Myojo 08/2010 Arashi "5x100" interview - Ohno

Aug 13, 2010 19:07

5x100 Ohno Interview

Q1: What time did you go to sleep last night?
A: I dunno… I guess it must have been about 3am?

Q2: This morning, what time did you get up?
A: Today I got up once at 9, then I slept again, woke up at 10, went back to sleep and then got up at 11 (laugh).

Q3: What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
A: Got in the bath!

Q4: How long does it take you to leave your house?
A: Today was about 50 minutes. There’s also times when I get up 2 hours early and take it easy. My shortest time is about 5 minutes.

Q5: What was the first thing you ate today?
A: At the location before this one, I ate canteen food.

Q6: How much money are you carrying today?
A: (Takes out his wallet) Otsu! There’s a load in here today. There’s as much as 1, 2… 80,000 yen! (TN: £600 / $940)

Q7: What are the clothes you’re wearing today? (TN: Personal clothes, not the ones in the photoshoot.)
A: Checked shirt with shorts and fishing sandals. I wear this shirt quite a lot, but only today did I notice that it’s reversible! A stylist said “this is reversible, isn’t it?” and made me realise, so today I tried it on this way for the first time!

Q8: What’s inside your bag today?
A: I’m empty-handed today, so I don’t have a bag. All I’ve got are my wallet and mobile.

Q9: If you had to describe today’s mood as a type of weather?
A: Cloudy. Because it’s just ordinary.

Q10: What’s something you bought lately?
A: An (American cartoon character) wallet. The extent of its stupidity caught my attention (laugh).

Q11: What’s something you laughed at lately?
A: I laugh every day, you know!

Q12: What’s something you cried at lately?
A: Whilst acting in the drama “Kaibutsu-kun”, I cried.

Q13: What’s something that’s made you irritated lately?
A: Nothing.

Q14: What’s something that surprised you lately?
A: That I had dinner together with (artist) Yoshimoto Nara-san.

Q15: What’s something that’s got you excited/nervous lately?
A: Nothing.

Q16: What’s something that’s got you in high spirits lately?
A: When I played badminton.

Q17: What’s something that’s got you down lately?
A: Nothing.

Q18: What’s something that’s got you worried you lately?
A: Nothing much in particular…

Q19: What’s something you’ve failed at lately?
A: Nothing!

Q20: Is there anything that’s caught your attention on the news recently?
A: From what I’ve seen on TV, there have been a lot of murder cases haven’t there.

Q21: What home electronics have caught your interest lately?
A: Nothing much really.

Q22: What’s the last photo you took on your mobile?
A: A 2-shot of me and Nara-san together.

Q23: Other than phone calls and text messaging, what else do you often use your phone for?
A: Things like checking out acquaintances’ blogs.

Q24: What strap do you have on your phone?
A: Tuna.

Q25: What do you want most right now?
A: Consecutive holidays (laugh).

Q26: Who’s the person you’d most like to meet right now?
A: Rather than a person, it’s a fish (laugh). I want to meet Sea Bass-san.

Q27: Right now, where’s the place you’d most like to try going?
A: Okinawa!

Q28: We say “summer,” you say…
A: Sea!

Q29: Do you like summer?
A: I like it best of all.

Q30: Are you the seaside type? Pool type?
A: Pool type. You’re like “Huh!?” (laugh). You thought “What? He’s saying ‘pool type’ here!??” right?

Q31: What’s your favourite thing to eat at a summer festival?
A: Apricot candy. On top the ice which I love. I like that kind of atmosphere.

Q32: What flavour of shaved ice do you like?
A: Melon.

Q33: Were you the type to quickly finish your summer homework?
A: I intended to, anyway (laugh)

Q34: What did you like to play as a child?
A: Metal bars. Like the glider and stuff.
(TN: After googling round a bit, this is what I think he means:

Q35: If you were a student, what kind of part time job would you like to try?
A: Working in a convenience store. I don’t think I’d be able to do it though.

Q36: What superpower would you like to have?
A: Stopping time.

Q37: At home, what are you called?
A: “Satoshi”

Q38: What type of girl do you like?
A: Don’t know.

Q39: If you’re dating someone, do you want to see them every day?
A: Nah, it’s okay if it’s not every day.

Q40: If you’re dating someone, do you want to be in contact every day?
A: Don’t mind either way.

Q41: Are you the text-messaging type? Calling type?
A: Both.

Q42: For your ideal date, would you want to go out and have fun or have a laid-back time at home?
A: Outside.

Q43: Does anything change when you’re in love?
A: My feelings change, but the fundamentals things about me don’t really change.

Q44: When it comes to love, what is vital?
A: Excitement. (TN: The feeling of 「ウキウキ」“ukiuki” can’t really be translated properly! Somewhere between cheery light-heartedness and exhilaration.)

Q45: What do you want to do to the person you love?
A: Nothing in particular.

Q46: Are you bothered by your lover’s past romances?
A: I’m not bothered.

