Before the Dawn - Chp. 7

Aug 24, 2010 20:38

TITLE:  Before the Dawn
RATING: PG to PG-15ish?
PAIRING/FOCUS: Jongho (Main), Cheundong/Krystal (sub) [others to be determined]
GENRE: ...adventure, au, romance?
NOTES: [[Okay, it started out great...then turned a little weird because like two bunnies jumped ship unexpectedly. So if it doesn't make sense, I'm super, duper sorry. ^^U


((CHAPTER SEVEN))Taemin absently rubbed his left shoulder, long thin fingers of his right hand pressing right into tender spots that made him groan quietly. His groan made the barkeep look at him and the mercenary just waved it off, smiling disarmingly. There was a moment of pause before the woman blushed pink and looked down at the mugs she was cleaning. Taemin didn’t bat an eyelash as a hand gently moved his and knuckles kneaded gently into his shoulders. He groaned lightly again, his head dropping forward as a contented sigh left him.

“You are a godsend,” he heard her laugh and her hands pressed just a bit harder, find knots and loosening them. After a moment, she stopped and she slid around to sit across from him. Taemin rolled his shoulders for a moment and he grinned at her. “You truly are a godsend Jin-ah,”

“You say that every time Taeminnie,” Sulli answered cheekily. She propped her head up in her hand and Taemin forced himself not to follow the trail of her elegant throat towards the open neck of her blouse. He licked his lips absently. Sulli looked around, taking in the few number of people before she looked back at Taemin. “What are you doing down here anyways? Aren’t you sharing a room with Chief?”

“Nah. The Chief and his Minho-pet are sharing a room,” Taemin played for a moment with a mug on the table, one that he had used himself earlier and he grinned. “I get to room by myself, for the first time in a long time,”

“You had your own room back at the guild,” Sulli pointed out and Taemin laughed gently.

“Not since Joonie showed up. We were short a room remember? So Jonghyun put Mir and I together,” Taemin smirked slightly, his bangs fluttering across his eyes and Sulli looked down abruptly, her cheeks pinking slightly. Taemin laughed and was about to speak when a chill went down their spines. His eyes widened and Sulli barely managed a shriek when he yanked her from across the table, throwing her behind him and magic exploded out of his body in a thick wave of blues and greens. Taemin cursed, his eyes flashing darkly. “Fuck! What is Jonghyun doing?!”

“Taemin!” Sulli shrilled and the slightly older teen shot her a look before ordering, “Sulli stay here!” and Sulli shrieked in response, “Goddamnit! Lee Taemin what’s going on?!”

“Just stay right here!” and before her very eyes, Taemin’s form vanished.


He knew the moment he phased into the room he wasn’t alone. The hand suddenly dropping itself at his shoulder and the raspy breathing hitting his ears told him so. His eyes closed, and he gently drew with his finger over the older man’s arm, gently tracing and he could hear the nonsense whimpering. His eyes swept over the room, taking in the downed form on the ground, and the severely pissed off glower on the man standing over the form, wrapped in a blazing haze of red and silver.

“What the fuck did he do!?” Cheundong barked while on the ground, Minho groaned. The Ex-Lord of Westfall’s head was spinning, his body tingling and his arms were numb. Taemin growled darkly, his tone protective and angry as he blocked Jonghyun’s smaller form from sight. “I demand an answer Lee Taemin!”

“Jonghyun doesn’t like to be touched without consent,” Taemin hissed tightly. Behind him, his leader whimpered miserably, hands clutching the younger boy’s jacket tightly. “He can tolerate some, but only if it’s brief or if he initiates the contact himself. Jonghyun doesn’t like to be touched,”

“Could have fooled me,” Cheundong snapped. Minho was getting his bearings now and he pushed himself weakly to his arms, head spinning and it felt as if thousands of knives were ripping him through the chest. He couldn’t tell if it was the aftermath of Jonghyun’s magic or if it was his heart breaking down the middle. Minho didn’t want to know.

“Min-ah, Min-ah,” Jonghyun’s voice was finally on some comprehensible level and Taemin winced around the eyes. The older man clutched at his arm and his eyes darted around, seeing but not really seeing. “He’s not here is he? Please tell me he’s gone, please, please. They’re not here right?”

Minho’s stomach clenched when he heard the plea, the begging in Jonghyun’s voice and he felt almost sick. Taemin shook his head lightly, a hand gently twining with Jonghyun’s, his eyes watching Cheundong and Minho warily as he murmured softly, “No Jonghyun. They’re not here,” The door opened and members of the guild flopped in, Seung-Gi in the front. His eyes swept over the room and when he saw Jonghyun, he winced and hissed irritably.

