Stop the Arizona birth control Bill

Apr 15, 2012 09:12

Originally posted by lk737 at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
Originally posted by shadowkat67 at Stop the Arizona birth control Bill
[Some one actually created a bill about this? Forget about sexism for a second... In a world with teenage pregnancies and overpopulation, hunger, famine, high unemployment, and bone crushing poverty? Are they frigging insane? If I ( Read more... )

some anvils need to be dropped, signal boost, misogyny awareness year, stfu misogyny year, can't stop the signal

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Comments 20

darth_eldritch April 15 2012, 13:18:55 UTC
This calls for Grievie rage

Srsly, what the fuck is wrong with these people???

Are they afraid that not enough white babies are being born? WTF????


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 13:24:34 UTC
I'm with you, Grievous. So very much. ((Busy year is busy for angry Eowyn as well. *points to icon*))

I really don't know. And I don't know if I want to either. :/


darth_eldritch April 15 2012, 13:26:25 UTC
Kreia has something to say about it, too!!!

Fools and imbeciles...


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 13:32:00 UTC
That she would! That she would. :)

Can you imagine these guys as a superhero team or something? ((Add River to the line-up also.))


forcewatcher April 15 2012, 13:32:19 UTC
There comes a point for everyone who's ever tried to crusade for justice realizes the people in charge are a lot dumber than they'd have you believe. That's the point when you realize the train is off the rails, and panic becomes a truly sane response because at least it might convince a few people to get out of the way.

I think you just found it.


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 13:34:29 UTC
Yeah. *sighs* We've hit a new low. And that's really saying something.


forcewatcher April 15 2012, 13:40:35 UTC
New? *shakes head* No, not really. It's a modern twist on old themes. More's the pity.


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 13:53:27 UTC
Yeah. That it is. :/


flamingo_bandit April 15 2012, 13:53:01 UTC
The hell? Seriously, Arizona?


seriouscookie April 15 2012, 14:46:23 UTC
Here's what we do: we create a new religion. The number one commandment of this new religion is that we are not allowed to discuss our reproductive system or status with anyone who wants to hire us for money. Then it's OUR religious freedom that's under fire and we'll just sue them when they pull shit like this.


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 14:57:27 UTC
Awesome! :D


sarisynn April 15 2012, 15:31:11 UTC
What the hell is going on in this goddamned country?? When did women become second-class citizens again? I thought we were doing okay! And now all of a sudden, all this shit. I don't understand what's going on here.

(Signed, by the way.)


ladyhadhafang April 15 2012, 16:11:22 UTC
I just don't know. *sighs* Good work signing, BTW. :)


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