[translation] Myojo October 2010 - Ohno and Aiba's interview

Aug 25, 2010 15:31

This article is from the recent Myojo, in which Arashi talks about their summer during their childhood days, and then their summer after Arashi was formed, and their summer concerts.

When you close your eyes and remember.. Sweet Summer Memory

Ohno Satoshi:
- When talking about summer, it would be about going to the nearby river with my friends to catch crayfish, catching rhinoceros beetles at the park, we did a lot of things like this. In lower primary times, I cycled with my father to the park very early in the morning. My father knew all the trees where the rhinoceros beetles were. When there are a lot, we caught around 3 to 4 of them. Also in a different, more thinner kind of tree there will be stag beetles. When my father kicks the tree trunk, the beetles will really fall down. Occasionally there will also be bees around, so we needed to be careful. But when I was in my upper grade, there were few rhinoceros beetles and stag beetles around. Almost like they were eaten in class. Around that time, I caught a lot of crayfish.

- About summer, for this year... it's black (laugh). Recently, I went to Okinawa. This is the first time I went in the summer but it was the best! ♥ For 4 days and 3 nights, I fully enjoyed myself. I fished for only one day, and after that I went to smoke pineapples, had a barbeque, and had the personal experience of obtaining turban shells. For the place we could get the turban shells, when it is low tide the waves would be around knee depth, but on that day the tide was not very low, I think it was around shoulder depth. I got them by snorkeling. I also ate mangoes. I don't dislike mangoes, but truthfully speaking, I never thought that they were that tasty. However, when I ate the fully ripe mangoes from Okinawa, it was the first time i really thought "Delicious!". My older sister wanted to eat them so I sent some to her, she said "No matter how much, I want to eat them!" (laugh).

- Last time, we used to go to various places for concerts but since our Asia Tour 2 years ago (1), we have been given the chance to perform at Kokuritsu Stadium. Having an outdoor stage is always fresh every time! The feeling of a festival can be felt stronger here as compared to indoors. For last year's Kokuritsu concert, the feeling of "Summer!" was strong. The feeling of our 10th anniversary was also there, and the impression from the first day is especially strong. That being said, actually when we first performed at Kokuritsu, I can't really remember what happened... That's why, last year I worked hard with the feeling of "I will definitely leave behind memories!" (laugh). What I particularly remember was that time on the first day, the very first time we were flying. Just before we started flying, we (the members) naturally met each other's eyes. "Are we going to do this?" "Are we going to go?" "Are we going to go?!" Everyone had the same expression like that. I like the feeling of trembling with excitement (2). It has been a long time since an album tour, I will do this happily. Later, even though I'm alone, it'll be good to see the faces of a lot of our fans. I will look forward to this!

  Aiba Masaki:

- When I was a kid, I will go for a holiday with my family every summer. It was for about 3 days and 2 nights. We are running a shop at home as well, so the time where there was a holiday was around the Obon Festival (3) time. So we will always go for a holiday during that time. Before going it was always my parents who would discuss and decide on it. In primary school we always went to places within Japan. Like Izu, Fukushima's Inawashiroko, Tochigi's Nasukougen... I went to various places. Then, in my first year of middle school, I went to Guam, my first overseas holiday! Actually, I thought "Is this Japan?" as at that time there were a lot of Japanese tourists who went to Guam. But the currency used there was American Dollars, and the front officer of the hotel was a foreigner, so I changed to "So this is overseas!" and got excited (laugh). Iyaa~ when it is the first time you go overseas your tension will go up. Kind of like, it was super fun ♪ The Aiba family's custom of having a summer trip is still continuing today. I can't go along, but my parents and younger brother, together with the restaurant's staff somehow seem to attend. This time it seems that my family went to Okinawa. That's so good~ Okinawa. I have already been there before.
- When talking about summer it's lives isn't it! Up till now we have done a lot of lives in summer. Last year, although we could tour Kokuritsu and the 5 big Domes, the rain that was at Kokuritsu (4) was the most unforgettable. When I rewatched the DVD, there was a considerable amount of rain falling. Last time we were shocked. "We are going to do a live in this kind of rain..." (laugh).  It was mostly heavy rain. This wasn't in the summer, but during our last concert in Nagoya Dome, there was even a situation where I left my keys locked inside my hotel room (laugh). In this way, many different memories come out each time. Though Arashi's tour begins in the summer and stretch through the year, when that happens concerts in summer and of course autumn and winter too are compiled and performed with a summer feel. This year's summer is of course also live. In order for each and every concert to leave behind some memories, I want to have a fun live! Arashi's summer has only just started. It hasn't ended yet!

- What do i want to do in the summer... Actually, there were rehearsals before the tour so every day was busy, but if I was given one day off I would want to go to the sea. There, I think I will do things like diving. That or I would like to go to places with a lot of nature. Today's photoshoot is at an old Japan house, this 'countryside-old-man's-land' kind of atmosphere is good. Its presence alone is healing. It is comfortable to lie sprawled out on the tatami~ Leaving the city occasionally, and spending a summer holiday leisurely at the countryside is probably good.

(1) - He is referring to the Arashi Around Asia 2008 tour
(2) - He used the phrase ドキドキわくわく (doki doki waku waku) here. I didn't know any other way of translating this..?! any suggestions?
(3) - A traditional Japanese festival to honour the spirits of their ancestors. read about it more here!
(4) - He is referring to Day 3 of Kokuritsu on the 30/08. the rain was really O.O

i hope the way of doing notes isnt very confusing...? the interviews for Sho, Nino and Jun will be up next :D truthfully there were a few sentences i am not confident of which result in some awkwardly long weird sentences orz, but i translated everything to the best i can, if any errors/queries appear please let me know (:

hope everyone enjoyed the interview! :D

img credits to sinomerz @ arashi_no_jidai (:

translation: aiba masaki, translation: arashi, myojo, arashi, translation: ohno satoshi

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