Series Fic: Forget the Night Out (Kingsley/Dorcas)

Aug 09, 2009 17:13

Title: Forget the Night Out
Pairing: Kingsley/Dorcas
Prompt: 1 - Never really existed at rarepair_shorts and 82 - Nature at 100_tales
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 698
Author's Notes: This story takes place after True Visions and before Name Me.

The wicker basket was clumsy in Dorcas’ tight embrace but she held it as close as she could in the crook of her arm, a shield against anything that might jump out at her from behind the tall, thin trees. The sun had long since disappeared from the patch of sky she could see above her. “I know I said I wanted to do something exciting for our first date but I don’t really think getting lost was what I had in mind.”

“Neither did I,” Kingsley growled, scanning the forest surrounding them as if he, too, thought there might be something out there that thought they were a tasty treat. “I don’t know what went wrong. The directions were clear. If I knew where we were, I could maybe find a place that didn’t look quite so forlorn and we could have dinner but-“

A caterwalling to their right sent both of them to the edge of the path, Kingsley’s wand out and ready to hex anything that came near. Dorcas had the basket up and ready to deflect any random charm that could be harmed by thin branches braided together in a decorative shape. As the sound faded into silence, Dorcas let the basket drop back down.

“At this point, I think our dinner has been sufficiently shaken into globs of goo. How about you Apparate us back to my place and we’ll go to the takeaway on the corner. We’ll try a first date again some other time.”

“Good idea.”

Quicker than she thought possible, Dorcas was wrapped in his arms and could feel the first tug at her insides as he began the process of getting them back home. She clung to him as well as she could with the basket still hanging from her arm. They were both sufficiently rattled by this experience that Dorcas didn’t want to chance him forgetting any part of her behind.

“All here?” he asked as he stepped away, taking his own mental inventory.

She nodded her head , trying not to look disappointed to have lost the warmth of his body against hers. It was strange how close she’d grown to this man over the past couple of weeks, considering they only saw each other for an hour or so a day. Their schedules weren’t as compatible as she would have liked but they took time together where and when they could. Most of that time had been here. She could only imagine at the barrenness of his flat if he thought this was the best place to meet. The new pillow shams did nothing to liven up the décor but at least she was trying.

Putting the basket down, she tried not to think of where she’d really like to spend the rest of the evening. Instead of glancing toward the bedroom (where there were always clean sheets on the bed just in case things moved in that direction), she smiled brightly and acted like she couldn’t wait for the same chicken and dumplings she always ordered. “So… takeaway?”

“You’re really alright with the way the evening is ending up? I just wanted it to be perfect.”

“Kingsley, you don’t need to work at making it perfect. Being with you is so much better than not being with you. If you want me to, I’ll pretend that our time in that forest never really existed. See? Gone.” His cheek was smooth under her hand. As he turned his head to kiss her palm, she shivered. “Do that again.”

“What? This?” He kissed her palm again before glancing down at her in confusion.

“I’ve seen you do that. Sweet Necessity. You were in one of my visions doing just that. I thought… I thought it was much further in the future.”

His eyes lit up as she whimpered. “What else did we do?”

“No, that wasn’t a good sound. Did you, perchance, have cottage pie for lunch?” When he nodded, she began pushing him toward the couch. “This night is going to get very, very interesting. But maybe I can soften the blow a bit. Do be sure to tell me when you start to feel… odd.”

graph fic, 2009, rarepair_shorts, first order, kingsley/dorcas

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