
Mar 30, 2008 12:12


Um. Funny to maybe two people ever. And I owe Lu a meme.
1. Reply to this post to tell me you'd like to do the meme, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

luchia13 wanted to know about these:

pern - my fandom is crack
Actual caption from that image from the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern: "Comparative scale - Ramoth and an L-1011 jet." Yes, we know dragons are big, but how in the name of GOD was wee tiny sparkleypoo Lessa supposed to take care of something this fucking huge?. This is the litmus test for Pern fen, dismissing that image and that caption is the first step towards realizing that Anne McCaffrey is effing NUTS and therefore anything you come up with in RP can be justified. It's quite liberating.

kangaroo wtf
Watch this flash amination All will become clear. Oh, internet, making me giggle about the apocalypse since 2004. Roughly. Ahem, I needed a decent "WTF?" icon and the poor snow-covered kangaroo just seemed like a good choice. SO THERE.

dw - ten (king of belgium)
Oh, the psychic paper MacGuffin was never funnier than in "Idiot's Lantern" when Ten accidentally presented himself as the king of Belgium to gain access to a radio tower. I tend to use this one when I am doing something shady and/or which requires a regal presence. Hee!

house - wilson (speeeeeeeed!)
So like this one time House figured out that Wilson was dosing his coffee with antidepressants, so to get his revenge he started dosing Wilson's coffee with amphetamines. This is from the scene when Wilson figured it out and flipped his shit. Used, of course, when I am over-caffienated or just pointlessly hyper.

maniacal geekery

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