SPN: Sam/Dean, NC-17

Feb 14, 2007 17:07

Title: Sparkliest
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,377
Summary: Sammy made his big brother a valentine when he was 6.
Notes: Written for spn_vday for the prompt: Wee!Winchesters. Handmade Valentine's by Sam. And if you want, a fastforward to Dean keeping said Valentine. And then the buttfucking happens. . Thanks to neroli66 for the wonderful beta!

Sammy picked at the bit of dried glue that was stuck to his thumb. He brought the digit up to his mouth before stopping himself just in time and reaching down to rub the glue on his desk. He sent a cautious glance at the teacher, but she didn’t seem to be paying much attention to him.

He grinned down at the stack of stickers and glue sticks and glitter gels in front of him. Mrs. Pletcher said they were supposed to make a Valentine for someone they liked a lot. Sammy hadn’t even let his smile falter when she went around the room cooing about how much mothers loved homemade valentines. He just shook his head and told her he was making one for his hero, Dean. She ruffled his hair and let him go to work.

The safety scissors didn’t work as well as the grown up pair his dad kept in the trunk, but Sam worked his six year old fingers into the plastic handle and cut his doily into a raggedly shaped heart. The next step involved a few swipes of purple glue stick and a sprinkle of red heart-shaped confetti.

Dean had to have the sparkliest, bestest valentine ever made.

A couple of hot pink heart stickers finished off the decorations, and Sammy looked down at his creation with a smile on his face. He wiggled his loose tooth while he snatched up the red crayon and tried to remember how to form a capitol D.


“Dude, what is this?” Sam asked as he reached further into the trunk of the Impala. His fingers trailed over a scrap of white paper before he snatched it up and held it in front of his face. He stared at it for a few seconds before recognizing the familiar scrawl of his childhood self. The aged Valentine was a bit beat up, but he could make out the bright red Dean and a few sticky spots where the heart shaped stickers had fallen off.

“It’s nothing, put it back!” Dean yelled as he tried to snatch it out of Sam’s hand. Sam just raised his arms out of Dean’s reach and smirked at him.

“It’s kind of cute,” he whispered before cradling Dean’s head in his palm and bringing his face towards his own. Dean was still wiggling around, trying to get a hold of the tattered Valentine, but soon he gave into the gentle pressure of Sam’s tongue on his lips.

Sam shoved Dean against the trunk of the car, sighing into the kiss when he felt Dean’s hands curl around the hem of his shirt. Dean ate at his mouth, sucking on Sam’s tongue before grinding his hips against Sam’s.

Sam chewed on Dean’s lower lip, tugging at it as he broke the kiss and smiled at his older brother. “It’s cute, really,” he said before pecking him quickly on the mouth. Dean snorted and made one last futile attempt at prying the card out of Sam’s hands.

“I know where you sleep,” Dean mumbled as Sam handed him the car keys and walked around to the passenger side.

“Yeah, in your bed, Einstein,” Sam said with a laugh. He slid into the car and watched in the rear view mirror as Dean pouted for a few seconds before stomping his way around the driver’s seat.

Half a mile down the road, Sam turned to watch Dean driving. His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, and Sam reached over to stroke his fingers over the back of Dean’s hand.

He set the Valentine down on the seat between them and didn’t bat an eye when Dean cautiously picked it up and stuffed it in the inner pocket of his jacket.


“What the fuck is this?” Dean asked, pursing his lips as he eyed the item in Sam’s outstretched hand.

“Uh...Happy Valentine’s Day?” Sam mumbled, his cheeks burning as he thrust the homemade card into Dean’s hands and sat on the edge of the bed.

“You uh...you stapled some condoms together?” Dean asked, the corner of his mouth twitching as he climbed into Sam’s lap. He straddled Sam’s thighs and snickered - just once - before turning the vaguely heart shaped valentine over in his hands.

True, it was hardly sparkly or romantic, but Sam figured Dean would appreciate the gesture if nothing else. Plus, it had seemed like a pretty damn good idea when he was standing in the pharmacy. The condom wrappers were red after all.

