[Fic] as luck would have it 3/? (wip)

Jun 29, 2012 16:50

Title: as luck would have it 3/?
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin AU; JaeMin 
Length: Chaptered/ WIP
Rating: PG
A/N: I don't know how long to make these chapters before updating. *shrugs* I realize I don't know where exactly I'm going with this story. I think it will stay light-hearted though. Slice-of-life type because I don't feel like adding drama to this. XD My next one will have enough of it. And again~ not beta-ed so hopefully there aren't any glaring errors.
[1] [2]

At 5:03 PM, the doorbell rings and a soft voice calls through the door, Jaejoong-sshi?
You know for sure it’s not Yunho or Yoochun. Really, if it were, they’d have come barging through the door, obnoxiously loud (and ­-sshi? yeah no), so you know you have a guest, which means you make a quick beeline to the bathroom to check that your face is at least presentable and your hair is not stuck in bed-head mode.

“Come in, the door’s open!”

“Jaejoong-sshi? Umm…Yunho-hyung asked me to drop these off for you. I’m just going to leave it here and -“

You appear from your bedroom door to find… “Junsu, was it?”

A bright smile appears on his face and you can’t help but think it kind of adorable.

“Oh you remember me! I told Yunho-hyung that it might be a weird and all since we only just met a few days ago but then I’d feel bad if no one was able to bring you your assignments so -“

Since you got sick, you haven’t been in a great mood, but you find Junsu’s bright personality infectious and his obvious nervousness to be endearing.

“Junsu-sshi, it’s okay. I thank you for coming.”

“Oh please, just Junsu. I’m not very good with formalities.”

“Then it’s hyung for me. Please tell me you brought food.”

Not thinking it possible, Junsu’s smile becomes even wider. Moving towards the kitchen table, he begins spreading out the food, taking care to place the folder with your assignments off to the side.

“Yunho-hyung said you wanted chicken. And I love chicken. So it wouldn’t be proper to eat chicken without the proper side dishes. And I figured you’d like some mandu, so I bought some of that as well.”

You stare wide-eyed at the feast Junsu’s practically laid out for you.

“You don’t actually expect me to finish all this do you?” Incredulous doesn’t even begin to describe what you’re feeling.

Junsu turns to you and after a beat a sheepish smile appears on his face.

“Oh, that’s right. I keep forgetting. I’m so used to eating with Changmin all the time that I forget not everyone’s stomach is an endless pit.”

You can’t help but perk your ears up a little more at the name.

“Well Junsu, seeing as I won’t be able to finish this all on my own, and since you brought me all this, would you care to join me for dinner?”

Junsu beams and practically bounces over to you, helping you take a seat at the kitchen table before seating himself.

“So, how much does Changmin eat then?”


You two spend an enjoyable hour and a half discussing a variety of topics, from Changmin’s impossible eating habits - I kid you not, hyung! He’s a monster!, to classes - umm…academics aren’t really my thing, to their hobbies - you must come to one of my games, hyung! And bring some homemade snacks my team would love you forever!

Aside from figuring out that Changmin was a very enthusiastic eater and lover of all things food, you also find that he is very good at singing, actually Junsu is too, and they enjoy going to noraebang on the nights they just need to let loose and de-stress.

After securing a promise to go singing together when you’re feeling better, you see Junsu out, repeating over again your many thanks for spending the time with you and bringing you food.

“Of course, hyung! Anything for you.”

You’re touched beyond words and go in for a hug, before stopping yourself. After Junsu gives you a curiously hurt look, you explain shyly, don’t want to get you sick either, before he just laughs his unique laugh and pulls you in for a hug anyway.

“Think you’re past the contagious stage, hyung.”

If only you aren’t already enamored with his best friend…


Friday rolls around, finding you finally back in class. Yoochun was giving you the oddest look as you got dressed this morning.

“Why are you even bothering? It’s FRIDAY for crying out loud. Just might as well take this day off too and make it a whole week vacation.”

You can’t help but roll your eyes, but the shirt being pulled over your head is obstructing your view and ultimately, Yoochun’s view of your tired amusement.

“I have to hand in my assignments and I’ve been gone for too long as is.” You quickly move to the door, grabbing your book bag as you walk past the living room. Grabbing breakfast from the bakery today, no time.

“This has nothing to do with a certain tall, handsome maknae that didn’t come to visit does it?!” Right before the door closes behind you.

Damn you Yoochun. Stop reading me like an open book.


Business Ethics rolls around fast and you’re fidgeting in your seat.

You try to stop yourself multiple times and have now gotten it down to sporadic foot jiggling.

Oh my god Yunho might be right! I am some lovesick teenage girl. No no no, I am a perfectly calm human being. I can handle this. It’s only a crush. A teeny tiny crush and my heart doesn’t beat fast when he smiles at me or when he laughs and his eyes go mismatched and -

You’re interrupted mid-daydream by a familiar chuckle to your right.

“You’re amusing to watch. Your face displays your emotions so easily.”

You try to compose yourself slightly before turning to address your aisle mate.

“How long have you been watching me? You could have given me a friendly greeting instead of creepily staring at me.” You try to resist the urge to pout.

Changmin smiles brightly. Damn him.

“Not too long, be proud. I actually made it on time. And it is really good to see you Jaejoong-hyung.”

You try not to melt on the inside. But then you remember that you never saw a peep out of him since your confinement and you glare accusingly.

“Thanks for coming to visit. I saw more out of your best friend, who I just met, than you!”

Changmin’s smile dims a little and you kind of want to take back what you said. You’re not that hurt, really.

Changmin turns to stare up front, giving a derisive sniff.

“I find my health to be a little more important. Wouldn’t want to practically miss a whole week of classes, like one particular hyung.”

You catch him sneaking a peek at you and you don’t know if you should take him seriously or not.

The professor decides that now would be the perfect time to walk and your retort is left to die on your lips.


“Fine, I’ll make it up to you! Noraebang tonight? Junsu tells me you enjoy singing.”

You look up from packing up your things, giving Changmin a blank stare before turning back to your papers.

“Oh don’t be like that! You know I was joking right?”



You shuffle your papers around some more before putting them away.

“Fine! Noraebang and dinner!”


“My treat!”

You turn to Changmin then with a large grin on your face.

“Deal. See you at 6 at my place, bring Su along with you.” Quickly getting out of the classroom before Changmin realizes what just happened.

“…Hey!! You’re not allowed to trick me like that, hyung!!”
Your laugh could be heard all the way down the hall.


jaemin, writing, dbsk, fiction, as luck would have it

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