CW RPS: Mike/Tom

Feb 09, 2007 19:26

Title: Fergalicious
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Mike/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,145
Summary: Tom thinks Mike's pretty damn delicious.
Notes: This is set in my Love Shack 'Verse, so you should probably be familiar with the other stories. Thanks to neroli66 for the wonderful beta job!

Mike watched as the customer walked out of the Love Shack and scanned the store to make sure everyone was really gone. Then with a smirk, he walked over to the stereo system, tapping his thigh with the CD he’d been hiding behind the counter all afternoon. It would have been nice had Chad actually shown up for work, but at least Mike got some alone time with his guilty pleasure music of the moment.

It had actually been hard to find a decent worker after Amber left for New York. Murray was the latest in a long line of replacements who failed to show up on time, or sometimes at all. Mike was not looking forward to firing the boy next time he actually bothered to show up for work, but sometimes he had to get mean. He shook his head and tried not to hope that New York didn’t work out and Amber came back. He should give her a call, since they hadn’t spoken in awhile. Once a member of the Love Shack family, always a member.

Mike put the CD into the player and smiled as it started up. He hit repeat on track one and danced his way back to the counter. He shook his ass as he waited for Will.I.Am to rap his part and then came in with Fergie. “You could see me, you can’t squeeze me. I ain’t easy, I ain’t sleazy. I got reasons why I tease ‘em. Boys just come and go like seasons.”

Throwing caution to the wind, Mike hopped up on the counter and put his hands on his thighs, sliding them down as he shook his shoulders to the beat and continued singing. The eighties might have made the best pop music, but the twenty first century was looking good for hip hop. It wasn’t unusual to hear The Black Eyed Peas following Wham at one of the parties at his house, but Mike was still in the closet over his recent Fergie love.

“I’m Fergalicious, so delicious. My body stay viscous. I be up in the gym just working on my fitness. He’s my witness, I put yo’ boy on rock, rock. He be lining down the block just to watch what I got,” Mike sang, flexing his arms when he got to the gym part. He knew he looked ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it. Hell, it was his store; he’d do what he wanted to.

“I’ll be tasty, tasty. I’ll be laced with lacy. It’s so tasty, tasty. It’ll make you crazy.” Mike hopped off of the counter and leaned back against it, grinding his ass into the glass as he sang. He was so absorbed in his performance that he must have missed the chime when the door opened.

Mike flinched when he hear a slow clapping from behind him and spun around, a crazy excuse for his behavior on the tip of his tongue. However, when he saw Amber Benson standing on the other side of the counter, giving him the biggest grin he’d ever seen, he couldn’t do anything but rush around the counter and pull her into a hug.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he squeezed her tightly. He was almost reluctant to let go, lest he lose his favorite employee again.

“Apparently walking in on something,” Amber told him with a laugh. She shrugged out of the hug and Mike took a step back to look her over. She looked the same as she had when she’d left a few months earlier, except for the fact that that she’d abandoned her blonde hair for something darker. It looked good on her, though.

“How about we never mention that again, okay?” Mike asked, tilting his head in a hopeful manner.

“You mean I shouldn’t go rushing to tell Tom he’s dating the most delicious guy in L.A.?” Amber countered as she looked around the store, her eyes moving from rack to rack. “Not much has changed here, huh?”

“Just your hair color,” Mike told her, reaching a hand out to touch the ends of a couple strands. He smiled, knowing it would have looked bad had it been anyone else, but Amber and him had always had a sibling like relationship. She was one of the ones who had pushed so hard to get him and Tom together, after all.

“It’s for a role,” she said, running her hands over a stack of CD's that were sitting on the counter.

“In New York?” he asked, secretly hoping that it wasn’t. How horrible of a person was he that he wished against a friends’ success?

“No, something local. I’m kinda back in town for the foreseeable future. I was planning on coming in here and begging for my job back, but now I’m not so’re kind of scaring me with the Fergie love.” Amber laughed again, the sound bubbling up and filling the store.

“Is this where I bribe you with your job so long as you don’t tell anyone what you saw in here?” Mike questioned with a chuckle. Amber nodded and he pretended to think for a few moments before breaking out in a smirk. “It’s yours. Come in some time tomorrow and I’ll work out the schedule. I’m glad you’re back, Amber.”

“It’s nice to be back, boss,” Amber said, giving him a little wave as she left the store. “Try not to break anything dancing!” she called out over her shoulder as she closed the door behind her. Mike shook his head as he watched her leave, noticing that she didn’t head out to her car, but into the Hollywood Video next door instead. She probably had a lot of catching up to do with those guys as well.

Mike surveyed the store again, suddenly thankful for the slowness that a Tuesday afternoon provided, and listened to the song that had been repeating in the background while he and Amber spoke. He bopped his head a few times, getting back into the beat, and started singing again.

“All the time I turn around brothas always gather round, always looking at me up and down, looking at my uhh. I just wanna say it now I ain’t tryin’ to round up drama little mama. I don’t wanna take your man,” Mike moved his hips to the beat and worked his way back behind the counter. He slid along it, drumming his fingers on the glass counter top as he sang.

