CW RPS: Jared/Jensen

Feb 05, 2007 16:57

Title: The House Rules
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,944
Summary: This is Love Shack from Jensen's POV.
Notes: Thanks to neroli66 for the wonderful beta job! This takes place in my Love Shack 'Verse, so you should probably check out those stories first.

Jensen ignored Chris as he flirted with some brunette down the bar and concentrated on the foam in his beer. He watched it dissipate, staring hard at the pint as he tried to gather his thoughts. He seriously needed someone to talk to about the whole Jared Padalecki issue, but Chris wasn’t always the best person to get relationship advice from. He was the reason Jensen ended up alone and half naked down in Costa Mesa while his date was getting wild and crazy with some college boy on the hood of his car. Chris maintained that Jensen fucked that one up all on his own, but Jensen was pretty damn sure Chris was to blame.

“You done looking into your beer like a drunken tool?” Chris asked as he slapped his palms down on the bar, one of either side of Jensen’s glass. “Ready to tell me what you came in here to tell me, or should I draw up another one for you?” Chris shot Jensen a cocky grin that Jensen would have hated had he not been so damn used to it. Chris could be a major ass sometimes, but he was a great friend. Jensen shook his head and figured he better start talking before he started waxing poetic about Chris’s finer attributes.

“I’ll get to it,” Jensen mumbled as he picked up his glass and took a sip. Giving it another thought, he gulped down the rest of his beer before slamming it on the counter and glaring at Chris. Chris knew that was his polite way of asking for a refill and took care of it.

“So get on with the getting,” Chris drawled as he pulled a pint for Jensen. He set it in front of Jensen and leaned across the bar, meeting Jensen’s eyes with a determined glare.

“There’s this guy at work,” Jensen started and then realized what a twelve year old girl he sounded like. He pulled my pigtails and pushed me in the sandbox! he thought with a smirk.

“Oh, say it isn’t so!” Chris jumped up and brought his hands up to his chest. He pounded over his heart a few times and widened his eyes at Jensen. “Asexual Ackles finally has a crush? My heart can’t handle this shit! Jenny, the last time you had a thing for someone was...that guy in Costa Mesa,” Chris broke off in a laugh and jumped back to avoid the hand Jensen swung out at him.

“Yeah, well, try not to ruin this one, okay?” Jensen couldn’t help laughing, and he shook his head before taking another sip of his beer.

“So...” Chris trailed off and waved a hand at Jensen, obviously eager for details. Jensen couldn’t blame him, since it really was unusual for Jensen to like someone. He was too damn shy for the whole romance thing, especially when his friends tried to set him up. There was that one time Alyson found him “the perfect guy” who turned out to be some self-indulgent wanna-be actor who went by too many names and was kind of a douche.

“His name is Jared,” was all Jensen got out before Chris interrupted him.

“Jared and Jensen? That’s kinda dorky and cute,” he said, butting in. Jensen rolled his eyes and did his best to remind himself why he loved Chris.

“Yeah, we’re the freaking cutest ever. Anyway, he’s a few years younger than I am and is still in school. Seriously though? He has good taste in movies and he’s really damn sexy. Dude...his hands. I can’t watch him shelving movies without getting hard,” Jensen snorted into his beer at the appalled look that overtook Chris’s face.

“You aren’t kidding, are you? This is a legitimate crush you have going on. So when are you taking him out?” Chris asked as he absentmindedly started wiping down the bar. He sent a wave to the brunette as she tossed some money on the bar and took off. Jensen figured he could stick around while Chris closed. Jeffrey was used to him being around and didn’t usually bother them.

“I’m hopeless,” Jensen said with a chuckle. He took a few healthy swallows of his Molson and set the empty glass down. Chris picked it up and slid it somewhere behind the counter before gesturing for Jensen to get up and help him straighten up. Jensen fell into it;, wandering around the bar and putting up chairs as he waited for Chris to fucking say something. It wasn’t as if he had a lot of confidence with the whole guy thing. The least Chris could do was stroke his ego or something.

“I’m betting you want advice, right man?” Chris asked as he started fussing with the till. He sent Jensen a crooked grin and continued, “Well, seeing as I usually fuck things up when I stick my nose in your love life, I think you might want to go this one alone. ‘Sides, it’s fun to watch you scramble. You should bring this Jared around sometime. He has to get the Christian Kane seal of approval before you start dating him, anyway.”

“We have a long way to go before there’s any dating involved,” Jensen said, sighing as he slid the last chair upon its table. “I plan on trying, though, and that has to count for something. Besides, I’m pretty fucking adorable, right?” He smirked at Chris and they stared at each other for a few seconds before cracking up.

Jensen left the bar with Chris’s laughter ringing in his ears and Jared’s face sparking plans and flirtation strategies.