Q47: Have you ever been heartbroken?
A: I have.

Q48: When you’re heartbroken, what happens?
A: I lose heart.

Q49: What do you look for in a potential marriage partner?
A: There’s nothing really, no little trivial details.

Q50: The words you’d use to propose are…?
A: “Wanna try getting married?”

Q51: How many children do you want?
A: Two.

Q52: What names would you give them?
A: Hmm that’s tricky… “Osu”, “Mesu”. (Laugh) For Ohno kids, wouldn’t that be really cool? (TN: osu/mesu = male/female, used for animals!)

Q53: What do you think of as manliness?
A: Be true to yourself.

Q54: What do you think of as femininity?
A: Sex appeal.

Q55: Regardless of gender, what kind of person can you get on well with?
A: People who it’s fun to be with.

Q56: Regardless of gender, what kind of person do you find it hard to get on well with?
A: People who can’t read the atmosphere [in social situations].

Q57: If you could change places with an Arashi member for one day only…?
A: I’d become Sho-kun and read the news.

Q58: If you’re told at karaoke, “sing an Arashi song!”…?
A: Don’t wanna! (laugh)

Q59: _____ about Sho-kun is awesome!
A: Of course, the fact that he reads the news.

Q60: _____ about Aiba-kun is awesome!
A: The fact that he makes miracles happen.

Q61: _____ about Nino is awesome!
A: He’s aaaaaalways playing games.

Q62: _____ about MatsuJun is awesome!
A: He always eats meals properly, right?

Q63: ______ about Ohno-kun is awesome!
A: How often I go fishing (laugh).

Q64: What good points about Japan would you like to recommend to foreigners?
A: Japan’s unique songs and dances and stuff. There’s a wide range, isn’t there.

Q65: What’s your favourite word?
A: “Awesome!” (TN: “Saikou!” - his catchphrase from ‘Kaibutsu-kun’.)

Q66: What makes you happy when it’s said to you?
A: “It’s kinda, good isn’t it...” (TN: “Nanka, ii yo ne”)

Q67: What’s your favourite colour?
A: Blue.

Q69: What’s your favourite season?
A: Summer.

Q70: Why’s that?
A: Cuz it’s hot.

Q71: What’s your favourite smell?
A: The smell that comes from the bath.

Q72: What’s your favourite sound?
A: When you ride a bike down a gravel road, that kind of sensation.

Q73: What’s your favourite side-dish in a bentou?
A: Meatballs.

Q75: What’s something you have a habit of saying?
A: “Aaa.”

Q76: What are you collecting?
A: Nothing in particular.

Q77: What’s your most treasured item?
A: Memories… That’s cool (laugh)

Q78: Honestly, what’s your weakness?
A: When I get my ass touched.

Q79: Throughout your life, who have you received most inspiration from?
A: Bruce Lee.

Q80: When you first meet someone, where do you look?
A: Face.

Q81: What is the Ohno family precept?
A: “Don’t cause trouble for people.”

Q82: What’s your favourite animal?
A: Chimpanzee.

Q84: What’s Ohno Satoshi’s greatest weapon?
A: Nothing.

Q84: If you were a different person, what would you think of yourself?
A: Weirdo.

Q86: What if you became prime minister?
A: I wouldn’t. I don’t want to.

Q86: How many hours do you want in a day?
A: I’m fine with 24 hours.

Q87: What is it that marks the fact someone has become an “adult”?
A: When they acquire various life experiences.

Q88: When do you think that you became an “adult”?
A: I’m still a kid.

Q89: What does “Arashi” mean to you?
A: Something that I treasure.

Q90: Where in the house do you spend most of your time?
A: On the sofa, I guess.

Q91: At home, do you go barefoot? Wear socks? Slippers?
A: Barefoot.

Q92: When you’re feeling down, what do you do?
A: I spend time alone, doing nothing.

Q93: Today when you get home, what do you plan to do?
A: Read my script for “Kaibutsu-kun”.

Q94: In your life right now, what is indispensable?
A: Time alone.

Q95: In your life right now, what do you not have enough of?
A: Well I’m not lacking anything, so it’s fine.

Q96: What do you wear to sleep?
A: Shorts and t-shirt.

Q97: There’s 3 days till the end of the world… What do you do?
A: I’d want to go to Okinawa and fish!

Q98: What do you want to say to yourself, 10 years in the future?
A: “You’re really doing your best, aren’t you!” (“Yoku ganbatteru na!”)

Q99: What’s your dream right now?
A: To receive 4 days’ consecutive holiday.

Q100: Final words!
A:”MYOJO, SAIKOU!” (TN: “MYOJO’S AWESOME!” - he’s using his catchphrase from Kaibutsu-kun.)

Nino's responses are here.
Aiba's responses are here.

justwishaway has done an awesome translation of Jun's here, so be sure to check that out too.

Scans of all the interviews can be found HERE, at arashi_no_jidai

Sho's are coming soon!

arashi, ohno, translation

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