Of Bites and Myths Ch. 004

May 29, 2010 20:14

Title: Of Bites and Myths - Chp. 004
Rating: PG-13ish
Character: OneDay, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, MBLAQ (Overall, Multifandom)
Summary: They couldn’t keep it a secret forever.

Of Bites and Myths
PG-14ish || Multifandom
Future  Chanwoon || TaecJae || Khunyoung
Other Pairings are Currently Up in the Air
Rather AU with some resemblance to reality
It was the shattering of the first stage light that warned them. Wide eyes met and there was a flurry of action. Idols were moved, pushed aside and the audience scattered in terror. Light erupted oddly in the air and Kim Taeyeon screamed when a grotesque creature lunged at her. It ended up clawing in mid-air at nothing and Lee Donghae shoved her aside as a second creature bared down at the small girl, fangs glinting in the light. He growled, eyes flashing angrily and he snarled something. The creature exploded into dust and Donghae covered the smaller girl as it rained down on them. She was trembling in his arms and Donghae coughed before he looked around. Taeyeon would later note that the dust made the 86-er look a lot older than he was.

It was chaos. There was screaming and shouting and he swore he couldn't think properly. His hands moved on his own and all at once, there was a glow coming from behind them. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he moved such a big party but he couldn't dwell on it. An explosion went off above them and someone screamed. Blood quickly splashed to the ground and a mirror shattered.


He hated his life. There was nothing more than that. His eyes flickered around worriedly, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. It was actually pounding so hard that it hurt to breathe. His palms were sweaty and he rubbed them anxiously onto his pants, dark eyes peering down towards his sock covered feet and his tongue darted out to lick at his suddenly dry lips. What the fuck was wrong? They didn't have a performance so there was no reason to why he was being so nervous. It was as if he was waiting for something horrible to rear its ugly head. Something that was a thousand times worse than Jung Jinwoon appearing at his door with Kim Jonghyun and Key shrieking about finding the way to Super Junior-Sunbaenim’s dorms to get Heechul’s keys. Jinwoon and Key found out about them that day and he swore his ears would never be the same after Key’s shrilling. A hand suddenly appeared in his line of view and his eyes widened.

Head jerking up quickly, he muffled a scream and forced down rising instincts, squashing the heat forming at his palms before he injured someone. There was the slow raising of an eyebrow and the older male grinned, lips curling in amusement before he slid into the empty seat next to him. He only smiled nervously back and the other laughed softly, a hand moving to ruffle his hair fondly.

"Yah, Cheulyong-ah, what's wrong? You've been jumpy all day," Joon grinned at him and Mir managed a one-shoulder shrug, not trusting himself to talk in fear of his heart leaping from his throat. He made an odd sound instead and his head ducked when Joon laughed melodiously and cheerfully messed up his hair, pulling the younger male towards him in a fond hug. "C'mon, let's get food," Mir smiled at the thought of food. He was a bit hungry.

They hadn't stood for more than two seconds when the door to the room slammed in and Seungho stormed in, eyes wild and panicked. Mir felt his heart stop when MBLAQ's leader locked his eyes on him.

"Hyung?" Joon asked curiously and Seungho gave him a tight smile.

"Cheulyong-ah, we need to go. Now," It was an order, a demand. Not a question or a suggestion and Mir felt his stomach drop, joining his stopped heart in the pit of his gut. In seconds, the other MBLAQ members were staring in confusion as the leader and the maknae blurred around the apartment, Mir slipping on his shoes while pulling on a jacket. Seungho was at the door, a hand pressed slightly to his ribs and he was checking for something in his pockets. Once Mir's sneakers were completely on his feet, he grabbed his phone and looked up at his leader, frowning as they began heading out the door.

"Who is it?" Joon heard the younger male ask. Joon looked back in confusion at G.O and Cheundong when Seungho replied in a grave sounding undertone, his words too quiet to be made out.

