Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

Apr 15, 2012 09:12

Originally posted by lk737 at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by shadowkat67 at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
[Some one actually created a bill about this? Forget about sexism for a second... In a world with teenage pregnancies and overpopulation, hunger, famine, high unemployment, and bone crushing poverty? Are they frigging insane? If I lived in Arizona, I'd do a lot more than sign a petition. I'd find a way to boot that man out of office. Maybe tar and feather him and ride him out on a rail, like they did back in Mark Twain's day.

I am beginning to worry about the West, whatever happened to that libertarian spirit you were so found of? No government involvement. My ass. What are you guys smoking out there in Arizona? I'm also wondering about other sections of my country. This is what happens when people aren't educated. Maybe we should make every man who runs for legislative office take an intelligence test first?]

Originally posted by rozk at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by cluegirl at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by aubergineautumn at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by enchanted_jae at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by mandatorily at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

I just signed the following petition addressed to: Arizona Sentate, Arizona State Legislature, Debbie Lesko.

Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

If this bill passes the senate then women of Arizona would be forced to provide documentation that birth control is for medical purposes only. The "company" would not be required to cover birth control if it was for prevention of conception. Additionally this bill would give companies the right to fire women if they discovered that she was using a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy

some anvils need to be dropped, signal boost, misogyny awareness year, stfu misogyny year, can't stop the signal

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