These are always fun

Sep 25, 2003 22:56

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Geeze . . . so level. Granted, don't think Histrionic really fits me, but okay, whatever, just a silly test. I don't think I'll ever get "low " on Skizotypal.

Today was good. Yes.

My mind just went off on a tangent and I forgot what I was going to type.

Stargate SG-1 is starting to seep into my dreams. My dream last night had to do with falcons and being host to a symbiot, remember waking up and glaring at my alarm clock trying to decide what time it was and having a conversation with myself (or myself and the symbiot . . .). I'm only 29 episodes behind the rest of the family, hehe. Only on the 3rd dvd of the first season and everyone else is halfway through the second. Ah well, I'll catch up and have more StarGate-esque dreams full of aliens, space travel, and voices in my head. The falcons were cool. Reminds me that I haven't seen them over at Judy's

Which also reminds me that there's been a group of Killdeer hanging around and just today I discovered a small flight of red-winged blackbirds while I was riding Glory in the field. Nifty stuff.

Hopefully I'll be picking up Kash on Saturday *insert massive amounts of spazzing here at the prospect of a horse.*

I'm going to go to bed now as I'm going to work in the morning.

The Univ. Themes test was many times easier than I expected it to be.

. . . I love this song, it's so entertaining.
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