It made his stomach clench anyways and it didn't take long before the other three MBLAQ members were rushing out after the leader and the maknae, grabbing their jackets haphazardly as they hurried behind the two others.


"What the hell is going on!?" the exclamation rang out almost simultaneously with the worried and incredulous "Why aren't we calling the fucking police!?" He bit back a rude retort, looking irritably up through his messy bangs. The man closest to him saved him from speaking. His voice was low, angry and definitely dangerous and he grimaced around the eyes when the frail, somewhat tiny body moaned in strong arms.

"Will you all shut up!?" and people flinched at Kim Heechul's voice. Dark eyes flickered, long lashes brushing against a pale cheek and the girl's body moved gently against strong hands when pressure was applied to her bleeding body. She let out a low moan, distress crossing her beautiful features. Heechul’s eyes flickered and his frown darkened, eyes crinkling with worry that was only slightly uncharacteristic of him. “Where the fuck are they?”

Somewhere in the crowd of surrounding idols, Chansung cringed; air hissing from his lips and his arms were locked around Jinwoon who had gone pale with horror. Next to them, Wooyoung looked ill and Junho had a hand clasped to his mouth, eyes wide. Junsu held the younger male and Jokwon looked like he was going to be sick. A few of the other idols, Taecyeon wondered how the hell did they get there and where exactly were they because it definitely wasn't a part of Seoul that he ever remembered seeing, were trying to calm down some frantic people and a few had already broken into tears.

When the doors opened with a shrill squeak, heads snapped around. There was an explosion of something and Taecyeon automatically caught someone when they were thrown at him and a good chunk of the idols hit the ground, scattering around in different directions. It happened so quickly that Taecyeon wasn't even sure if he really saw SNSD's Sooyoung execute a perfect backhand spring before she lunged at something, her fingernails lengthening into claws. Nor was Junsu sure if he saw Super Junior's Donghae grab the closest person, who happened to be Seulong by the way, and pretty much melted them into the ground as what looked like white, extremely hot lightning blasted over their heads. When he blinked and looked back again, Seulong was obviously not in the ground but he did look greener than normal and Sooyoung was standing next to SHINee's Jonghyun something that looked like relief spreading across her facial features. Donghae was talking to someone who looked a lot like Big Bang's Seungri but Taecyeon wasn't sure. Everything was happening so suddenly and his head whirled in confusion.

"Fuck," the low curse made everyone whirl around and Changmin swore colorfully when they noticed the small man leaning over the barely conscious Yoona and Lee Sungmin had stopped applying pressure to her stomach. Several idols had been held back in the confusion and no one really dared to move towards Yoona, Sungmin and the stranger. There were some scandalized, worried screams when the man's hands gingerly lifted her shirt, now dark scarlet in color; it was once a soft blue, to expose her lower back and stomach. Her eyes flickered at the sensation of moving cloth and the small man let out a low hiss. There was an ugly mark across Yoona's stomach, marking the skin with a jagged cut that curled around towards the lower right of her hip. The skin along the wound was raised and due to the lack of blood, it was white. There was a ripping sound and a strip of cloth was pressed to the cut in a somewhat pathetic attempt to stem the blood flow. Yoona whimpered; eyes fluttering and she curled her body slightly. Wooyoung had to admit that the back of the stranger's head looked extremely familiar but everything was too blurry and fast-paced for him to come to complete comprehension.

"We came as quickly as we could," and someone pushed passed Nichkhun. Seungho hissed and behind him, G.O and Cheundong gapped. Mir pretty much leapt forward, hands glowing a soft orange and the strip of cloth was pulled back. Yoona's eyes flew open and a silent scream left when Mir pressed his hands to her stomach and the sickening scent of burning flesh filled the area. His eyes flickered when he heard hurling. After a moment, his hands seemed to glow brighter and Yoona blinked blearily. When his hands finally stopped glowing, after what seemed to be hours but was really about 2 minutes, he sat back, shuffling away from Yoona and the stranger helped her sit up. The mark on her stomach was gone and Mir smiled tiredly when her eyes flickered at him. Mir simply nodded and slowly began to stand on wobbly feet. When his legs gave out, Joon was there to catch his elbow and the older boy noted the beads of sweat dotting the younger's forehead and the tired flush on his cheeks. Mir didn’t meet his eyes.