Mike was already at the bar when Jensen sauntered into the Rattlesnake Smile. He could see Jeff over to the side, messing with the sound system - which was basically a set of speakers when the band wasn’t playing - and Chris was leaning over the bar and chatting with Mike. Jensen hurried over, knowing damn well they were talking about him.

“Evening,” he mumbled as he sat down on a stool next to Mike, who clapped him on the back and laughed at whatever sentence Chris was wrapping up when Jensen wandered over.

“So Mike here was just telling me about how vast your lameness is,” Chris told Jensen with a wink. He waited for Jensen to nod before pulling a pint for him. Jensen waited until after he took the first sip, knowing he’d probably need a few more glasses in him by the time he was done with his boys, and gestured for Chris to continue. “I can’t believe you had him ask Jared if he was gay. How middle school are you? Why didn’t you just write a note, fold it into a football and ask him if he wanted to go out with you via check boxes?”

“I panicked,” Jensen admitted, mostly to his beer. He knew the guys heard when they laughed, and he looked up to see Mike smirking around a bottle at him.

“Don’t you have gaydar, anyway?” Chris asked, quirking his head at Jensen.

“Jensen’s came broken,” Mike butted in, squeezing Jensen’s shoulder as he waved his other hand at Chris. “Some of his other parts aren’t fully functional, either. Sad case, really.”

“Well,” Chris said as he pursed his lips and studied Jensen for a moment. “He does seem to be lacking most higher brain wouldn’t be too hard to assume the lower brain’s a bit off. He’s awfully clumsy, too.”

“It’s not easy being this suave,” Jensen joked, snorting as he watched Mike crack up and mime falling off his chair. He waited a few minutes for them to calm down before he risked asking, “So what did he say?”

“Oh, you are so gone, my man!” Mike cried out, his hands flailing as he shook with laughter. Jensen glared at him, his nostrils flaring as he waited for Mike to get over himself. He realized that might take forever, but at least Mike calmed down enough to continue. “He’s totally playing for your team, dude. Ask him out already, okay? Plus, he has a sense of humor. Said to have my friend meet him by the bleachers after school. Gonna suck him off beneath the stands?” He winked and took a sip of his beer, wiggling his eyebrows at Jensen as he did so.

“It’s not that easy,” Jensen said, shrugging as he looked down at his hands. “I don’t have the outgoing personalities you two have. I’m not exactly perfect, either. I’m a manager at a fucking Hollywood Video for Christ’s sake. Who wants to buy into that?”

“You’re healthy, fun, and reasonably attractive,” Chris said with a grin. “If all else fails, you can just jump him in the back room or something. No guy is going to say no to that. Weren’t you going on and on about his hands the other night?” Chris reached up and tipped his cowboy hat at Jensen before he wandered down to the other end of the bar and turned his crooked smile at a bubbly redhead.

“You have a thing for his hands?” Mike asked, turning on his stool so he was facing Jensen. He accompanied the turn with an obscene hand gesture that had Jensen choking on his Molson.

“It’s not like that,” Jensen mumbled, already feeling his cheeks turning red. He never used to blush so damn much, and placed the blame squarely on Jared’s shoulders. People shouldn’t be that hot and sweet and incredibly too good for Jensen.

“You’ve got yourself a pretty hefty crush there, Jenny boy. Do I get an invite to the wedding?” Mike asked, tilting his head at Jensen.

“Oh yeah,” he mumbled, “You can even be the best man. Welling can be the flower girl.”

“Leave my better half out of this,” Mike said. His face scrunched up, and Jensen could only imagine he was picturing Tom decked out in white lace and carrying a basket of rose petals. Scared to the core, Jensen tried to turn the conversation.

“So this party next week, I can really bring Jared?” Jensen had no idea why he felt so fucking shy around Jared. Okay, so he did. Jared was funny and just great to hang out with and sexy as all hell. Man, he had it bad. Hell, if it were someone else, he’d be ripping on himself as much as Mike and Chris were on him.

“If you don’t, I reserve the right to make fun of your lack of balls for all eternity,” Mike countered, leering at Jensen.

“Deal,” Jensen said, laughing as he lifted his pint. “Hell, if I can’t manage to get Jared to this party, I’ll vow never to pick on little Tommy again.”

“He’s not so little, you know,” Mike said. He raised his hands and held them at least a foot apart, licking his lips obscenely as he winked at Jensen. “I’m telling you, I wouldn’t give up Alyson for anyone small.”

“I thought she gave you up?” Jensen questioned;, his eyes bright and glistening.

“It was a mutual giving up. ‘Sides, didn’t you see her hanging all over Jeff the other night? She’s got a craving for some older meat.” Mike looked over his shoulder and Jensen followed his gaze to Jeffrey. He was leaning against a table, his hand rubbing some brunette’s arm as he smiled down at her. Somehow Jensen didn’t see Alyson ever getting a hook in that one.

“Whatever man. If Alyson manages to snag Morgan, I’ll marry Jared. I really will,” he trailed off in a laugh and drowned his giggle in his beer. Like that ever had a chance of happening.