“You seemed to like the-” Sam was cut off when Dean’s mouth crashed into his own. He closed his eyes, letting Dean take control as he pushed Sam back on the bed. Sam could feel the hard length of Dean pressed against his thigh, and moaned into the kiss. He raked his fingers down Dean’s back, cupping his ass as they slowly moved up the bed.

“Lube,” Dean croaked out as he suddenly broke the kiss.

“Yeah, we have lots of it,” Sam said, shooting Dean a confused look as his brother sat back on his heels and snorted.

“No, I mean I think your valentine is leaking lubrication on me, Sammy,” Dean muttered, holding up the offending Valentine gingerly between his thumb and forefinger. Sam crinkled up his nose and laughed, figuring he should have gone for the non-lubricated brand.

Then Dean tossed the Valentine over his shoulder and grinned down at Sam. “You’re fucking fantastic,” he said quietly, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he let out one small laugh before crushing his lips against Sam’s.

Sam squeaked softly as Dean manhandled him up the bed, pressing his hips into the mattress as they inched up. Dean stopped when Sam’s hands were at the headboard and reached up to wrap one hand around them. Sam quirked an eyebrow at Dean, letting him know he could break the hold at any second. Dean just shook his head and smirked before sliding down Sam’s body and bringing his fingers up to Sam’s zipper.

Nodding, Sam licked his lips and clamped his hands together, his knuckles touching the cool wood of the headboard. He watched with half-lidded eyes as Dean worked open his zipper and shoved his jeans down his thighs. They stuck around his knees, halfheartedly locking his legs together.

“Stay still if you can,” Dean whispered against Sam’s abdomen. Sam let out a shaky huff, his breath hitching in his chest as Dean skimmed his fingertips across his stomach. Sam’s entire body lit up and he squirmed against the sheets. Dean laughed - low and hot against Sam’s hipbone - and brought his fingers down to Sam’s aching erection.

He wrapped slender fingers around Sam’s cock, loosely circling him with one hand. Never breaking eye contact, Dean bent his head and flicked his tongue across the head. Sam bucked his hips, begging for more contact. He growled when Dean made a tsk tsk sound with his tongue and grinned up his body at him.

“Still,” he said again, his voice barely audible. The tone of it had Sam shivering, fighting to keep himself in check; anything to have Dean’s tongue on him again. He bit down on his lower lip, digging into it with his teeth as Dean circled his tongue around the head of Sam’s cock.

Dean’s mouth was hot, wet, and incredibly tight around Sam. His hips were shaking in an effort to stay on the mattress, and Dean helped by pressing a flat hand against Sam’s right thigh. His other hand wrapped around the base of Sam’s cock and started slowly jacking him.

“Please,” Sam begged, his voice broken as he looked down at Dean. His eyelids felt heavy, as if they were dipped in honey, and he struggled to keep them open. He needed to see Dean’s freckled face as he went down on him; needed to see the way his slightly chapped lips stretched around Sam’s thick cock.

Dean pulled back a bit, the sound of wet flesh filling the room as Sam’s cock slipped out of his lips. He lapped at the head and squeezed the base, before smirking up at Sam and licking his lips. Sam blinked slowly and watched Dean rub his mouth over the head of Sam’s cock, coating his lips with spit and pre-come. Sam’s hips moved on their own accord and suddenly Dean was gone, sitting back on his heels and shaking his head at Sam.

“Never can listen,” Dean grunted as he slid his hands up his chest, pushing his t-shirt up and over his head. Sam watched with rapt eyes as Dean flicked his shirt across the room and started unbuttoning his pants. He shimmied out of his jeans, his hips swaying to some beat he kept in his head. Sam could only fight not to choke on the thin air in the room and watch, entranced as Dean shifted on the bed and kicked off his jeans.

Then he was all over Sam again, tugging his jeans over his knees and down his legs. He growled as he crawled up Sam’s body and smashed their lips together. Dean bit at his lips, teeth sinking down into the soft flesh of Sam’s body lip. His tongue was ruthless, demanding space in Sam’s mouth. Sam clenched his hands together and let Dean lead, not daring to move his hands lest he stop.

