Today was . . . long

Sep 27, 2003 23:09

Firstly something light and amusing:
The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment20.43%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.24.19% MemeSheepage33.33%
Easily amused30.06% Original Content45.16%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them39.92% Psychodrama Quotient12.05%
Had a comment taken out of context once or twice17.03% Attention Whoring13.64%
Slothfully Seeking Susan21.47%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up!

Now that that's over, we go over the rest of the day. Starting from yesterday being as I don't think I even bothered to turn on my computer yesterday.

Worked until 9.30, then went on a trail ride with Cody. Took the horses to his G-pa's place which is something like a mile from Judy's and wandered around Lehi (which is pretty much technically Mesa still) and went down to the wash. Spirit nearly backed into a cement truck that was coming down the road. Scared the crap out of me and Cody, it would not have been pleasant in the least had the two connected. We were much more wary of vehicles after that. The horses did rather well along the streets though, even crossing the bridge over the freeway. Next time we do that though, i want to drive the trailer across the bridge and park it on the side rather than riding the horses along all of those demon side streets. It just isn't safe, really. Erm. Yes, on the ride we saw a hawk, two coyotes (not together, but in reasonable proximity), a bunch a lizards, and vultures. Once we got past this evily large span of rocks we hit this sandy stuff that was more like dust than sand, really. Worked the horses really good. they were dripping wet, haven't had that hard of a workout since the ride I had with Shilo and Mom. Glory refused to cross the water that was there and Spirit refused to get TO the water (there were rocks, they'd eat her). Glory apparently has a mild fear of mailboxes, which she kinda sorta got over as the ride neared a close. Saw Eva's parents' home. Her dad's an architect . . . he likes domes . . . need I explain more? (well, it's basically three cylindars combined, the outer two topped with domes, rather nifty). So that was cool and, yeah. Glory wasn't too hard to load and stuff so all was good.

Rushed off after work to see if I could catch Shilo. She wasn't at the Seminary building and I was there BEFORE 2.30, curse it all. So I drove over to the buses, no Shilo, then I drove to her house, parked in the driveway, turned up the stereo and sat on the roof of the Explorer for about fifteen minutes before her bus came. Her neighbors must think I'm odd. Anyway.

We flicked off to my house, I showered and changed and finished packing and we headed off to Snowflake. The drive up wasn't very eventful. After getting there we checked in, ate at Arby's (I wasn't very hungry, didn't eat much), and danced like the goofballs we are to the mass o' CD's that we brought (all of my MP3 Cd's were in my car, curse it all). Oh, yeah, Mom let me take her car, that was fun. I fell asleep sometime before 11, or after, don't remember. Shilo stayed up unil 12 or something reading. Morning came around 6.30 and Shilo refused to move much. Thusly I crouched upon my bed and glared at her for a good minute before pouncing and tickling her into consciousness. We got down to breakfast and I devoured some biscuits and gravy while Shilo gnawed on a bagle and such. Oh, yes, out of sheer curiosity we tried some decaf coffee. It was discusting. Still kinda like the smell of coffe beans though.

Roved up to the Snowflake temple. Such a pretty building. Sits atop this hill surrounded by red rock (not as red as it could be, but it's rather red). From there we headed home. Now here's were you all can have a good laugh at my expense. I know I'm still snirking about it. Coming OUT of Heber I got a speeding ticket. Yep, first one! Mom burst into cackling laughter when I told her over the phone. I was rather chastened going the rest of the way home.

Dropped off Mom's car around 1.30, tossed stuff in room and other such things, gnawed on food, but not much, then took the Explorer over to Judy's (which reminds me, Cody left his hat and backpack in the car Friday). There we hooked up the trailer (only took two tries) and then went to Shilo's to drop her off. Went and attempted to withdraw money, gave up and came home, transphered money (I now owe my savings 200, grr) and then took Mom and Dad with me, pulled out money, and zipped off to go pick up Kash, it was 3.30 or somethin' by then. Poor Dad, he's had nemonia. I think that's how it's spelled *shrug.* He's getting better though, anyway, he came with us and we went out to the boonies to pick up Kash.

As soon as we came to the driveway Kash was getting all excited in his pen. His ears were up and he was pacing and whinnying and generally looking rather excited. It only took about 20 or 30 minutes to load him (not as bad as I was expecting) and there was talking and bill of sale and giving of cash for Kash and all good things. By the time we got back to Judy's it was 6.30 and getting rather dark (took about an hour driving back to Judy's). Had to put shaving in Kash's stall and everything. Then got him out, he back out astoundingly well. All the horses were rather excited, whinnying back and forth to eachother. We put him in the roundpen for a while. He trotted and moved about, rolled a bit, and mostly just walked around checking the place out (in the dark). Judy was somewhat bug-eyed looking at the boy. He's rather handsome (need to post pictures). She's still rather shocked that he was only 500, needless to say I'm a bit surprised as well, but I'm not as familiar with the prices that horses go for.

Then we tried getting him in the stall. He was a little wary of it. I took him around to introduce to the other horses who were in their stalls. Starlight wanted nothing to do with Kash and pretty much kept her ears back and was generally in a foul mood. Glory on the other hand seemed rather attentive, ears up and alert. They blew into each other's nostrils for a bit and I brought him over to Nikki. Nik seemed a bit more excited and alert, Kash appeared rather interested. Took him over to see Spirit. Spirit seemed intruiged, but Kash looked at her, took one sniff and seemed to say "okay, I'm done with that." Almost makes me think he's not too partial to Quarters. Bypassed Sweety and Thunder completely and walked him back to his stall. A little hay and he stepped right in. I think he rather liked it. Sniffed a bit at the shavings. I do believe Judy's stalls are bigger than the pen they were keeping him in. Mom and Dad left in Mom's car and I stayed for almost an hour talking to Judy and watching Kash. Such a pretty boy (again, pictures). I'm going to go out tomorrow early and see how he's settling in. We'll be keeping him in the west pasture until the other horses get used to him. Starlight is in the stall next to him. She stayed all the way on the other side with her ears back glaring somewhat balefully at him. His current attempts at making friends through the bars haven't been successful even when Judy put more hay in Star's bin. Going out again tomorrow, feed him, put him out, see how he does. It'll be fun trying to catch him Monday after he's been in the field. Hopefully it won't be too hard, heh, one can only hope.

Mrrrarrrg. This weekend has been crazy and everything in general has been rather insane. Nrg. It's just, gah. I wish I could just lay in and write it all out here, everything that's bee going on and all that's been happening with, well, everything, but it's just. Ffft. Out of respect of those involved I'm not going into it. It's just so frustrating. The accursed blindness of it all. So many things running through my head at the moment, it almost feels as if it'll explode. Heard Mom talking to Oma and Opa earlier. They brought up moving again. Moving away, out of this ward's boundaries because of the . . . difficulties with the Bishop. Mom, as she has before, said that we can't. It just doesn't feel right. We're here for some reason so here we're staying. Who knows how much longer. Huh, cynical thoughts running through my mind, but I don't say them. Words and phrases chasing themselves around my head, but I don't use them. I feel like I need to dump this all, but I can't. Shilo asked about some things on the ride up. It was frustrating. After a certain point I just dropped the conversation.

close my eyes, clear my head, sensation runs through my body, an almost comforting prickle starting from within and spreading out towards my limbs.

It's frustrating. Very frustrating, but I'll survive. I just can't help but think it must be a hundred times worse for Mom. She's the one who's had to live through most of this crap, I'm just standing in the wake.

I should be alseep.
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