Myojo 08/2010 Arashi "5x100" interview - Sho

Aug 15, 2010 20:30

5x100 Sho Interview

Q1: What time did you go to sleep last night?

A: 2 O’clock.

Q2: This morning, what time did you get up?

A: 10 O’clock.

Q3: What was the first thing you did when you woke up?

A: Drank some water.

Q4: How long does it take you to leave your house?

A: The usual is 30 minutes, but since I studied some English this morning, I took one and a half hours.

Q5: What was the first thing you ate today?

A: Two bananas.

Q6: How much money are you carrying today?

A: I spent it yesterday, so there’s really not much. 7070 yen. I’ll go to an ATM after this!

Q7: What are the clothes you’re wearing today? (TN: Personal clothes, not the ones in the photoshoot.)

A: Orange t-shirt, flashy blue jeans, denim, boots.

Q8: What’s inside your bag today?

A: English materials, newscasting materials, pencilcase, wallet, mp3 player, aftershave.

Q9: If you had to describe today’s mood as a type of weather?

A: Rain, because it’s raining.

Q10: What’s something you bought lately?

A: A wine glass, as a friend’s wedding present.

Q11: What’s something you laughed at lately?

A: Filming “Arashi ni Shiyagare” the day before yesterday, it was so fun I was laughing the whole time.

Q12: What’s something you cried at lately?

A: Nothing.

Q13: What’s something that’s made you irritated lately?

A: There’s not much. But whenever I go to sleep having not done something I intended to do that day, the following morning I feel really annoyed.

Q14: What’s something that surprised you lately?

A: In the street, I happened to bump into someone I know, who I’d not seen for 15 years.

Q15: What’s something that’s got you in high spirits lately?

A: When I got the chance to meet novelist Kitakata Kenzou-sensei in Shiyagare’s “Encounter the Unknown” corner.

Q16: What’s something that’s got you down lately?

A: Nothing.

Q17: What’s something that’s got you worried you lately?

A: Nothing.

Q18: What’s something you’ve failed at lately?

A: Even if I had, I couldn’t say (laugh)

Q19: Is there any news you’re interested in lately?

A: Arashi’s next album… What kind of album will it be?

Q20: What home electronics have caught your interest lately?

A: 3D TV.

Q21: What’s the last photo you took on your mobile?

A: From when we did Baka Tono on Shiyagare. (TN: Shimura Ken’s famous character, whose makeup and skits the members tried out in Ep1 of Shiyagare.)

Q22: Other than phone calls and text messaging, what else do you often use your phone for?

A: Alarm and memos. When I’m writing rap, and think of a good word or phrase, I note them down.

Q23: What strap do you have on your phone?

A: Nothing.

Q24: What do you want most right now?

A: Summer clothes.

Q25: Who’s the person you’d most like to meet right now?

A: My ancestors from about 4 generations ago.

Q26: Right now, where’s the place you’d most like to try going?

A: Gotemba outlet. I wanna go in my private time. (TN: Gotemba Outlet is where the “Mannequin 5” special took place.)

Q27: We say “summer,” you say…

A: Sea. Barbeque!

Q28: Do you like summer?

A: I do.

Q29: Are you the seaside type? Pool type?

A: Sea type.

Q30: What’s your favourite thing to eat at a summer festival?

A: Yakisoba.

Q31: What flavour of shaved ice do you like?

A: Blue Hawaii.

Q32: Were you the type to quickly finish your summer homework?

A: Yes.

Q33: What did you like to play as a child?

A: Cops and Robbers.

Q34: If you were a student, what kind of part time job would you like to try?

A: In a restaurant.

Q35: What superpower would you like to have?

A: Stopping time.

Q36: At home, what are you called?

A: Either “Sho-san” or “Sho-chan”.

Q37: What type of girl do you like?

A: A girl who smiles/laughs a lot.

Q38: If you’re dating someone, do you want to see them every day?

A: No.

Q39: If you’re dating someone, do you want to be in contact every day?

A: It’s fine either way. But I guess I would?

Q40: Are you the text-messaging type? Calling type?

A: Mail type.

Q41: For your ideal date, would you want to go out and have fun or have a laid-back time at home?

A: Outside.

Q42: Does anything change when you’re in love?

A: I guess there’s a subtle change, but I'm not that kind of age anymore. (TN: He means he's too old for playing around/ changing himself for love.)

Q43: When it comes to love, what is vital?

A: “Ai to Yuuki to Cherry Pie” (TN: “Love and courage and Cherry pie” - he’s referencing the Arashi song :P)

Q44: What do you want to do to the person you love?

A: I’m no good at anything at all, so I’ll just do the things my partner wants.

Q45: Are you bothered by your lover’s past romances?

A: I’m not.

Q46: Have you ever been heartbroken?

A: I have.

Q47: What kind of features would you look for in a potential marriage partner?

A: Someone who seems like they’re able to have children. Someone who likes children would be nice, right?

Q48: The words you’d use to propose are…?

A: “Please take care of me.”

Q49: How many children do you want?

A: Two. A boy and a girl.

Q50: What names would you give them?

A: “Shoujirou” and “Shouko”. (TN: The kanji for “Shouko” can also be read as “Sachiko” or “Shoushi,” but I guess he means “Shouko,” since he’s basing it on his own name.)