Yoona was transferred to one of her group mates and Yuri looked beyond confused as she cradled the younger girl against her body. The stranger just stood before making his way towards Donghae, who was now joined by Chansung, Heechul, Sooyoung, Jonghyun and Seungho. Jinwoon was gently patting Jokwon's back, eyes flickering worriedly towards the odd group as the older male finished emptying his stomach.

"It's a conspiracy I tell you," was the low hiss and the OneDay members jerked as the familiar voice rang out and it suddenly hit Wooyoung. The stranger was mother-fucking Park Jaebum. But what the hell? Jaebum scowled darkly, his eyes flickering over the scattered, panicked, frightened idols, eyes lingering a moment on the OneDay boys before he looked back at the oddball group he was in and he spat, "What happened exactly?"

"We apparently missed a wild one last night," Donghae murmured. "We probably didn't kill it and it was clinging to its miserable existence until another one could help it," He smiled bitterly. "We were all in the studio when a horde of them appeared. Gyuri and Heechul-hyung spelled in time but one slipped through the barriers and stabbed Yoona before we realized it. By the time Chansung surged us through the mirrors and away, she was barely conscious. Sooyoung placed the call to Seungho-ah the moment we hit solid ground,"

"..." The first person that Donghae was talking too, (it really was Big Bang's Seungri, Taecyeon realized once his mind finally wrapped around the fact that Park Jaebum was back in Korea and the world was laughing her ass off as they struggled to find an answer and try to understand things,) gave this odd smile and turned to Heechul, "So what now?"

Heechul frowned, eyes flickering as he thought for a moment and he turned to Jonghyun. The younger male was frowning, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes flickering with implacable emotions. "Can you-?"

"I can but if I’ve erased someone already, it won’t work again," he answered automatically, a sharp edge to his voice almost as if Heechul had insulted him. He was quiet for a moment, contemplating how to continue, how to place his following words together and his tongue darted out to lick at his suddenly dry lips before he said with a slightly resigned sigh, “Although I think at this point, we shouldn’t bother. I’ve erased more than half the people here. Of course, Kibum-ah wanted an explanation and wouldn’t even let me think about erasing him,”

He snorted and somewhere in the front of confused idols, Key waved. Jaebum and Heechul both raised eyebrows before hesitantly waving back then turning around and Jaebum demanded quietly, “Who knows?”

“Jinwoonie,” Chansung answered immediately. His ex-leader (but always forever leader in his heart) glowered and Chansung almost, almost quailed under the stare. He shuffled his feet, much a like a small child and mumbled, “Heechulie-hyung got tired of me moping at his place and he called Jinwoonie,” He nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand slipped into his and Jinwoon pressed up against him from behind, dark eyes watching carefully. Jaebum frowned slightly but said nothing else.

“Kibum-ah knows,” Jonghyun answered. “I think Gyuri-noona told her girls,”

“Kyuhyun knows. Sungmin-hyung never really keeps anything from him anyways,” Donghae hummed for a moment before adding, “Henry knows,” Heechul blinked and looked at him. The younger just smiled and locked his fingers behind his head. Somewhere in the crowd of people, the 89-er blinked and looked up at the sound of his name while he tried to soothe Choi Siwon’s nerves and stomach. Who knew that the older man was so…queasy? Next to Jokwon, Siwon had also hurled. Donghae smiled at him before he continued, “Who else covers our ass when we need to get out of the dorms?”