“Fuck. I thought he got over that,” at his voice, Jonghyun whimpered and ducked behind Luna, who approached with tentative steps. She winced but gently patted his hair. She and Taemin exchanged looks. Taemin only grinned bitterly and Luna gently led Jonghyun towards the door, being careful to not touch him. She knew, but only bits and pieces.

“He never did,” Taemin’s voice was tight with anger, pain, frustration and he ran a hand through his hair. He glowered at Seung-gi who actually flinched backwards from the younger boy. Minho wanted to ask, he really wanted to ask what was wrong with his Jonghyun but the expression on Taemin’s face was frightening and his vocal cords weren’t actually working. “No one gets over things like this Lee Seung-gi. Remember that,”

“Taemin,” Minho looked up at Cheundong’s voice and Jonghyun seemed to shrink back at the movement. Taemin paused for a moment and looked at him. The other tongue slid flawlessly from his lips.

“I highly doubt that their original future was like this. He was a fucking slave Sanghyun,” and Cheundong hissed, his eyes flashing in surprise. Taemin smirked mirthlessly. “Most of them were. If it wasn’t for Mother sending me down because of your stupid bet with her, they’d still be slaves,”

“How sure are you that she didn’t write their futures like this? That she wrote their lives like this?!” Cheundong asked, his tone hesitant and uncertain. Taemin’s laugh made Jonghyun squeak, his eyes widening and he clutched at Luna’s sleeve, his eyes almost filling his face.

“Don’t give me that Sanghyun,” he had switched to the mortal tongue now but his tone had darkened dangerously. “She’s the fucking weaver! She weaves their lives to her liking yes, but she’s not that much of a bitch. And besides, Mother orders her to weave the lives. She doesn’t defy Mother. She’s much to afraid to do that,” and Taemin flung a hand out towards Jonghyun and Minho, both of them freezing in their places as everyone watched in confusion. “And these two happen to be Mother’s favorite souls. She wouldn’t mess with them like that. Not if she wanted to stay immortal,”

“And this is my fault?!” Anger was leaking into Cheundong’s voice, mixing with the frustration and a strange tone of helplessness. “She took my bet! She didn’t have to but she took my fucking bet!”

The magic swirling around them was thickening, thickening to the point of suffocating and a bit surprised by the very weight of it, Seung-Gi staggered while Mir, Sulli and Joon tried to keep stranding. Minho had someone managed to crawl his way towards Jonghyun and Luna. Jonghyun had shrank back predictably but there was a moment before he croaked out, “Minho-pet?” and he crawled closer to the taller male.

“Forgive me,” Minho managed and after a moment, Jonghyun blushed pink, to Luna’s surprise. It was hesitant then Jonghyun twined his fingers with Minho’s long, thin ones.

“There’s nothing that needs forgiving Pet,” and Jonghyun smiled.

There was an explosion and the world went dark.


“What the fuck just happened?!” the chestnut haired youth growled, eyes dark as he gingerly rubbed at a bruise dotting the top of his forehead beneath his bangs. The room was pretty much trashed. There was not a single piece of furniture that was still intact and the only ones awake in the room were Taemin and Cheundong, and they were barely conscious. “Lee Taemin!”

“I don’t fucking know Sanghyun!” was the bark of irritation as he moved around, gingerly checking over the unconscious ones. His chest tightened when he noted a light line of red dotting Sulli’s face and the Arts swirled around him. Healing wasn’t his strong point but he was admittedly better at it than Cheundong…sometimes. His eyes were trained on her face as he watched the broken skin mend itself and he gently ran a finger down her cheek before he moved to check on the others.

A few spells later, Joon somehow had a bump the size of a chicken egg on his head while Luna, somehow blocked by Mir even though he had been almost 4 meters away from her at the time, had some shrapnel hit her, breaking a little bit of skin and Seung-gi had been thrown to the wall, Taemin and Cheundong, a little bit wary of each other, were standing over Jonghyun and Minho.

Their eyes narrowed slightly as they felt the magic roll off the two of them in thick, almost suffocating waves. It didn’t surprise Taemin, or at least, not a whole lot because he knew Jonghyun had been powerful. Uncontrollable, but powerful nonetheless. Cheundong frowned slightly and Taemin’s lips quirked at the corners.

“You lost this bet you know Sanghyun,” Taemin smirked lightly. “You lost the moment Jonghyun and Minho met,”

“I know,” Cheundong answered stiffly. “I knew that day in the market,”

fandom: snsd, celeb: park luna, celeb: lee joon, celeb: jung jessica, fandom: shinee, fandom: mblaq, celeb: bang mir, celeb: lee seunggi, celeb: choi minho, celeb: lee taemin, celeb: kim jonghyun, world: before the dawn, fanfic, celeb: choi sulli, celeb: park cheundong, fandom: f(x), celeb: jung krystal

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