Meme time!

Jul 24, 2011 20:23

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i like to talk, meme

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smillaraaq July 25 2011, 01:22:51 UTC
Gojyo and Hakkai! Or Tenpou and Kenren, if you prefer, even though 4 and 5 don't really work for them...unless you want to talk AU?


lady_ganesh July 25 2011, 02:04:01 UTC

Gojyo and Hakkai:

1. I think Gojyo's a closet cuddler. These days they're on the road, and so most often now they have quick, quiet sex, whenever they have the chance. When they have a little more time and space, they like to go slow.

2. Gojyo!

3. Is Gojyo a slob, or is Hakkai too picky? SPOILER: THEY ARE BOTH RIGHT.

4. I don't think either of them will cope, ngl. But I suspect Gojyo would cope better, and they'd both handle natural causes better than the alternative.

5. The journey ends and they go home, except a family's been squatting in the house for months, and while Hakkai is tempted to kick them out, one look at Gojyo's face rules out that idea. They end up hiking over to the temple and spending the night there (Sanzo's bitching answered with Gojyo's "we saved the fucking world for these assholes, I think they can put us up for the night", and in the morning they find a different house, a little nicer, a little bigger, more theirs than the old one had ever been ( ... )


smillaraaq July 25 2011, 03:42:56 UTC
1. YESSS. I have been theorizing for aaaaaaages that anyone as touchy-feely as we see Gojyo being in canon would in all likelihood be a cuddle-fiend in the bedroom. (And I have often wondered if a part of his ladies-man routine is down to simply craving *touch*, and framing that in terms of being a horndog makes it acceptably macho and cool in a way that actually admitting to wanting/liking cuddling wouldn't be ( ... )


lady_ganesh July 27 2011, 17:32:13 UTC
1. OH YES. (I don't think it's just touch, either, it's people wanting him, on any level, valuing him, even if it's just for a tumble. and Y/Y/saaavemeeee.)

4. On one level, he's pretty much muddled through his whole life, poor kid.

2A. Hmmm, yeah, but I saw enough Proud and Amazing Mullets in my day to write the whole look off, I guess. Hee.


smillaraaq July 28 2011, 01:15:04 UTC
1. YES YES YES. Even if his pickups only want him for a disposable one-night-stand, it's still being *wanted*; and being good in the sack is pretty much the only skill he has that seems like it might have gotten him more positive attention than negative. Brawling? Other than praise from crap allies like Banri, I can imagine he might be getting less praise for his fighting skills and strength and more grumbling from the guys he beat up, and maybe even some condemnation from bystanders for being a troublemaker; ditto for gambling, maybe some of the barfly girls praise him for being good at it but at the same time all the people he's beating at cards are not likely to be very happy about his skills. Sex and flirtation, OTOH, while there's bound to be some sour grapes from the guys who aren't as lucky with the ladies, or more conservative folks expressing disapproval for his sluttiness, that sort of thing seems like it would carry a lot less emotional weight for him than the girls telling him how good he is. (And holy crap, getting not ( ... )


lady_ganesh July 28 2011, 20:49:10 UTC

1. EXACTLY. I do suspect Gojyo was in the habit of scamming visitors and people passing through, rather than locals, for that whole self-preservation thing. Probably has a few regular games with a guy or two who thinks they can beat him, but that's it. (Was it the timeline or that interview with Minekura where she said he probably floated along on older women's attentions for a while?)


smillaraaq July 28 2011, 23:52:43 UTC
The gigolo thing comes up in both the Saiyuubito profiles and the Reload Blast profiles -- no specific mention of older women, but considering the boy was in his teens I'd imagine none of his sugar mamas were any *younger* than him!

And yeah, depending on the size of the town and how many travelers they get passing through, I can see him maybe having to fleece locals at least some of the time too -- but in those cases he's people-savvy enough that I think he'd have figured out from experience that emptying out the same regulars' wallets time after time is a good way to make enemies; days when he's got enough cash reserve to cover his bills, it wouldn't surprise me if he deliberately plays a little badly or folds early even though he's winning, just to keep the suckers thinking they have a chance...


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