Q51: What do you think of as manliness?

A: Their back, right?

Q52: What do you think of as femininity?

A: Their back, right? (laugh)

Q53: Regardless of gender, what kind of person can you get on well with?

A: Someone who’s an idiot in a good way.

Q54: Regardless of gender, what kind of person do you find it hard to get on well with?

A: People with no consideration, I suppose.

Q55: If you could change places with an Arashi member for one day only…?

A: Nino. I wanna try magic tricks.

Q56: If you’re told at karaoke, “sing an Arashi song!”…?

A: I’ll get shy (laugh)

Q57: What’s something you’re really in to right now?

A: I’m watching movie DVDs a lot.

Q58: _____ about Ohno-kun is awesome!

A: His arms are spread wide.

Q60: _____ about Aiba-kun is awesome!

A: He can go up and connect with all kinds of animals without fear.

Q61: _____ about Nino is awesome!

A: Even though it seems he’s not listening, he’ll listen to people’s stories.

Q62: _____ about MatsuJun is awesome!

A: He’s earnest isn’t he.

Q63: ______ about Sho-kun is awesome!

A: My biceps.

Q64: What good points about Japan would you like to recommend to foreigners?

A: Stuff like the rural landscape in the countryside is nice, right?

Q65: What’s your favourite word?

A: “Running with all your power, at high speed.” (TN: “Zenryokushissou”「全力疾走」)

Q66: What makes you happy when it’s said to you?

A: “You eat well, don’t you?” (TN: ”Yoku taberu ne” 「よく食べるね」)

Q67: What’s your favourite colour?

A: Red.

Q68: Why’s that?

It gets you into fighting spirit, right?

Q69: What’s your favourite season?

A: Spring.

Q70: Why’s that?

A: Doesn’t it get you all excited somehow!? Is it just me?

Q71: What’s your favourite smell?

A: Citrus fruits.

Q72: What’s your favourite sound?

A: When you’re out in the countryside at night, the sound the bugs make.

Q73: What’s your favourite side-dish in a bentou?

A: Deep fried stuff.

Q74: What expression are you good at?

A: Kane Kosugi (TN: The famous “perfect body” one!)

Q75: What’s something you have a habit of saying?

A: “I’m hungryyy!” (To my manager)

Q76: What are you collecting?

A: Memories, I suppose.

Q77: What’s your most treasured item?

A: Memories, I guess.

Q78: Honestly, what’s your weakness?

A: High places.

Q79: Throughout your life, who have you received most inspiration from?

A: Everyone I’ve been associated with in my life.

Q80: When you first meet someone, where do you look?

A: Face.

Q81: What is the Sakurai family precept?

A: We don’t have one, but if we don’t politely introduce ourselves, we’d get told off.

Q82: What’s your favourite animal?

A: Just to look at, it’s a Lion. Aren’t they really cool?

Q83: What’s Sakurai Sho’s greatest weapon?

A: I can run away quickly.

Q84: If you were a different person, what would you think of yourself?

A: A guy who can’t decide when it comes down to making decisions.

Q85: What if you became prime minister?

A: I’d work to form a wealthy country.

Q86: How many hours do you want in a day?

A: Around 48 hours.

Q87: What would you do with the half that you increased it by?

A: Have some fun, study.

Q88: What is it that marks the fact someone has become an “adult”?

A: Remembering to keep your self-control and selfishness balanced.

Q89: When do you think that you became an “adult”?

A: Around 12 years old, I guess.

Q90: What does “Arashi” mean to you?

A: Something that I treasure.

Q91: Where in the house do you spend most of your time?

A: Now it’s front of my computer.

Q92: At home, do you go barefoot? Wear socks? Slippers?

A: Slippers.

Q93: When you’re feeling down, what do you do?

A: I meet with my friends and have a good time.

Q94: Today when you get home, what do you plan to do?

A: Look over some documents.

Q95: In your life right now, what is indispensable?

A: Mobile phone.

Q96: In your life right now, what do you not have enough of?

A: Ah, well it seems like I’m running out of jumpers.

Q97: What do you wear to sleep?

A: Shorts and t-shirt.

Q98: There’s 3 days till the end of the world… What do you do?

A: I’d be seriously super-rushed, right? What would I do!? I’d spend it with my family.

Q99: What do you want to say to yourself, 10 years in the future?

A: “Let’s get on, let’s get on, yeah~~!”

Q100: Final words!

A: Myojo-san is working really hard lately, ne! (laugh)

Nino's responses are here.
Aiba's responses are here.
Ohno's responses are here.

justwishaway has done an awesome translation of Jun's here, so be sure to check that out too.

The scans of all interviews can be found HERE, at arashi_no_jidai

So I'm finally done! I'll start on some new translation projects as soon as I return from holiday (I leave for Japan on Tuesday!). Hope you've all enjoyed this set of Q&As. じゃね~

EDIT: Sorry for making a few typing fails, and thanks to everyone who pointed it out so I could quickly fix it! I think some of Sho's fail rubbed off on me for this one ^_^;; Sorry!

Please be sure to point out if there's anything else wrong~

sho, arashi, translation

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