The new LJ-cut, how to make it look (somewhat) like the old one, and how to fake it

Apr 13, 2012 19:48

Originally posted by chameleon_irony at The new LJ-cut, how to make it look (somewhat) like the old one, and how to fake it
You may have noticed that LiveJournal has changed the look of LJ-cuts, resulting in a shitstorm of protest from people who a) can't see the new cut symbol (on one of my older computers, which doesn't have the Dingbats font, it shows up as a tiny box), b) are just plain annoyed by it or by the pseudo-ellipsis, or (especially) c) who miss the parentheses. If the point was to make it easier to distinguish a real LJ-cut from the "fake cuts" some people make (outside links disguised as LJ-cuts), the attempt has failed. Proof below (under the cuts, if you aren't viewing this on the entry's page).

✂··· This is the new LJ-cut and it isn't much harder to fake than the old one. Copy+paste + bold.

What many of the people complaining in news and lj-releases don't seem to realize is that we don't have to say goodbye to parentheses in LJ-cuts. Look:

✂··· ( This is what you can do with the new LJ-cut )

< lj-cut text="( This is what you can do with the new LJ-cut )" >

Just put parentheses and spaces around the text you want to be the link, or the standard Read more..., inside the "". (I inserted a space after < and before > to show you the code. For the cut to work, don't do this!)

Now for what isn't as easily fixed: as a weird side effect of the changes, polls in journals that use the Flexible Squares layout (like this one) now look like this after you've voted in them. It makes the page unnavigable. Thank goodness all my entries with polls were tagged, so it didn't take too long to find them and put the polls under LJ-cuts to at least spare my journal's main page. This issue has been "reported to engineering", but that's not as reassuring as it should be. I hope it doesn't take you guys months to fix it.

signal boost, technical difficulties, can't stop the signal

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