Title: The Wizards of Ceres, chapter 15 - The Master of Demons
Pairing: Kurogane/Fai
Rating: R in this chapter - See warnings!
Summary: In which Kurogane is overcome by the Master of Demons, and meets Fai again in a capacity he did not expect.
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Comments 44
I had a guess as seishirou talked about the yellow eyes when the bloodthurst starts. "ah, just like vampire fye.."yosh, you're a genius.
P.S. Your icon is so cute!
Simple logic deduction, calculating Sei-chan's evilness and Kuro's feelings for Fai as his greatest vulnerability.^^
No, the alliance with Ceres is definitely off the table. It was not ever actually a possibility in the first place -- neither Seishirou nor FWR ever had any interest in allying with Ashura in good faith. They regard Ceres as food. But Ashura was desperate enough that he had to try anyway, although after what they did to his envoy, he's going to be pretty epic-level pissed at them.
And you nailed it in one as to Seishirou motivations for wanting to cause Kurogane pain... although, as will be discussed in the next chapter, by making these move he's actually going after Fai more than Kurogane really.
I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can!
This is sooooooo epic!
*fangirl spazes*
I guessed what would happen to Fai when Seishirou said the demons had yellow eyes. At which point I couldn't wait to get to the end. If this was on TV I would have been yelling a Kurogane the whole time.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh the delicious angst!
And you've hit the nail on the head when it comes to Fai's eating trauma... The entire story has been building up to this point in regards to that. If they're both going to get out of there alive, Fai is going to have to work through his issues.
Thanks for reading and for replying!
Oh Fai, Fai, Fai..... You suffer so hungrily. And Kurogane, you really need to OPEN YOUR EYES AND NOT WALK INTO ENEMY TERRITORY SO NONCHALENTLY KTHANKS.
And good lord you can mix in elements of canon in so beautifully. You're like some epic cocktail maker only you mix plot elements instead of alchohol. And the horror is bleeding in most splendidly. *round of applause*
And I still stand by my original opinion that those two need to get laid. If they could do it without Fai biting his head off, that would be preferable (An image of Fai as a praying mantis has just popped into my mind)
(and I totally didnt see that coming till like halfway through the chapter)
You're like some epic cocktail maker only you mix plot elements instead of alchohol. And the horror is bleeding in most splendidly.
I'm not sure I'd want a cocktail that has blood as one of the mixers. Although maybe Fai would? Ack, crack plot bunny!
(An image of Fai as a praying mantis has just popped into my mind)
...and there's another one. X.x
Anyway, I'm so glad you liked the chapter! I'll try to get the next one out as soon as possible.
yeah Fai as a praying mantis would make a great crack fic.
Yay! Arrgh no, exams, reading fic takes too much of my time. Grr argh no.... (Imma still gonna read it though)
Fai stopped what he was doing and turned to Kurogane with his one eye wide and innocent. "Too far?" he objected. "But you said that I could do whatever I needed to get comfortable with this ( ... )
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