to really work on anything. Grrr...

And there is the fact that I need to post other things while I'm on the road which means that Aster is helping me out but still... I like to have these things under my own control. You know? I'm always tweaking things as I'm posting.

Truth be told, I'm scared to death of taking a vacation from my muse. She's been so very helpful lately. We've had the best time together and it's not like she needs more shoes. The poor thing has been so neglected. If I leave her, will she go off again? Maybe this time she won't come back! Or what if she finds another writer that she likes better? What if they give her a better shoe allowance?

These things keep me up at night, tapping away at my computer. This will be the word that will lead to the phrase that will lead to the best idea in the world. And it will be mine. All mine.

So I will just take good care of her and let her go off for a couple of days and trust that she will find her way back to me with even more good ideas. Together, we will create ourselves into exhaustion once again. Nothing will be able to stop us. Well, nothing but the fact that the alarm clock is an evil b**ch and doesn't like us to play too late into the night.
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