Meme time!

Jul 24, 2011 20:23

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Comments 62

chomiji July 25 2011, 01:03:35 UTC

Kakei and Saiga from Legal Drug!


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 01:19:44 UTC
If you insist ( ... )


chomiji July 25 2011, 02:02:12 UTC

If I insist? Hah!


And here I thought I was doing a good deed by skipping Gojyo and Hakkai ... .

Milkmaid Saiga! OMG, I need brain bleach ... .


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 02:05:18 UTC
I was just teasing! :D

You know he'd come up with crazy/ridiculous/awesome stuff like that. And I bet he's got fantastic legs.


red_squared July 25 2011, 01:15:35 UTC
Yohji/Schuldig :D


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 01:30:59 UTC
(These are all for a canon-compliant-ish Yohji/Schuldig, btw.)

1. Yohji hates himself and Schuldig takes full advantage. Yohji decides the bruises are what he deserves. Sometimes Schuldig helps with that, sometimes he makes it worse. It all depends on the mood he's in.

2. Tough one. Schuldig by a strand or two.

3. It's easier to list what they don't argue about: nothing. The most common arguments are are we having sex? and, though it never shows up in so many words, which of us is more batshit? They usually have sex, and no one ever wins.

4. Schuldig. No contest.

5. Yohji gets enough of his memories back he decides he's dangerous to his wife, and gets a divorce. He's toiling away at his office job when he sees a hot redhead who looks just familiar enough for him to check out. Schuldig's powers have been burning out for months, and he's looking for a new project. Yohji suits his purposes just fine; he uses the last of his powers to stabilize him, and then practices his non-telepathic skills of emotional manipulation. They beat ( ... )


red_squared July 26 2011, 21:54:33 UTC
Yohji hates himself and Schuldig takes full advantage. Yohji decides the bruises are what he deserves. Sometimes Schuldig helps with that, sometimes he makes it worse. It all depends on the mood he's in.

This is so majorly messed up and yet makes me gleefully squeeful for them because it's about the closest they'd ever get in canon ♥


lady_ganesh July 27 2011, 17:28:45 UTC
It really, really is. ♥


rosehiptea July 25 2011, 01:20:39 UTC
Vash and Wolfwood!


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 01:44:53 UTC
1. They argue. A lot. Clothes on, clothes off, everywhere in the middle. It's foreplay, it's sex, it's afterglow, it's what they do. They like that they can get rough with each other sometimes, but they only do that if they're both in the mood for it. They're pretty good at understanding each other, even though they bicker so much, and they're good at knowing what they need.

2. Vash, especially once the black starts coming in.

3. Oh, hey, it's question 1 again! The real arguments, of course, are about when Vash's ethics bump up against Wolfwood's. The most common minor argument is about who's paying that night.

4. Vash. ::sniffle::5. There really isn't one, though, is there. BUT LET'S PRETEND ANYWAY. Let's go with comics canon: Wolfwood gets hurt, badly, in the orphanage fight, and is effectively sidelined for the rest of the final arc. Once Vash and Knives have their Big Understanding, Vash makes his way back out to the orphanage, where Wolfwood is still, slowly, recovering. He'll never be at full capacity again, but Vash and the ( ... )


smillaraaq July 25 2011, 01:55:10 UTC
*sniffles along with you*

Is 2 something from manga-only canon? SO CONFUSED.


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 02:07:36 UTC
After the Fifth Moon, there's a dark streak in Vash's hair. In the manga, it Means Something, and gets to take more and more of his hair as time goes on.


smillaraaq July 25 2011, 01:22:51 UTC
Gojyo and Hakkai! Or Tenpou and Kenren, if you prefer, even though 4 and 5 don't really work for them...unless you want to talk AU?


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 02:04:01 UTC

Gojyo and Hakkai:

1. I think Gojyo's a closet cuddler. These days they're on the road, and so most often now they have quick, quiet sex, whenever they have the chance. When they have a little more time and space, they like to go slow.

2. Gojyo!

3. Is Gojyo a slob, or is Hakkai too picky? SPOILER: THEY ARE BOTH RIGHT.

4. I don't think either of them will cope, ngl. But I suspect Gojyo would cope better, and they'd both handle natural causes better than the alternative.

5. The journey ends and they go home, except a family's been squatting in the house for months, and while Hakkai is tempted to kick them out, one look at Gojyo's face rules out that idea. They end up hiking over to the temple and spending the night there (Sanzo's bitching answered with Gojyo's "we saved the fucking world for these assholes, I think they can put us up for the night", and in the morning they find a different house, a little nicer, a little bigger, more theirs than the old one had ever been ( ... )


smillaraaq July 25 2011, 03:42:56 UTC
1. YESSS. I have been theorizing for aaaaaaages that anyone as touchy-feely as we see Gojyo being in canon would in all likelihood be a cuddle-fiend in the bedroom. (And I have often wondered if a part of his ladies-man routine is down to simply craving *touch*, and framing that in terms of being a horndog makes it acceptably macho and cool in a way that actually admitting to wanting/liking cuddling wouldn't be ( ... )


lady_ganesh July 27 2011, 17:32:13 UTC
1. OH YES. (I don't think it's just touch, either, it's people wanting him, on any level, valuing him, even if it's just for a tumble. and Y/Y/saaavemeeee.)

4. On one level, he's pretty much muddled through his whole life, poor kid.

2A. Hmmm, yeah, but I saw enough Proud and Amazing Mullets in my day to write the whole look off, I guess. Hee.


cicer July 25 2011, 01:30:41 UTC
Sherlock and John!


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 02:16:35 UTC
In my headcanon, they don't have sex. But if they did....

1. John normally sets the tone and what they do, because Sherlock just doesn't care enough; sex isn't worth wasting too much space on. He's happy to follow John's lead. John likes to tie Sherlock up and try to make him beg. Sometimes it even works.

2. I think I like John's hair better, actually. It looks so ruffle-able.

3. Whose turn it is to take out the rubbish.

4. John, I think, but I don't think either of them would cope very well.

5. They fight crime! Pretty much the canon here; John may have other entanglements, but always ends up back at 221B with his BFF, where they snipe at each other and care for each other and never, ever retire.


lindentreeisle July 25 2011, 03:57:26 UTC

I don't know, there's something adorably appealing about the idea of John and Sherlock retiring to Sussex together. But I don't like to think about it overmuch, because they're never allowed to die. Ever.


cicer July 25 2011, 22:51:57 UTC
I admit it, I love the idea of beekeeper!Sherlock. But I like to pretend in my head that they still take cases sometimes, and yes, they never ever die. Ever.


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