Yellow Ribbons

Jul 12, 2005 10:18

So the other day, I saw this cartoon on the net that really irked me. It was a yellow ribbon, with some really snide comments on it and to the side talking about how the only people who put the yellow ribbons on their cars are ignorant fucks who drive gas-guzzling SUVs and dare to put on yellow ribbons to support the war for oil ( Read more... )

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nightbird99 July 12 2005, 17:50:30 UTC
Here, here sister, I so totally agree with you on this. I saw the same stupid cartoon and knew it was way off base but did not have the words to tell. I also agree that you do not know the story behind a particular bumper sticker/ribbon. Most folks are just trying to show their support for the troops over there, doing their job, the job they signed up for. None of them signed up wanting to go in to a conflict or war but they knew it was a possibility so why do these jerks sit over here and condem them? I think they all forgot that a lot of people died so they could sit over here and complain about what do not like about this county.

With the whole SUV thing, you are right, buy a something that fits your needs. If you need a large vechile because you have a butt load of kids, work in conditions that require hauling or travel over roads that would kill a smaller car, then get one and everyone else needs to shut up. Adam needs a vechile that will get him to work early in the mornings before the snow plows get out, that will get him in to job sites that are mud pits and then for us to go camping where we want to go with out tearing up the ground with spinning tires from something that has no business being there. On the other hand do not buy a small car like a honda and make it do the work of a SUV. To me that is being just as un-enironmental as driving a gas hog. You kill the car before its time and it cannot be preforming up to its standards under all that abuse. We ran in to an aquaintance a while back who was driving a small car for better gas mileage and talking about everything that she was doing for the environment by recycling. Ok here sat her car totally out of tune and with no muffler totally polluting the air. Hmmm, being environmental? My Ass!

Yes this is my rant too. Folks need to look in their own back yard before they start complaining about everyone elses.


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