Fandom Sex Fic Meta Stuff

Apr 03, 2012 12:40

Okay, so there was some discussion happening on twitter, and it's become obvious pretty fast Twitter is not a medium to cope with these thoughts. So, I pose to you a question ( Read more... )

i'm so meta baby, twitter shenanigans

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Comments 119

gala_apples April 3 2012, 12:07:38 UTC
I said this in brief on Twitter, but Buffy was my first fandom where I really got into D/s. Usually Spike domming Xander, occasionally Angelus domming Spike. i didn't notice until reading D/s in other fandoms, but Buffy-and-or-Angel fic has a habit of making their D/s really dub-con. The whole Sire can do whatever they want to the Childe, whether they like it or not, or vampire can own a human, whether they like it or not. There was a lot that looking with more seasoned eyes I can see is not so much D/s as just sexual slavery. Which, I mean, is a trope I'm also totally down for. I like that too. I just wish I could remember how all of it was labelled (nearly all of it was on geocities, which is gone now, so I can't go check). I'm pretty sure it was just D/s, no dub-con warnings ( ... )


mizubyte April 3 2012, 12:26:08 UTC
but Bobby and John belong with each other, and no one else. NOT EVEN THREESOMES.


I hate Rogue in the movies. UGH. (Also, because I firmly believe that Rogue belongs with Gambit, and they totally ruined Gambit in Origins, so now I can't even have that...)

I need more comics icons.


Oh wait I had more to say, I just REALLY felt strongly about that apparently.

Give me all the Angelus/Spike fic please. I have severe dislike for Angel... he was always so much more interesting as Angelus, but I also like the fics where it's not sexual slavery, but an actual D/s... or well, Sire/Childe bond. I like fics where they actually explore what that means and its not straight out, one dimensional "I am the boss of you rawr!" type deal ( ... )


gala_apples April 4 2012, 04:00:51 UTC
I think for a very small period of time I could find Snape sexy, and then I saw a few humor vids, like the classic I'm Too Sexy For My... and that ruined him. Except that one scene in OOTP, where he grabs Harry and Ron both by the hair. I'd read that threesome.

My dislike of Rogue runs SO STRONG. I think she's possibly the character I like the least of any movie I've ever watched. Jasley's heard my rant like 500 times. So happy I'm not the only one!


ladyfoxxx April 3 2012, 12:28:23 UTC
No way. You have an OTP? There is a fandom where you don't ship everyone/everyone? REALLY?

(okay thinky thoughts later but THIS was commentworthy)


gala_apples April 3 2012, 12:13:46 UTC
Oh! And for thoughts on other media...

I don't know if things have changed recently, but for the 8 years I was in HP, podficcing was NEVER a thing. And bandom seems to have a lot of it, which is cool.

Bandom's art is pretty tame. I mean, I enjoy looking at it, but it's pretty pg, for the most part. Compared to going to HP's Daily Deviant, or it's parent comm Pornish Pixies, where every piece of art is HARDCORE nsfw. I can understand the potential discomfort at drawing Panic GSF, but I'm just saying, there is a difference.

Also SPN manips are dirty dirty things. From what I've been surprised linked to. I don't really go searching it out.

Lastly, mixes... in HP if you wrote a big bang you got art. Period. Unless you didn't get claimed. But mixes was never a thing. I'm very glad it is in bandom, I've gotten great music from it. But mixes wasn't a fannish thing. I'm guessing some combination of HP musicality going into the various Wrock, and bandom revolving around, well, BANDS, understanding how important music is.


croissantkatie April 3 2012, 12:32:01 UTC
I never came across podfic until bandom. It exists in other fandoms, but it's far less prevalent. Also, I've noticed that my bandom podfics get more feedback. That might just be because I'm more "in" bandom than any other fandom, or because of the relationship between bandom and podfic.

As for art, yeah, every other fandom I've seen has art which is less sfw. HP, Glee, Sherlock, it's all been more explicit.

The only mixes I know of in other fandoms are either ones centered around a character or a pairing, not a story.


greedy_dancer April 3 2012, 12:46:12 UTC
Y y I think the prevalence of feedback in a certain fandom is quite important to how much podfic a certain fandom gets! I mean, obviously we don't do it JUST for that, but knowing you're going to get more if you record fandom X than fandom Y means there's going to be an extra incentive!


greedy_dancer April 3 2012, 12:42:36 UTC
Podficcing trends in fandoms are really interesting! (And of interest to me, obviously *g*)

Merlin, SGA and Supernatural have A TON of podfic. Bandom's getting a fair bit, and I really think it's a snowball effect: someone records your favourite story, you start listening to more podfic, eventually you tell yourself you could start too! And if you already know people who can help it's even easier. Hence - to my sense - the "podfic revival" of bandom (this is how I saw it described on someone's twitter recently).