“I thought Kyuhyun-sshi covered you and Sungmin-sshi,” Seungho asked blankly. Donghae grinned and shook his head.

“Only sometimes, not always because playing StarCraft all night wears him out. So the nights were he really needs the sleep, Henry covers for me,”

“Hyung,” the voice was quiet, meek almost and the OneDay boys wondered when Wooyoung had sidled up towards Jaebum. The Korean-American blinked and looked at him, eyes slightly wary. “I know,” He shuffled nervously for a moment, his eyes looking down at his feet before he looked back up. “About the order, the wild ones, the threats,” When he received confused, worried, and wary looks, Wooyoung continued hesitantly, “Wild Ones are those who answer to no one, generally shapeshifters and the creatures, the Threats are the ones who’ve lost control and are no longer able to think or act properly around other people, and the Order is you all, right?”

“Close enough,” Jaebum answered after a long moment of silence. His eyes flickered and they swept over the crowd of idols, lingering for a moment on Taecyeon before he crossed his arms and began pacing, brows furrowed and lips tilting into a frown. “Wild Ones are the clanless ones, they don’t answer to anyone. They used to be just generally the shifters and the creatures but the demis and the weres have joined them. The Threats are the ones who’ve lost control. They generally are the Demis who’ve fallen out of favor but recently, there isn’t a lot of them, just more wild ones. The Order isn’t us. And it will never be us,”

He was moving before he really thought about it and he had pulled the smaller man into his arms, his chin resting on the crown of Jaebum’s head. There was a moment where the other stiffened then gradually relaxed, eyes flickering for a moment to him then to the ground. Jaebum didn’t continue and Taecyeon spoke for him, turning his head around before saying quietly, “It’s been a long day. Perhaps we can speak in the morning about this?”

“No complaints here,” Nichkhun spoke softly, his eyes locked on Wooyoung, who was just staring at his feet, not once looking up to see Nichkhun’s eyes on him. Junsu shook his head and in his arms, Junho looked pale but he too had no disagreements. JoKwon looked over Seulong and Changmin before he too said a quiet agreement with Nichkhun.

“I’d disagree but I don’t think my brain can really function right now,” Super Junior’s Kim Kibum’s voice was slightly hoarse, eyes flickering and next to him Ryeowook nodded furiously, a hand clutching Yesung’s in a tight grip. There was no complaint from the other Super Junior members and sub-members, the ones who didn’t know anyways. Donghae didn’t really need to turn or to ask to know that Henry was speaking to Siwon and Zhou Mi in a low voice, his mandarin-korean combined words made everyone around him confused. Zhou Mi and Siwon both just blinked before their mouths dropped open in a quiet, “Oh,”

“Girls?” and Jonghyun turned to face the SNSD and KARA girls. The KARA girls all shook their heads, Nicole was gripping her arms so tightly that her nails were indenting into her skin though. Yuri was standing now, Yoona leaning on her arm and Taeyeon looked unsure. Sooyoung bit her lower lip and looked away when Hyoyeon and Tiffany pretty much threw a “How could you keep this from us” look at her. Seohyun looked over her unnies before she just nodded, voice pretty tiny as she spoke, “Yeah, that’s fine Oppa,”

“Sanghyun? Byunghee?” Seungho questioned. Cheundong shook his head and G.O shrugged. Joon didn’t look at his leader, still looking at Mir who was now standing on his own, eyes still trained somewhere else. “Changsun?” There was no answer and Seungho frowned. “Changsun?”

“Next time you sneak out in the middle of the night Cheulyong-ah,” Joon’s voice was low, purring almost and Mir looked up, eyes widening. “Make sure the knots are tighter if you don’t want people following you,”

fandom: super junior, fandom: snsd, fandom: big bang, fandom: oneday, fandom: 2am, fandom: kara, fanfic, fandom: 2pm, world: bites and myths, fandom: shinee, fandom: mblaq

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