Great Big Fic Rec Post #1!

Mar 27, 2008 18:49

Of doom "Tin Man." I'm consolidating my other rec posts into this one, and will be adding to it as time goes on. Mem at will, or not, whatever. If I randomly do not rec your fic it is because I'd be here all day, every day.

The Obligatory Crack AU With Ninjas:
Fifteen Annuals by luchia13 - Who needs Roboparents when a Queen's got an Advisor-Ninja to take care of her recently deceased daughter? Yes, who indeed. In which Glitch-Ambrose-etc.-[delete where applicable] is a ninja. And DG ends up being a ninja too. And Cain is monumentally awesome. This is the fic that made me like Jeb. And that's not even the half of it. This is epic and brilliant and *flails happily*

The Best Of Numerous "Field Hypothermia Treatment" Missing Scene Fics:
No Better Hands by entangled_now - All his thoughts scatter like puppies and he's left with a lapful of damp clothing, wondering vaguely what in the O.Z. is going on? Poor, poor Glitch, he's so lovely and sad and hopeless and yet... gah. So much love.

The Het Epic:
And So They Slept by RocketShoes! - Begins pre-series, pre-evil!Az, pre-debraining and is probably going to develop into some sort of Damia 'n Afra "I've known you since you were tiny, this is a bit creepy and yet awwww" thing. Contians my second-favorite hypothermia scene thing. Seventeen chapters and counting, want moar nao. (ETA: More looks unlikely, WOE.)

Dark Evil Psycho-sexual Torture Fic You Can't Look Away From:
Evil Like That... by blindswandive - "The most creative tortures are reserved for those who resist Azkadellia." Dear Lord in heaven, zippers are kinky. And Az is a scary motherfucker. And Glitch is a more sympathetic woobie than Remy could ever hope to be. Added to that it is written with such sensitivity that even the wiggy bits are cope-withable.

Big Believable Psychological Follow-Up To The Above:
...You Don't Forget, also by blindswandive - "Avoidance, contrary behavior, and engagement with objects." *stares really fucking hard* I don't even want to give it away, this is so wonderfully, deliciously dark and evil. Again, sensitivity and this calm, clinical detachment which distracts you long enough from the horror that when something actually horrific happens you're left gasping. Plus it is sweet like candy, with lots of comforting fluffy bunnies.

The Big Gen Adventure
Darkness Falls by Tamesis - “What’s the matter?” “You want the whole list or just the top ten?” I'm almost certain it's going to get shippy, and I can almost see where the shippyess will develop and I hope my assumptions are correct, but so far this is solid... gen adventure in the spirit of the series. Also one of the better mergings of Glibrose (Amblitch?) Glimbrose without all that mucking about with "*twitch* I'm Glitch, who are you? *twitch* Quadrilateral null-space centrifical Magna Carta!" which, while amusing, does get tiresome. Tiresome. Tiresome *thwapself*

It's Not My OTP But It Works
Guardian by theshoelessone - Glitch caught DG's gaze, smiled brightly with a friendly wave, before he knocked another man out with his elbow. DG nearly cried. It's DG/Cain, a ship which for the life of me I STILL don't get (other than "Neal is pretty, must ship with female lead"), it commits the "*twitch* Do I know you?" sin, but still. Glambrose gets to be wincakes, Az is made of awesome, and even Jeb gets some charatcer development. I, uh, can't say much about the central romance because I skimmed those bits. But there's plot and action and now a "missing scene" bit is getting written which is set almost entirely in a whorehouse. Fwee!

Lolz! Oh, Wait, That's Hawt (slash edition)
The Value of an Excellent Education by burnedtoasty - “It had to go somewhere, and when the maids asked where I thought it would be safe, I thought, ‘they’ll be safe with Cain. He has a gun.’" You'll laugh, you'll fan yourself, you'll laugh some more, you'll pick up some remidial geometry. Want moar nao.

The Queen Is A Filthy Whore
Dirty Little Secret by Mrs.Delrossi2.0 - He remembered seeing her after the party, flushed and sauced so unlike herself, and how she had said some sort of confession of like (not love) and thrown herself at him. Well. That's one way to resolve my own private internal shipwar. Ew. Also? AHAHAHA score!

Mmmm, Verbosity...
Lilies to Tread by koslorollo - "Tell me you love me in little hidden notes I might never find in places you think I might never look." GUH. This is beautiful, as is all fic by koslorollo, but this one had me swooning. It's DG/Glitch and completely stunning *makes little construction paper and lace Valentine hearts for fic*

Aliens A Brothel Madame Made Them Do It
Services Rendered by e_p_kitty - “You tried so hard to get away, and here you are, stumbling right back in again.” I warn for dubious!con (for both parties involved), I warn for dark!fic, I rec for jaw-dropping, astounding work that smiles so very sadly. The author's notes are correct, it does require a certain kind of mood to read, and I tend to use it as a melancholy bedtime story. That... probably says more about me than I'd like. Steady nerves and a strong cup of tea recommended.

"It's a reverse hemispherectomy, he's not going to be tinkering right away."
To Learn Again by molly_commas - Forgetting the usual: words, names, places, faces. Forgetting also how to walk, speak, do up buttons, smile, sleep. Yes, kids, the brain's a funny thing. Respect it, even in a world of magic.