Other fandoms are either not as aware, or not as open to being podficced - for copyright reasons, maybe?


croissantkatie April 3 2012, 12:36:41 UTC
Basically, I'd like more femmeslash in pretty much all of my fandoms. I love slash and het, but I'd really love to see more femmeslash.


greedy_dancer April 3 2012, 12:49:40 UTC
I think in the case of bandom, femmeslash is limited in part because we have A LOT of guys to choose from but a really small number of canon women? Like, off the top of my head, there's The Like, Greta, Vicky. And that's it. A lot of people are uncomfortable slashing the RL wives/girlfriends.

Which is not an excuse, of course! More femmeslash!!


croissantkatie April 3 2012, 12:52:46 UTC
Yeah, bandom is definitely limited in that respect. And yet we find ways to get round it. Genderswap! The people we do have who we feel comfortable with.

I just really love ito but don't always read it because I tend to read stuff I stumble across rather than go looking for specific things.


ladyfoxxx April 3 2012, 13:37:01 UTC
It took me a long time to come around to the idea of Genderswap. Early in my fandom life a lot of the genderswap fic I saw was just the author Mary Sue-ing. Of course, after reading some very GOOD genderswap fic in Bandom I've totally come around and I'm even writing it now.

I agree femmeslash is tricky in Bandom since it's so male oriented, and I understand where the people who don't want to read/write about the wives/girlfriends are coming from because I used to feel the same. Um, obviously not anymore! (Except Christa. I still don't think I'd feel comfortable writing her.)


greedy_dancer April 3 2012, 12:39:12 UTC
I said so on Twitter also, but yes I think there are absolutely differences in fandom sex (and tropes)! To a certain extent, it's about what I'm interested in reading for a specific character, so that obviously colours the understanding I have of the fandom, but there are definitely "sex characterizations," things that are specific to a certain canon, or trends that take a life of their own because a couple of influential members are into a specific kink/trope (Skippy, anyone? lol ( ... )


ladyfoxxx April 3 2012, 17:44:55 UTC
I agree Panic have more kink than MCR. I'm not sure why - do you think they as a band come across as inherently kinkier (LOL Bden) or is it just that the more popular Panic writers like to write kink and it took off?

There's definitely a pattern to people's descriptions of SPN fandom - sex pollen, possession etc. I find it interesting that Wincest seems to have a lot of fic where they need to justify the incest, where a lot of Waycest doesn't even necessarily acknowledge the wrongness of the incest thing.

I'm really happy with the enthusiasm for domestic fic, friends becoming more, pining fics in Bandom

All of these tropes are VERY common in Bandom!


mizubyte April 4 2012, 00:26:14 UTC
I said this elsewhere, but I was introduced to Bandom via Panic, aka those tiny hot boys in eyeliner that are very theatrical and are all over each in other in interviews. They sort of just lend themselves very easily to GSF in a way that I don't see with any of the other bands, and apparently foursomes just leads to kink in my brain.

(my favourite bandom fic, to this day, is a D/s post-divorce Brendon/Ryan. FIC OF MY HEART, I wish there was a sequel).


chuckaloonie April 4 2012, 01:05:33 UTC
I'm only lurking because this is the first (and to the day, the only) fandom I've been on so I have nothing to add. So Foxie, I'm sorry for de-lurking just to ask Miz for the link of the fic of her heart, but I really want to read it if I haven't! Especially now that I'm not really reading anything but Panic, and I'm getting tired of Brendon/Spencer, so a change of pairing would be amazing!

So, could you link me to it, Miz? *bats eyelashes*


(The comment has been removed)

ladyfoxxx April 3 2012, 13:48:32 UTC
But bandom, which afaik has never had a major kinkmeme, has lots of kink fic--but it's a very particular set of kinks, written in very particular ways.

I find it very interesting that while Bandom has had a variety of anonymous memes, we've never had one go-to kinkememe. There was anon_lovefest, which was never really a kink meme, but had a lot of kinky content once upon a time which isn't all that active anymore. Then there was the short-lived bandomkinkmeme which was great for a period but petered out kind of quickly. There have been random one-off kinky fests and of course Bandom folk who participate in kink_bingo but there's no central kinky prompting zone we can keep coming back to. Even the new DW comm Bandom Meme isn't solely a kink meme but a more general prompting meme - though it's open to that kind of content.

I can't help wondering why we haven't had one go-to kinkmeme in Bandom. Have we just been unlucky, or is Bandom a fandom that isn't suited to it, or did we have one and I missed it?


shinetheway April 3 2012, 14:08:34 UTC
I think the background level of kink in bandom has been sufficiently high that a dedicated forum was never needed. Virtually all the major writers of bandom that I can think of over the last three years* write at least partially with a linky slant.

In my mental timeline bandom's Golden Age ran from 2007-2009 and the Silver Age runs 2010-present. (Alert for misuse of a comics term! I stress that I'm making absolutely NO suggestion as to which period was better, just that they were measurably different from each other.) It does appear to me that relatively few writers appear to have started in Gold and continued to Silver, and Silver, from my perspective anyway, seems to have more kinky writers in it. Certainly my favorite Golden Age kinky writer, two_way_street, seems to have closed up shop. Tragedy!


roga April 3 2012, 23:15:16 UTC
Seconding everything :-)


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