[translation] Myojo August 2010 - Matsumoto Jun's 5x100 interview

Aug 11, 2010 11:29

Jun's answers are... kind of unexpected at times. But on the other hand, 100 answers will let you know more about him XD

1. What time did you sleep last night?
Maybe around 3am

2. What time did you wake up this morning?

3. What is the first thing you do after you wake up?
Brush my teeth

4. How much time do you need before going out?
Today I needed 30 minutes which is on the faster side, normally I will need around 45 minutes?

5. What is your first meal today?
I ate clam onigiri from the previous location

6. How much money did you bring today?
*takes out wallet* 26000 yen. The other day I only had 1000 yen left and thought “ahh this is bad!” and went to withdraw money.

7. What are you wearing today?
Navy blue polo shirt over a long-sleeved checkered shirt, denim, boots

8. What is in your bag today?
Water, script, music player, books

9. Please describe your feelings today in terms of the weather.
Sunny. Because it’s sunny now

10. What did you buy recently?
Toothbrush. It was recommended by the dentist that I went to.

11. What made you laugh recently?
In the photoshoot for SPUR, I had to carry a whale on my back and ride a bike

12. What made you cry recently?
I cried when watching the movie ROOKIES. When I watched the drama I cried, and when I watched the movie the feeling (of crying) came suddenly. I cried when reading the manga too…

13. What annoyed you recently?
I can’t think of anything

14. What surprised you recently?
An encounter with Mori Shinichi-san in the studio

15. What made you nervous recently?
Meeting with Shinichi Mori-san

16. What made you raise your tension (become excited) recently?
Meeting with Shinichi Mori-san (laugh)

17. What brought your spirits down recently?
I can’t think of anything

18. What made you troubled recently?
I’ve noticed that the little remaining video recording time on my hard drive.

19. What have you failed in recently?
Nothing in particular

20. What interesting news was there recently?
Sho-kun starting to play the piano

21. What electrical appliances caught your interest recently?
Air purifier and humidifier. Recently when I wake up in the mornings, my throat hurts a lot..

22. What picture did you take with your phone camera recently?
I took one when I went to the beach.

23. Other than making telephone calls and mailing, what other functions do you usually use?
Surfing the internet, and also connecting with Bluetooth

24. What is your telephone strap?

25. What do you want the most now?
A pillow that is more suitable for my neck.

26. Who is the person you want to see the most?
Katsu Shintarou-san. Because I recently read his book.

27. Where is the place you want to go the most?
Tokyo Sky Tree.

28. When you talk about summer, it means?

29. Do you like summer?

30. Are you the sea type? or pool type?
I like both

31. What food do you like at the summer festival?
Frozen pineapple

32. Which flavor of shaved ice do you like?
Uji-kintoki (sort of a green tea ice cream and shaved ice with red bean, here's a picture!)

33. Are you the type that finishes summer holiday homework quickly?
I was the type that didn’t do it (laugh)

34. When you were a kid, what game did you like to play?
Kankeri (kick the can)

35. If you became a student, what part-time job would you like to do?
Employee in a convenience shop

36. What superpower do you think would be good to have?
To fly in the sky (actually he used the word float here)

37. How are you called by your family?

38. What is your preferred type of girl?
I don’t have a preferred type

39. If you date someone, will you want to meet her everyday?
No, that is not possible

40. If you date someone, will you want to contact her everyday?
That is also not possible

41. Is your ideal date indoors or outdoors?
Both are fine

42. Will there be any changes if you fall in love?
Won’t there be some changes?

43. What must you have in a romance?
A companion

44. What do you want to give to the person you like?

45. Do you care about your lover’s past relationships?
I won’t be bothered by it

46. Have you ever been heartbroken?

47. After you fell out of love what did you do?
There won’t be much changes?

48. What requirement do you have for the person you want to marry?
I don’t know… Since I am not married

49. What will you say to propose to her?
Come and enter my tomb!

50. How many kids do you want?
I think 2. A girl and a boy

51. And what names will you give them?
Junko and Junni (laugh)

52. What does Matsujun consider as manly?
The ability to protect

53. About feminity?

54. Regardless of male or female, who do you want to befriend?
A person who can sustain a nice atmosphere

55. Regardless of male or female, what kind of people are you bad with?
A person who can’t read the atmosphere

56. If you could change to another member for one day?
There isn’t any

57. Reason?
I don’t really want to change with anybody.

58. What if you were told in karaoke “Sing an Arashi song!”?
I’ll sing normally

59. A good point about Ohno-kun!
He doesn’t talk much

60. A good point about Sakurai-kun!
He has a newscaster posture

61. A good point about Aiba-kun!
He is fond of animals

62. A good point about Ninomiya-kun!
He likes games

63. A good point about Matsumoto-kun!
Parts of the face (facial features)

64. What will you recommend to foreigners as a good point about Japan?
The people. Also, each area of Japan has its own customs and tradition.

65. Words you like?
Natural ( 自然)

66. What words make you happy when said?
Happy! (うれしい!)

67. What is your favourite colour?
I don’t have any. I don’t have a colour I dislike as well.

68. What season do you like?

69. Reason?
When it is near summer, you hear the word “summer” a lot, so you get the feeling that summer is arriving.

70. What smell do you like?
The smell of soap

71. A sound that you like?
The sound of birds and the murmuring of the river

72. Favourite side dish in your bento?
Siew mai

73. An imitation you are good in?

74. Favourite phrase?
Like… (he uses the word "nanka")

75. What do you collect?

76. Precious things?
The fans (laugh). Time. Experiences.

77. Frankly, what is your weak point?

78. Who has influenced you the most in your life?
Of course it would be family, wouldn’t it?

79. When you first meet a person, where do you first look at?

80. What are the rules of the Matsumoto family?
There are none

81. Animal that you like?

82. What is the biggest weapon of Matsumoto Jun?
What kind of question is this?!

83. What do you think is the impression that other people have of you?
If you don’t ask from other people I wouldn’t know

84. If you became a minister?
It’s difficult…

85. What many hours do you want in a day?
30 hours

86. If there are more hours in a day what will you do?
I will use half of it to sleep, the other half I will use it to do for example to play or study, it’s a free time

87. What do you think is the meaning of “becoming an adult?”
Isn’t it the time when you go out into society?

88. When did you become an adult?
Won’t you gradually become one?

89. What is Arashi to you?
Like a family to me

90. Where is your common position in your house?
On the sofa or bed

91. In your house are you barefoot? With socks? or slippers?
Slippers or barefoot

92. What do you do when your spirits are down?
I don’t do anything

93. What are your plans when you return home today?
Listen to the music material for tomorrow’s recording

94. What do you think are things that we can’t do without in life today?
Food, refrigerator

95. What do you think is lacking in your life at the moment?
A dog (laugh)

96. What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Pajamas, or a shirt and pants

97. There are 3 days till the world ends. What will you do?
Open a ramen shop. There is no reason for it.. I want to try opening a shop where the food might not even be nice tasting (laugh)

98. What do you want to the say to the you that is 10 years from now?
Are you still alive~?

99. What is your dream now?
To go to space

100. Some last words!
Thank you very much!

first translation, done! :DD many thanks for kurosaki91 for all your help :3
still learning japanese at the moment, tried my best with translating ^^
if there are any mistakes please feel free to correct! (:

click on the links below for the rest of the member's interviews done by the wonderful lady__ishtar (:
ohno | sho | aiba | nino

img credit: baidu

translation: arashi, translation: matsumoto jun, myojo

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