“You look sour,” Chris commented as he set a pint in front of Jensen. “Somebody piss in your Wheaties this morning?”

“It’s Wednesday,” Jensen mumbled as he picked up his glass and stared at Chris over the top of the foam before taking a sip.

“Ahh...Hump Day,” Chris said with a laugh. His smile was way too bright for the occasion and Jensen felt like smacking him, just a light tap to let him know it wasn’t appreciated. Only it was, because Chris had a way of making everything seem all right. The man had skills.

“I’ve never been so horny and uncomfortable,” Jensen said, smirking across the bar at Chris.

“You embarrass too easily,” Chris told him and he leaned on his elbows against the bar. “You should have taken the opportunity to jump Jared. I still have to meet this kid, you know.” He glared at Jensen from beneath the rim of his cowboy hat, which should have looked out of place in the town, but somehow fit Chris perfectly.

“Yeah, because I’m always having sex at the store. Or jumping people for that matter.” Jensen took a long sip of his beer, contemplating Chris’s mood as his friend shot his a disbelieving look.

“And here I thought you were getting laid nightly,” Chris deadpanned. He snickered when Jensen merely rolled his eyes and sank a little further into his seat.

“I tell you,” he said, shaking his head as he smiled, “I’ve never wanted to fuck somebody so much. It’s getting hard to be in the same room with him. All that energy and sweetness about him just drives me wild.”

“And the fact that Alyson said he’s quite the looker has nothing to do with it?”

“Oh, hell yeah,” Jensen drawled out, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Jared’s pretty much the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen.”

“Present company excluded?” Chris asked as he held up an arm, framed by a frayed flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, and flexed for Jensen.

“Of course, man,” Jensen said, ducking his head when an unmanly giggle escaped his mouth. He was just too damn giddy these days. Jared Padalecki was bad for his attitude. Hell, if they managed to get together, he might find himself whipped before too long. Then he pictured Jared’s bright smile and melted chocolate eyes and realized he already was. He stared at his empty glass for a few moments before ordering Chris to break out the good stuff.


“Aren’t you coming around in...oh, a couple hours or so?” Chris asked as he walked over to Jensen. Shrugging, Jensen rested his forearms on the stage and looked at Chris’ shoes. They were laced quite nicely, and it was a nice way to avoid the mocking glare he knew he’d find on Chris’ face.

“I rushed over on my break. I just wanted to stop by and clear up a few things, set some plans in place...” Jensen let his words fade;, not breaking his staring contest with Chris’ feet.

“Let me guess,” Chris said with a laugh as he dropped a wire and crouched down. “Two beer limit and you’re hoping to get lucky tonight?” He towered over Jensen, even though he was rocking on the soles of his feet and halfway curled up on the stage. Jensen vaguely noted that Steve was fiddling with an amp near the side of the stage.

“Prefect,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. Jared was definitely interested. He’d all but jumped Jensen in his car on the way home the night before. It was probably the only time Jensen had wished he’d been less of a gentleman and more of a slut. His mama raised him well, though, and there was no way his first time with Jared was going to be fumbling and drunk in the back seat of his Impala. That didn’t stop him from thinking about it, oh, every five minutes or so. He could picture Jared, all long limbs and elegant hands, stretched out across the leather interior.

Chris snapped his fingers in front of Jensen’s face, and he came to, snapping out of his fantasy. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a fantasy for that much longer. For some odd reason, Jared seemed to be going along with everything Jensen thought out. There was none of his usual fumbling and fucking around.

“Dude, you back with us?” Chris asked, snorting when Jensen nodded quickly and shoved his hands in his front pockets.

“Yep, two beer limit and keep an eye on me. know, do your wing man stuff if you see me floundering.” Jensen cringed after he spoke, well aware of how lame he sounded.

“I have to say, I can’t wait to meet the kid,” Chris said. “We’ll do our best to push you two love birds together. Don’t worry none.”

“Yeah, and if everything else fails, we’ll pull you up on stage and let the music do its magic,” Steve called out from across the small stage. Jensen snapped out of his fantasies and his head whipped up, a look of terror overtaking his features.

“No, there will be no musical magic, guys. I’m...he’s too nice, okay. I don’t want to ruin things by having him tell me I suck or something.” He held up his hands and took a step back, thinking maybe if he left now they’d forget their dastardly plan.

“Unless it’s about your mouth and his dick, right?” Steve asked, laughing when Jensen reddened and took another few steps towards the door.

“Whatever guys. Just be cool tonight, okay? I better head back. Later!” he spoke quickly and hurried out of the bar, catching Morgan’s chuckle as he breezed past him. He really couldn’t see what Alyson saw in him. Sure, he was attractive, but he was also intimidating and scary as all hell. Then again, so was Alyson. Maybe they really did belong together.


Kane - The House Rules

love shack, jared/jensen, cw rps

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