Too much walking, too little sleep

May 02, 2017 09:51

So, I did it. 71 miles in two days, with surprisingly little rain.

A very long ramble about rambling )

diary, vectis, walking

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Comments 5

bunn May 2 2017, 13:18:00 UTC


leesa_perrie May 3 2017, 16:57:14 UTC
Wow, what an achievement!! Well done! *joins in the applause*


ylla May 3 2017, 22:31:10 UTC
I am impressed. I apparently walked 24 miles one day on the Cleverland Way, and that was quite hard enough. It does go up and down an awful lot, though.


ladyofastolat May 4 2017, 19:11:29 UTC
Yeah, the Isle of Wight Coastal path is pretty easy terrain, really. There are more hills than you might expect - I heard one of the round-the-island challenge partcipants complaining bitterly about them - but there are many miles of completely flatness. There's also a LOT of walking on paved paths or - even better - flat, close-cropped grass on chalk downland. When we walked the Malverns in both directions a few years ago, I found the hilly 20 mile walk a LOT more tiring than longer walks at home. I also found it a lot slower when I walked a 20 mile route near my parents' house, and it was mostly through farmland - mud churned up by cows, then baked solid in the sun, and buried beneath long grass. We were noticeably slower throughout.


ylla May 5 2017, 07:51:34 UTC
I don't think I could do 30+ even on the flat! I remain in awe of your walking skills :)

(But yes, anywhere cows have been must compete for Worst Walking Surface.)


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