Yellow Ribbons

Jul 12, 2005 10:18

So the other day, I saw this cartoon on the net that really irked me. It was a yellow ribbon, with some really snide comments on it and to the side talking about how the only people who put the yellow ribbons on their cars are ignorant fucks who drive gas-guzzling SUVs and dare to put on yellow ribbons to support the war for oil ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

nightbird99 July 12 2005, 17:50:30 UTC
Here, here sister, I so totally agree with you on this. I saw the same stupid cartoon and knew it was way off base but did not have the words to tell. I also agree that you do not know the story behind a particular bumper sticker/ribbon. Most folks are just trying to show their support for the troops over there, doing their job, the job they signed up for. None of them signed up wanting to go in to a conflict or war but they knew it was a possibility so why do these jerks sit over here and condem them? I think they all forgot that a lot of people died so they could sit over here and complain about what do not like about this county ( ... )


SUVs balsamic13 July 12 2005, 18:50:28 UTC
I would have been just as hot if I'd seen that stupid cartoon. Don't have any clue if the folks who put it on are far left or what their political persuasion is, and it wouldn't matter to me what their political beliefs are. They have no compassion and like to think up this assinine buzzword crap to get people riled up. It's crass behavior and they are asses ( ... )


nilo July 12 2005, 18:50:56 UTC
I've GOT both a gas-guzzling SUV AND an American made compact that gets fabulous mileage. AND I support the troops. Ironically, though, my little "Support the Troops" yellow ribbon will not stick on my little Saturn because there's not enough freakin' metal in the car for it to adhere to. So HA!

But yeah, I understand what you're saying. Alaska is more of a conservative state than I would have predicted and Fairbanks really IS a military town. So, except for one street corner by the college with picketing protesters, the town does support the troops. It was VERY different when I lived in Seattle.


stardarkisis July 12 2005, 23:51:20 UTC
Thanks for posting my thoughts on the yellow ribbon issue. I have seen the cartoon and thought it was completely off base, I wondered if the creator had even taken a REAL look at the yellow ribbons. Some of them specifically state "Support Our Troops". Not support the war. Ah, well, some people are just asshats.

As for the SUV issue, I come from SUV country (where snow plows are optional and all road lead up mountsides) and I now live in Seattle. I'm of the opinion soccer moms (and I use this term very loosely) should by mini-vans and upper managment should buy compact cars, NOT SUV's. I guess I'm just saying we all have SUV issues. Thankfully I happily drive a Honda that I try very hard to keep up (she has issue's being 16 years old and all). I would only concider buying an SUV if I went back to the area I came from. But that's just me. :)


nightbird1967 July 18 2005, 05:08:33 UTC
Hey there, I am using a new LJ account, there is some stuff that needs cleaning up on my old one and this was easier.


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