“Want you covered in my come,” Dean breathed against Sam’s neck. Sam responded with a nggh, and Dean chuckled, the sound sending vibrations across Sam’s skin. He sunk further into the bed, lost in the feel of Dean’s mouth and fingers and entire fucking body pressed perfectly against his.

“Eyes open,” Dean ordered, and Sam snapped his eyes open, unaware he’d even shut them. Dean was inches from his face, his eyes bright green and honey-flecked. Sam lifted his head, crushing their lips together again.

Dean shifted his hips, and Sam nearly forgot how to breathe. His lungs felt hollow as he felt Dean’s cock slide against his own. He bucked his hips and Dean thrust down hard, shoving him into the mattress.

Right…no moving. He could deal with that.

Sam turned his head and wrapped his lips around Dean’s earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. He flicked his tongue against the tender flesh, smiling around it when Dean let out a soft sigh and started rocking his hips.

“Covered?” Sam asked, tearing his mouth away from Dean’s ear. He could barely make out the word, and it was ragged with air and strain. Dean chuckled, low and rough against Sam’s neck.

“Covered,” he said, his voice breaking at the end of the word. He rolled his hips, bringing their cocks together again and started thrusting. They fell into a rhythm, Sam following Dean’s lead as they moved together.

Dean’s hands traveled up Sam’s body, flitting over his sides and up his arms. His fingers dug into Sam’s biceps, squeezing before moving on and wrapping one hand in Sam’s. It was a hard pressure, but Sam leaned into it, letting it ground him as they rocked together.

“Want you to come for me,” Dean grunted, his lips moving against the hollow of Sam’s throat. He licked at the salty skin, his tongue rough as he lapped at Sam’s neck. Sam nodded, straining to keep his eyes open. The muscles in Dean’s shoulders rippled as he moved, and Sam couldn’t imagine anyone looking as beautiful as Dean did at that moment; all sweat-slicked and golden, his skin a deep mesh of freckles and scars.

“For me,” Dean hissed as he worked a hand between their bodies and wrapped it around Sam’s cock. He jacked him, rubbing his thumb over Sam’s slit. Their eyes met, and Dean wet his lips. Sam nodded, half wanting to hold off and half lost in his need to just fucking come already. He had been ready ages ago, wanted to shoot his load down Dean’s slender throat “Come for me, Sammy,” Dean whispered so softly that Sam had to read his lips to make out the words.

Sam trembled as orgasm shot through him, starting at the base of his spine and spreading outward. His limbs melted into the bed as he exploded, spilling himself over Dean’s fingers. He kept his hands together, nails digging into palms as he whimpered Dean’s name and collapsed against the bed.

Dean grinned at him, pumping him through his orgasm. Then he brought his hand up and slowly trailed his tongue over his palm, drops of come glistening against his mouth as he cleaned up his hand. Dean sucked his fingers into his mouth one at a time, moaning like it was the best damn thing he’d ever tasted. He was still red and hard, and Sam started to reach for him, but Dean slapped his hand away.

“Don’t move,” he said, winking down at Sam. Then he fisted his hand around his cock and pumped it once, twice before coming. He erupted in hot bursts; first hitting Sam’s chest and then his thighs. Sam watched as each splash landed on his tanned skin, unable to look away as Dean milked himself dry. With one final sigh, Dean slide down on top of Sam, his half-hard dick twitching against Sam’s thigh. Sam realized they’d have to shower eventually, but knew it would be awhile before he could even think about moving.

They lay there for a few minutes, Sam stroking his hands up and down Dean’s back, just enjoying the silence. Then Sam turned his head and pressed a quick kiss against Dean’s temple. Dean shivered and rolled off of Sam, pulling the blankets over them before settling in and cuddling up to him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Sam said, laughing as Dean cringed and laughed at him.

“We’re a couple of saps, you know,” he said, snuggling closer to Sam.

“Least you got a card,” Sam muttered, close to sleep. Dean mumbled something, and Sam poked him in the ribs, letting him know he didn’t hear it.

“Check your duffel after we wake up,” Dean said softly. Sam nodded, and his smile was lost in Dean’s hair. He squeezed Dean’s shoulder once and then let himself drift off.

wincest, spn, sam/dean

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