Ninja-Free AU of Awesome
The Longest Battle by andrealyn - Have courage. Have confidence. Have conviction. "Have heart, Cain." All my dearest friends write the most beautiful epics, yo, and I cannot praise them enough for it.

My Personal Canon, Let Me Show You It
The Indirect Life by blade-girl - “Your name is Ambrose. I suggest you write it down.” Tragic and beautiful and true, true, true. It's a work in progress, it's... Ambrose slowly becoming Glitch. This is how it happened and you can't tell me otherwise.

The Cartoon Network Turns Into the News
To Me, A Kingdom by signy1 - “…Glitch. Right. Well, it’s about a machine. It’s very complicated. So, ah… may I confer with Ambrose, then?” OW OW OW MY SOUL. Everyone, and I mean everyone, dealing with the reality of Glitch's situation post-series. There are NO lolz here kids. Another epic-in-progress.

Epic Co-Authored Works In Progress
An Ageless Light by lionille and koslorollo - “I dreamed about a green hill surrounded by yellow daffodils. And at the top of the green hill was a-a post of some sort, like the kind you’d see a scarecrow hanging from. But the post was empty. And, as soon as I realized that the post was empty, all the daffodils turned red.” Fandom's wordsmiths have teamed up to make me bookmark and also flail twice a week for the FORESEEABLE FUTURE. \o/

Azkadellia's Okay! by andrealyn and luchia13 - "Finaqua’s a nice little island in the…ocean, and. Iceland. She spent time in Iceland with her mother and father, I obviously spent some time in France though along with some other places, we all move a lot, and now we’re here!" Fandom's AU-producing mad scientists have teamed up to make me cackle madly and flail at odd intervals for the FORESEEABLE FUTURE. \o/

Delightful Sequel Is Delightful
The Tin Man of the Outer Zone by Tamesis - “Yeah, Deej. Where is Dad?” “I guess still in his office.” There was a pained expression on her face. “Unless he and Glitch have finally killed each other.” *grabs some popcorn* Remember "Darkness Falls," the big gen adventure I recced up there? yes, this is the same 'verse. Shippiness did develop, but I was only half-right in my prediction. We've got Glimbrose/Az and... DG/Jeb. Also this one has Raw in it. SCORE!

The Adorkable Not-Quite-Crackfic With Plenty Of Palace Hijinks
Scarecrow's Key by Zippy the Avenger - He’d answered the door hardly clad at all, in only his boots and trousers and a starchy white shirt and cravat and his vest! His shirtsleeves were showing, for Lurline’s sake! Delightful and flail-inducing and giggle-worthy from start to finish. Perfectly spot-on characterization with some wonderful OCs and just... yes. Yes yes yes.

Leona > Everything
Chemistry and Mnemonic by verilyverity - "I'm sure if you ask nicely she'll give you permission to mine for Dicurium." She does. She just does. And don't you
forget it, buster.

Pairing of "Wait, WHAT."
The Red Bedspread by lionille - Pairing: Glitch/Raw It took me ten seconds to go from "Bwuh?" to "Oh HELL yes." Where most fics try and get rid of Raw immediately, this one turns that right around and shows how neccesary he is. Mostly for Glitch in this case but he's also there for Cain, DG, the Queen, and all the while his own charatcer is being explored and developed. Great big YAY for all that.

My Viewer Canon, Let Me Show You It
Some Things Should Be Private, by street-howitzer - He tried to say what it had been like, healing Cain and touching his heart, and ended up confused, murmuring about water and corn, paint and tin, blood and meat. Yep, it works just like this. Emotions as senses, senses as memories, memories as pathways. Raw's perceptions of his traveling companions are beautiful, evocative, and perfectly in character for everyone invovled. So much win. From the same 'verse as Tin Cry.

Two days in the fandom? Really!?
Mind and Soul by icarus-chained - They were important memories, oh, very important memories, but they hadn't been him. Not the part that mattered. Not the soul. Oh to have a newbie who Gets It. And no I'm not just flailing at the truly astounding Glitch-voice but also the handle on the rest of the main players, everyone is just so subtle and true. Epic win, as I said in my comment.

A Tin Man Parody by Zippy the Avenger - What? THIS is the hero? He looks like a Kewpie doll! Oh dear GOD, every fandom has/needs one of these and I am so pleased that ours is absolute hysterical. Just the first two parts are done for now but my fingers are crossed for the thrilling conclusion.

Best music meme drabbles
Song drabbles by ameonna1 - He feels silly as he looks up at the blond, “I lost something...” Eleven little ficlets of win, each unique, each taking a different perspective on Cain and Glitch/Ambrose, as individuals and together. A real little treasure trove of nummy bite-sized fic.

*boggles, grabs popcorn*
Squared (part 1/?) by eleanor-ariail - "Hey Glitch, you wanna do somethin' about your little girlfriend over there? She's scarin' off the payin' customer." So yeah, what if the Sorceress decided to go straight to the source to find out where the emerald was? I'll give you a moment to think about that while I keep madly hitting refresh to find an update.

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