Suddenly he felt someone behind him and two strong hands grabbed his waist. Instead of shouting, Mike recognized those hands and leaned back into the touch. “Hey babe,” he said, turning his head to offer his lips to Tom. The kiss was short and kinda awkward, since Fergie was going on about being delicious in the background.

“Hey hot stuff,” Tom said as he spun Mike around and looked him up and down. “Or should I say delicious?”

“Amber told you, huh?” Mike asked as he made a mental note to dock her pay or something. They had a deal, after all.

“Yeah. She’s a good friend. I wouldn’t want to miss all this,” Tom waved his hand in Mike’s direction and chuckled, teasing Mike with his eyes. Mike met his gaze without wavering, pleasantly surprised when something clicked and Tom’s eyes darkened with desire. Mike added a shimmy to his hips and danced his way closer to his boyfriend.

“Want to see if I am tasty, tasty as advertised?” he asked with a leer. Tom only nodded and sent Mike a heated look, the edges of his lips turning up into a smirk. Then he took a step forward and brought his hands down to Mike’s hips again. Mike braced himself against the counter as Tom slide down to his knees and nuzzled the bulge in the front of Mike’s jeans. A strangled moan slipped through Mike’s lips, and he shot one last glance at the door, hoping no one came in the store while Tom was down there.

“We’ll have to be quick,” Tom told him as he worked open his fly. Then those large hands were on him and Mike’s senses were reeling. He leaned back on the counter; his body suddenly weightless as Tom took him out of his boxers and swallowed him down.

“Christ, Tom!” Mike cried out, fighting to keep his hips still as Tom worked over his length. He was achingly hard already, and knew he wouldn’t need much encouragement to keep things quick. Just the thought that some unsuspecting customer could walk in at any moment and catch them was enough to make his head spin.

Then Tom slid off of him and flattened his tongue against the underside of Mike’s cock, licking a slow swipe up the vein there. Mike shuddered and whimpered, one hand grasping out to find purchase in Tom’s messy hair. He tugged lightly, knowing damn well it turned Tom on, and let his eyes flutter closed.

Tom pressed the tip of his tongue into Mike’s slit, collecting pre-come before swirling it around the head of Mike’s cock and slowly easing his way back down. Mike tightened his hold in his hair and realized the harsh panting that filled the room was his own. His thighs were shaking as Tom worked over him, humming a little in a way that sent shock waves through his cock.

Tom pumped him as he sucked, rough strokes that proved how well he knew Mike’s kinks. He eased back and concentrated on the head as one fist worked up and down Mike’s length. Suddenly Mike’s eyes flew open as he came, his body tensing with shock and orgasm. It felt like his spine was melting as he came in quick bursts on Tom’s tongue. He looked down at Tom, loving the way his lips were swollen and slick with spit and come when he pulled off of Mike’s dick with a small pop.

“God, you’re amazing,” Mike told him, his voice raw and fucked out. Tom ducked his head, apparently more embarrassed over the small compliment than the fact that he’d just blown his boyfriend in public. Mike watched the red spread across his cheeks and fell a little bit more in love with him. It was a feeling he was getting used to, since it happened practically daily.

“You’re pretty damn amazing yourself,” Tom told him as he stood up, bracing himself on Mike on the way up. Mike kissed him quickly, loving the taste of himself on Tom’s lips. One last sweep of his tongue into Mike’s mouth, and then Tom was pulling back and winking at him.

“Pretty damn tasty, tasty,” he said with a laugh. Mike reached out and slapped him lightly on the side of the head. Tom shot him his patented goofy grin and backed out of his grasp when Mike brushed his hand over the front of Tom’s jeans.

“Not gonna let me return the favor?” Mike asked, pouting slightly. Sure, a blow-job from Tom was one of the best things in the world, but he liked to take care of his man, too.

“I’m kinda on break,” Tom admitted, blushing again. He looked down at his watch and swore softly. “I better head back before Jensen comes looking for me.”

“Okay,” Mike said with a sigh. “Not a mention of my little dance show to Jenny Boy, huh?”

“Oh don’t worry, Amber already told him.” Tom rushed out from behind the counter, laughing as Mike chased after him. He used those damn long legs to beat him to the door, though.

“I’m gonna kill that girl,” Mike deadpanned. His delivery was ruined when Tom tickled him, his fingers dancing along Mike’s sides. He cracked up and batted his hands away, wondering why he put up with all of Tom’s childish antics. It was probably because Tom put up with all of his.

“And lose your best employee?” Tom asked.

“No,” Mike said with a shake of his head. “She’s giving me a good reason to drop Chad. The girl gets whatever she wants.” He gave Tom one last hug before he ushered him out of the store.

“I’ll be sure to let her know,” he told Mike as he leaned against the open glass door. Then he bit down on his lower lip, his eyes bright as he watched Mike for a moment. “Thanks for making my break interesting. Try to stay D to the E to the L I C I S I O U S!” he called out before ducking out of the way and running back to the Hollywood Video. Mike watched him leave and couldn’t keep in the huge smile that spread across his features. Damn, he was one lucky guy.

And he was pretty damn delicious as well.


Fergie - Fergalicious

love shack, cw rps, mike/tom

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