Before the Dawn - Chp. 7

Aug 24, 2010 20:38

TITLE:  Before the Dawn
RATING: PG to PG-15ish?
PAIRING/FOCUS: Jongho (Main), Cheundong/Krystal (sub) [others to be determined]
GENRE: ...adventure, au, romance?
NOTES: [[Okay, it started out great...then turned a little weird because like two bunnies jumped ship unexpectedly. So if it doesn't make sense, I'm super, duper sorry. ^^U

PLOT AND CAST Read more... )

fandom: snsd, celeb: park luna, celeb: lee joon, celeb: jung jessica, fandom: shinee, fandom: mblaq, celeb: bang mir, celeb: lee seunggi, celeb: choi minho, celeb: lee taemin, celeb: kim jonghyun, world: before the dawn, fanfic, celeb: choi sulli, celeb: park cheundong, fandom: f(x), celeb: jung krystal

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Comments 33

kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 02:40:43 UTC
SPOT for My Minho alicedelusion


alicedelusion August 30 2010, 12:33:31 UTC
Hai thar wifey, 8D

d'awwwww. minho crawled over to jonghyun and apologized and jonghyun said he didn't have to! <3 so sweet~ And they've been blocked by the explosion! <3333 I sense some romance coming soon~ kekekekkekeke

and i love my wifey being a whiny child, (its alright to send me a pm or few, really ^^)


kurokitsune09 August 30 2010, 15:00:13 UTC
Haii!!! *glomps* Glad you didn't mind me being an oddball/whiny child. I was sad when you didn't comment. DX But you has now so I'm all happy again!! <33333

Yupyup!! And they were totally blocked from the explosion. I has like a slight explanation to that. My Muses/Plot Bunnies/Puppies came home so I hope to have something up by Wednesday...hopefully. ^^

really about the whiny me and pm's? Shouldn't tell me that. I might just flood your inbox now. kekeke. ^^



alicedelusion September 2 2010, 05:40:04 UTC
i'm free now! 8DDDD

hahahha, im not demanding for the next chapter but i cant wait for the next chapter :P

FLOOD MY INBOX ALL YOU WANT. i'm so bored so i have all the time to respond to your spams :P


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 02:41:06 UTC
Spot for my Daebak Unnie, crazyoverbishie


crazyoverbishie August 25 2010, 13:13:21 UTC
claim SPOT...




crazyoverbishie August 25 2010, 14:13:06 UTC

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY...THE PLOT IS GREATER THAN I THOUGHT...YOU EXCEED MY EXPECTATION OF YOUR FIC...REALLY...idk exactly whats going on....but definitely something GREAT is about to happen...and Taemin an Cheondung definitely not just a mere person...

this is awesome...and i dont know how to compliment you...surry...>.<

pls do write more...ill be waiting for another AWESOME pieces from you...^^

(p.s...this comment was written in serious mood)


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 15:15:11 UTC
Haha. That's totally fine. Speechlessness is like good, because it means you really like it right? (you do like it right? lol)

I exceed your expectations? Wow. *bows in honor* I though that this chapter was a little bit odd when I wrote it but it turned out a lot better than I thought, and It'll be able to connect with Jessica later too. ^^

serious mood? huh? ^^

I'll try to update soon. promise. ^^


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 02:42:13 UTC
SPOT! For bonaellae because we're timezone buddies ^^


(The comment has been removed)

kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 15:13:12 UTC
No problem Timezone buddy. ^^

Bet's actually not between Taemin and Cheundong but rather Cheundong and someone else. lol. Jonghyun's magic explosion was great. I was thinking about it and was all, "Why not?" ^^

Everyone seems to love my Taemin. I love my Taemin. ^^ He's just so awesome and like kick-ass^^

I hope to update soon! Provided my brain will work with me. ^^


eris_kira August 25 2010, 04:56:38 UTC


eris_kira August 25 2010, 09:57:26 UTC
Another chapter...Yay!
This chapter is awesome~
Keep updating..I am super excited now!
and I love Taemin in your story..<3


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 15:11:20 UTC
haha. thank you soo much. I love reading replies because I get everything from a short cute to well, anything. ^^

I'm glad you're super excited. That means my writing is actually getting somewhere. ^^

I love my Taemin too. He's so awesome and like semi-evil. lol.


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 15:16:18 UTC
Just wondering, would you like a spot when I post the next chapter? I don't mind leaving one. ^^


yaisa_forehba August 25 2010, 19:34:48 UTC
Yay yay yay yay yay update :D sorry I'm late -school occupies my whole time D:

OHHHHHHHHHHH not a fighting scence but an AWESOME explosion!! Jjongie is poooowerfuuuuuuuuuuuuuullll!! *shriek* I like I liek~ xD moahr I'm really excited hahaha
awesome, awwwwwesome!!!

Jjongie was a slave? ..poor dino..=(

love this story :DD

PS: sorry for this crappy comment xD


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 19:41:16 UTC
haha. I get the whole school thing. I just started my second year here and didn't have much time this morning. ^^

Awesome Jongie right? *huggles Jonghyun*

I think that so far, you're the only person who noticed the slave bit. No one else mentioned it yet. Everyone seemed to love my Taemin though. ^^

I think the slave thing, at least Jonghyun's past might be explain in the next chapter or one of the others like Sulli or Luna and Taemin's involvement will probably be explain too. ^^

Not a crappy comment at all. ^^


yaisa_forehba August 25 2010, 20:09:36 UTC
yeah school ~.~ but I just have to squeeze JongHo in between xD

Yeah so awesome, it got me really excited and waiting for the awesome fighting scence you promised xD *huggles Jjongie with you* -wish I really could- :3

Yeaaaaaaaah I noticed, that he sometimes drifts away you know like spacing out..xD so I really wanted to know what happened...and baaam he was a slave..for a moment there you got me..xD I thought maybe he was raped or something, 'cause he hates being touched you know^^

looking forward to your explantation..'cause to be honest sometimes I get confused xD you I just NOW checked that Taemin is speaking in another language with Cheondong..xD I know wtf right? sorry v.v haha xD maybe I spazz to much about Jjongie being powerful haha xD

btw~ I loved Taemin too! He wanted to protect Jjongie :3

I'm still spazzing about that explosion! man you got me too excited xD hope I can sleep tonight xD


kurokitsune09 August 25 2010, 20:19:03 UTC
ZOMG!! How'd you know!?! Well, he wasn't raped least, i don't think my plot bunnies and puppies are going to do that to Jjongie. (i hope not. I don't want to die by jonghyun fans)

Jjongie does space out a bit, and he's a little bit off his rocker isn't he? ^^ aww,but i think my readers love him anyways...I wants to like, lock him in my room and just hug the life out of him. ^.^

I hope I can get an explanation out soon. I don't want you all to wait. Did you know that there were 20 days between chapter 5 and chapter 6? I felt so bad. *cringes*

Powerful Jonghyun is love. so that's fine. Lol. taemin is very protective. I believe that where the explanations are going to go, Taemin probably either would have saved Sulli first or Jonghyun. So he's more protective over them...that and he likes Sulli. ^^

omomo, I don't want to you not sleep. Then you won't be able to stay awake during the day. >.


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