I'm just sayin...

Sep 07, 2009 10:12

It's almost my birthday. I'm just putting that out there to the universe.

And if you would like to be inspired to write something by... say... September 28th, well, I'm not going to stop you.

To help with the inspiration, I'm going to post the response I typed up for the newest whedonland Fic Fest. You know, you all really should come join. It's the most delicious fun you'll have! And it's not all writing. There's mazes and puzzles and sudoku and voting on pretty things that other people make and discussing TV and movie and current events. Everyone is welcome! You don't even need to know the whole Whedon canon (although I will personal flog you if you don't take the time to watch Dr. Horrible because it's on Hulu so there's really no excuse!) to have fun. Personally, I'm making my way through Angel because I've never watched and I'm tired of not knowing who Illyria is (although I have a good idea so HUSH!) or why there is a puppet!Angel.

Anyway, under the cut is everything that I could think of that I liked within the five minutes I gave myself to write this out this morning. It's both Whedon and non-Whedon (but heavy on Doctor Who, I must say).

Oh! And you don't need to write something. I accept icons or banners. *smiles sweetly*

Whedonverse ships/characters I like: Willow/Tara, Xander (just being funny), Xander/Anya, Faith (being bitchy), Echo/November, Topher/Sierra, Adelle (being the strong female we know she is), Echo/Boyd, River/Jayne, Mal/Jayne, Jayne (muttering to himself about something or other), Mal/Inara, Kaylee/Mal, Angel/Cordelia

Non whedonverse ships/characters I like: Sheldon/Penny, Claudia (Warehouse 13 - and I haven't figured out who I like her paired with as I'm dismally behind in watching), Ninth Doctor/Rose, Tenth Doctor/Rose, Ninth Doctor/Jack, Rose/Donna

(I never put HP on there but here's some of those that I'll include here: Kingsley, any First Order member, Ginny/Blaise, Quidditch Hero!Ginny, Megan/Zach, Megan/Morag, any Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw pairing, Goyle/Marietta (cause I need some inspiration to pick that fic back up), someone beating Harry up for no apparent reason)

Type of fic I want (fluff/angst/PWP) The kind with words in it. *grins* Seriously, I like just about any genre there is. Make me laugh... make me cry... it's all good!

* Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart. -Pablo Neruda

* Hold my hand

* Ask me to dance

* Finding something that wasn't meant to be brought to the light of day

*That I was born to try
I've learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
-Delta Goodrem "Born to Try"

* I’ve passed this night dancing on coals
I blew away the sleep that was in my eyes
I counted the stars till my finger burned
-Jai Ho (in what I'm hoping is a good English translation)

*You cannot look in his eyes
Because your pulse must not say
What must not be said.
-Gwendolyn Brooks

* If it were not for hope, the heart would break. -Thomas Fuller

* Go on with you and your pretty smile.

* Never fully understand

* Reach out and hope there's something to hold on to
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